Yahoo News

Imagine if clinics in developing countries were equipped with an inexpensive yet durable tool that could help medical personnel identify and diagnose a variety of deadly diseases like Malaria, Chagas disease, or Leishmaniosis? For millions of people around the world waiting to be diagnosed and treated, such a tool could be a life-saver.

Manu Prakash, a professor at Stanford University and his students have developed a microscope out of a flat sheet of paper, a watch battery, LED, and optical units that when folded together, much like origami, creates a functional instrument with the resolution of 800 nanometers – basically magnifying an object up to 2,000 times.   Continue reading “Super-Cheap Paper Microscope Could Save Millions of Lives”

Yahoo News – by Beth Greenfield

After a quick-rising backlash against Subway’s use of the dough additive azodicarbonamide (ADA), the fast-food giant recently announced that it would stop using the chemical foaming agent — found in items from yoga mats to flip-flops — in its bread. It was a small victory in the fight against questionable food additives — one that feels even smaller this week, as the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a new report finding ADA in the ingredients of nearly 500 supermarket-brand bread products.   Continue reading “Yoga-Mat Chemical Found in Way More Food Products Than Subway Bread, Report Finds”

Colo. Marijuana Businesses Embrace New Drug at Center of DEA Crackdown in CalifYahoo News – by CHRIS R. MURPHY and GEOFF MARTZ

While Drug Enforcement Administration agents in California are cracking down on the popular new drug known as “wax,” people in Colorado are rushing to embrace it.

Wax, the ultimate distillation of marijuana, is so potent that it is said a single hit will keep a person high for more than a day.   Continue reading “Colo. Marijuana Businesses Embrace New Drug at Center of DEA Crackdown in Calif”

SoulSigns of the Times – by Spirit Science and Metaphysics

A book titled Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza who was voted the 3rd most important scientist alive by the NY Times, has no doubts that this is possible.

Beyond time and space    Continue reading “Scientists claim that Quantum Theory proves consciousness moves to another universe at death”

Firefly Cover_11Business Insider – by LINETTE LOPEZ

First, a caveat: The Firefly vaporizer is not intended to be used for marijuana.

Definitely not.

Never mind that the herb is now legal for recreational use in two states, and can be obtained with a prescription in 20 more. Or that legislation now pending in 10 additional states would decriminalize the use of cannabis for medical purposes.   Continue reading “Why An Apple Developer Quit His Job To Invent The Tesla Of Toking Up”

Gun with laserBizPac Review – by Michael Dorstewitz

A top aide to strict gun-grabbing New York Gov.Andrew Cuomo has been granted a waiver forcarrying a firearm at government offices in violation of state law.

Cuomo appointed Jerome Hauer to take over the state’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services in 2011, according to the Albany Times Union.   Continue reading “Top Cuomo aide granted waiver after repeatedly breaking NY gun law”

Mass mobs fill pews, lift prayers at NY churchesYahoo News – by CAROLYN THOMPSON

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — You’ve heard of flash mobs? Behold the Mass mob.

Playing off the idea of using social media to summon crowds for parties or mischief, mobs of Buffalo-area Roman Catholics have been filling pews and lifting spirits at some of the city’s original, now often sparsely attended, churches.   Continue reading “Mass mobs fill pews, lift prayers at NY churches”

Donna Bennett inEAG News – by BEN VELDERMAN 

CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. – The way Donna Bennett sees it, the United States of America is in need of a little tender loving care these days.

Bennett, a former middle school math teacher, senses that too many Americans don’t have a proper understanding or appreciation of the people, ideas and founding documents that made this nation the envy of the world. She sees evidence of that by the way our elected leaders are behaving in Washington, D.C.   Continue reading “Former teachers’ ‘Freedom Camp’ helps kids appreciate America, since many modern educators are hostile to U.S.”

