Life News – by Steven Ertelt

Yesterday, Kellogg Co., which manufactures popular breakfast cereals and other products, decided to pull its advertising from Brietbart News, which reports conservative news — including pro-life news. The company claimed the web site’s conservative readers are not “aligned with our values as a company.”

“We regularly work with our media-buying partners to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren’t aligned with our values as a company,” said Kellogg’s spokesman Kris Charles. “We recently reviewed the list of sites where our ads can be placed and decided to discontinue advertising on We are working to remove ads from that site.”   Continue reading “Kelloggs Pulls Ads From Pro-Life News Web Site: It’s “Not Aligned With Our Values as a Company””

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The new implementation of EPA rules on heavy trucks has boosted the 10-year regulatory burden on America past $1 trillion, 75 percent of which have been imposed by the Obama administration.

That amounts to a one-time charge of $3,080 per person, or an annual cost of $540, according to a new analysis from American Action Forum.   Continue reading “New EPA rules push regulatory costs past $1 trillion, $3,080 per person”


Talk about cruel and unusual punishment!

The Canadian town of Kensington has hit upon a genius plan to detract its residents from drinking and driving this holiday season.

Not only will the cops charge you, they’ll also blast Nickelback while they haul you to jail.   Continue reading “Canadian cops to punish drunk drivers with Nickelback tunes”

Need to Know Network

On Wednesday, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan testified in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee regarding the conditions on the southern border with Mexico.

During Morgan’s opening statement, he painted an unpleasant picture of what U.S. Border Patrol agents face every day.   Continue reading “U.S. Border Patrol Chief: Assaults On U.S. Border Patrol Agents Up 200% From Last Year”

Free Beacon – by Adam Kredo

Border Patrol agents are reporting that they are overwhelmed by a massive uptick in illegal immigration of unaccompanied foreign children, leaving some members of the force stuck serving food to kids and ordering various supplies such as baby wipes, according to Mark Morgan, chief of the Border Patrol, which operates within the Department of Homeland Security.

Border agents have expressed shock at the menial tasks they’ve been required to perform following a massive flow of illegal immigrant children across the U.S. southern border, according to Morgan, who warned that the force is being strained as a result of this influx.   Continue reading “Overwhelmed Border Patrol Agents Stuck Serving Burritos to Illegal Immigrants”

The Hill – by Jessie Hellmann

More than 2,000 veterans have announced plans to assemble in an effort to protect protesters at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota next week.

The effort, called Veterans Stand for Standing Rock, is meant to be a nonviolent intervention to defend protesters from what they described as “assault and intimidation at the hands of the militarized police force.”   Continue reading “2,000 vets vow to defend Dakota pipeline protesters”

Bloomberg – by Jennifer Jacobs

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. President Gary Cohn and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney were meeting Tuesday with Donald Trump as the president-elect and his team consider candidates to fill out key roles in the administration.

Cohn arrived at Trump Tower in Manhattan Tuesday afternoon for a meeting with Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. Trump was then scheduled to go to dinner with Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee who’s a contender for secretary of state. Another potential choice for the nation’s top diplomat, Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, met with Trump earlier in the day.   Continue reading “Trump Meets With Goldman’s Cohn as Dinner Set With Critic Romney”

IB Times – by Andrew Perez, January 25, 2016

Advocates for divesting from the firearms industry got a boost from Wall Street titan George Soros last week. The billionaire investor is in a strong position to make such a call: He’s one of the leading financiers of the gun control movement, and the fund he leads recently owned a piece of the firearms industry.

On Thursday, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros expressed interest in the divestment idea. Asked by International Business Times if investors who support gun control should sell their holdings in firearms companies, Soros responded: “I’m very much against guns. And if it can be organized on a large enough scale, I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”   Continue reading “George Soros Invested In Firearm Companies While Backing Gun Control Groups”

NBC News

An Ohio State University student plowed a car into a campus crowd, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife before being shot dead by police Monday morning, officials said.

Nine people were taken to hospitals after the ambush, and one was in critical condition. The incident was initially reported as an “active shooter” situation, but the suspect did not shoot anyone.   Continue reading “Somali refugee suspect in Ohio State Attack”

George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump are all of the same party, the Destructiveness Party that is hell bent on destroying completely our country and our freedom.

I keep hearing Patriot talk show hosts talking good about Donald and putting Hillary down.  They are the same people with the same direction and both hate you and me, and their boss George is giving them both their marching orders.   Continue reading “Destructiveness Party”

Washington Post – by Sofia Barbarani

CARACAS, Venezuela — It’s not so easy to find someone who still uses a wallet in Venezuela, where inflation is expected to reach 720 percent this year and the biggest bill — 100 bolivars — is worth about 5 U.S. cents on the black market.

The currency has dropped dramatically in value as Venezuela’s oil-based economy has cratered and the government has frantically printed more money. Prices, meanwhile, are soaring. So Venezuelans must handle huge volumes of cash — so much that the bills don’t always fit in a standard wallet — with many people packing wads of currency in handbags, money belts or backpacks.   Continue reading “Venezuela’s currency is so devalued it no longer fits in ordinary wallets”


FRONTON, Texas (AP) — A Texas state trooper was wounded on the Texas-Mexico border when a bullet apparently strayed from a gunbattle on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande.

Lt. Johnny Hernandez of the Texas Department of Public Safety says the trooper suffered a leg wound.   Continue reading “Texas state trooper hit by gunfire from Mexico”

Huffington Post

Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Saturday said that it would participate in a recount initiated by Green Party nominee Jill Stein in Wisconsin and said it would take similar action if a recount was initiated in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The campaign has taken a number of steps since election day to review election results and has not found “any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,” Marc Elias, the campaign’s general counsel, wrote in a statement on Medium. The campaign had not planned to call for a recount, Elias wrote, but now that one is underway, it felt an obligation to participate. The extent of the campaign’s participation was not immediately clear.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Says It Will Participate In Wisconsin Recount”

The Survivalist Blog – by Ron Melchiore

I had another post in mind to submit to you folks but forest fires are a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I’ve recently become aware of the fires burning in various areas particularly in the Southeastern United States. In fact, it finally made the National news tonight. I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail many years ago and I can’t imagine the number of fires or amount of territory now burning through those areas.

As some of you know, we’ve had our share of forest fires out here. They’ve literally had us running for our lives. I can’t think of too many things that demand immediate attention more than walking out the door and seeing a billowing curtain of gray/black smoke rising skyward in the nearby forest.   Continue reading “Preparing For And Protecting You Home And Or Retreat From Forest Fire”