Information Liberation – by Chris

“Have sex with me or get a DUI,” that’s what police officer Timothy H. Jones, who “served” for over twenty years as a cop, told a young woman he pulled over for drunk driving. Under threat of imprisonment, the woman complied and let the officer rape her. He’s now been sentenced and convicted, but Judge Thomas Prebil only sentenced him to a single year in jail.

From STL Today:   Continue reading “Cop Who Told Woman Have Sex With Him Or Get A DUI Given Only One Year In Jail”

Pass the jointGlobal Post – by Simeon Tegel

LIMA, Peru — Argentina has given the first sign that Uruguay’s groundbreaking cannabis reform just may have started a domino effect across Latin America.

Following the momentous vote by its smaller neighbor’s senate this month — making it the first nation in the world to completely legalize the soft drug — Argentina’s anti-drug czar Juan Carlos Molina has called for a public discussion in his country about emulating the measure.   Continue reading “Uruguay’s neighbor Argentina now considering marijuana legalization”

Tribune illustration of handcuffsChicago Tribune – by Jeremy Gorner and Patrick Svitek

A Chicago police officer has been relieved of his police powers after being accused of breaking a senior citizen’s hip when the officer shoved the man during an argument earlier this month.

David Barrett, a 20-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, was ordered held in lieu of $10,000 bond on Saturday on a charged of aggravated battery.   Continue reading “Prosecutors: CPD officer broke senior citizen’s hip in gas station dispute”

Information Liberation – by Philip Smith

A Burleson County sheriff’s deputy leading a dawn, no-knock drug raid was shot and killed by the homeowner last Thursday. Sgt. Adam Sowders becomes the 40th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

Although Sowders was killed early last Thursday morning, we delayed reporting the story because the sheriff’s department refused for several days to release search warrant information that would have verified it was indeed a drug-related search warrant.   Continue reading “Texas Deputy Killed in Dawn No-Knock Drug Raid”

Transcendence Movie 2014That’s Really Possible – by Glyn Taylor

Transcendence, a 2014 movie produced by Christopher Nolan, features events which are predicted by many scientists and futurists as likely to occur in reality within the first half of this century. The predictions featured include those subscribed to by Ray KurzweilHugo de Garis, and Jason Silva.

The plot involves two leading computer scientists working towards their goal of sparking the Technological Singularity, as a radical anti-technology organization fights to prevent them from creating a world where computers can transcend the abilities of the human brain.   Continue reading “Transcendence Movie Features Real Future Predictions”

Bloomberg – by Mark Chediak, Christopher Martin and Ken Wells

If you wonder why America’s utilities are rattled by the explosive growth in rooftop solar – – and are pushing back — William Walker has a story for you.

A flip-flop wearing Walker stands in his driveway pointing to a ubiquitous neighborhood feature – solar panels on the roofs of five of six houses nearby. He lives in Ewa Beach, a development on the sultry leeward coast of the Hawaiian island of Oahu built on land cleared of sugar cane fields.   Continue reading “Utilities Feeling Rooftop Solar Heat Start Fighting Back”

Biz Pac Review – by Cheryl Carpenter Klimek

President Obama has had a tough year, and during Friday’s end-of-the-year press conference he was asked if it had been his worst year ever.

NBC’s David Gregory asked Sunday’s Meet the Press panel to weigh in on that question, with the best assessment coming from Republican strategist Ana Navarro.   Continue reading “Obama’s bad year: Any worse he’ll need a ‘bottle of whiskey and a box of Kleenex’”

Phil Robertson AP via MailOnlineBizz Pac Review – by Janeen Capizola

For the first time since his controversial comments on homosexuality landed him an indefinite suspension on the hit show “Duck Dynasty,” Phil Robertsonspoke out and defended his statements and religious beliefs, according to a report from the MailOnline who was granted exclusive access to Robertson on Sunday.

“I will not give or back off from my path because you conquered death, Father, so we are not worried about all the repercussions,” Robertson said as he led a “defiant prayer” at a Bible study class in his hometown church in Louisiana Sunday.    Continue reading “‘Duck Dynasty’ star breaks silence, defends statements: ‘I will not give or back off’”