Liberty Fight

Elaine L. Chao was just confirmed yesterday to serve as President Trump’s Transportation Secretary. Chao is married to arch-neocon Mitch McConnell and served as assistant Secretary of Transportation under George H.W. Bush, as well as Labor Secretary for 8 years under George W. Bush.

On January 11, 2017, during preliminary Senate confirmation hearings, Senator Deb Fischer questioned Chao about infrastructure and how America is going to pay for all of President Trump’s lofty infrastructure projects.   Continue reading “Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao: Highway Trust Fund Will Go Bankrupt By 2021 If We Don’t Find New Source Of Revenue: Gas Tax Is No Longer Adequate”

Liberty Fight

I’ve been following Rand Paul’s statements on “repealing and replacing Obamacare” for some time. Several of those earlier videos are below.

But one fundamental point that none of the politicians or pundits had directly answered: I would like to know whether or not Trump and these republicans who keep saying “replace” obamacare are going to keep health insurance compulsory in America? No one is being direct and honest about this.   Continue reading “Rand Paul’s Squirrely Answer On Removing Obamacare Mandate & Penalties”

Liberty Fight

I gotta be honest, folks, this is probably for me one of the most exciting and fascinating stories I’ve ever broken here at As a Catholic civil rights advocate and truth-seeker I have long published stories which have a Catholic angle. Even though my audience is largely secular, I believe that all types of folks should work together for the greater good. I strongly advocate for the respect of our God-given rights and that government respect the inherent natural rights of all people. To me, the battle against all the evil in this world is primarily a spiritual battle.

So to find this morning a historical never-before published letter from the Martin Luther King Jr., who is regarded worldwide as the best-known civil rights leader, is astounding.   Continue reading “HISTORIC: Never-Before-Published Martin Luther King, Jr. Letter To A Catholic Woman On The Holy Catholic Rosary”

Liberty Fight

Mere hours before an armed gunman murderered five people in a Florida airport, the outgoing Chief of Homeland Security ‘Jeh Johnson’ bragged in an official memo about how safe the Department of Homeland Security was keeping airports.

He specifically mentioned how effectively they keep dangerous loaded weapons out of airports!   Continue reading “Hours Before Florida Massacre, DHS Chief Jeh Johnson Boasted About Airport Security”

Liberty Fight

Six years ago, two Texas Troopers threatened to arrest me and impound my vehicle if I did not show them my ID, even though they had no legal basis to ask for it. When I asked him why, one of the troopers replied “I’m the one with the badge and the gun.” That same week, I flied state and federal civil rights complaints, and to my shock, the cop’s employer actually admitted wrongdoing, in writing no less! The admission letter, dated December 20, 2010, stated that “corrective action was needed” against both officers and that “additional training has been taken.” Even better, the agency was then forced to admit in federal court that “The passenger is under no obligation to comply with request” for ID. I actually recorded both these idiots with my cellphone at the very moment they illegally demanded my ID. They were very dumb. 🙂   Continue reading “NO, You Don’t Have To Show Your ID To Cops Without Cause”

Liberty Fight

The federal government (U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration – often referred to as ‘DOT’ and ‘FMCSA’) published this interesting drowsy-driving quiz.

I took an interest in this matter several years ago after two insane, rogue cops forced me to wake up out of the sleeper berth of a commercial vehicle and show them my ID for absolutely no reason, while I was on my federally-mandated ten-hour sleep time. At the time, I had just become a truck driver, but I knew enough that cops weren’t supposed to do this.   Continue reading “U.S. Department of Transportation Drowsy Driving Quiz”

Liberty Fight

In researching President-elect Trump’s pick for DHS Chief, General John F. Kelly, I learned that he led a squadron of U.S. Marines in Los Angeles during the 1992 Rodney King riots.

Of course most ‘aware’ people don’t like the idea of “troops in the streets” and military used as domestic law enforcement. They might immediately use this fact to demonize General Kelly and post sensational headlines such as Trump’s DHS Chief Ran Gitmo, Led Troops On U.S. Streets!!   Continue reading “Harvey Levin (WAY Before TMZ) Stuck In 1992 Los Angeles Rodney King Riots: “It Looks Like Something Out Of Desert Storm – I’m Scared!””

Liberty Fight

President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Elaine Chao to be his Secretary of Transportation, the head of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Chao served as President George W. Bush’s Secretary of Labor for Bush’s full 8-year presidency. Chao is married to neocon Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

I have some comments on this, as a trucker, business owner and someone who is literally affected by all the absurd edicts of the DOT every day. If you”re politically-correct or easily offended, I’m warning you, leave now.   Continue reading “A Few Notes On Trump’s Pick Of Swamp-Dweller Neocon “Elaine Chao” As Head Of Dept. Of Transportation, From A Real (Non-PC) Trucker”

Liberty Fight

It’s so very sad when there are so many of these damn trigger-happy cops murdering people that I cant even keep track of them anymore. The latest case, a travesty of justice is a cop in Winslow Arizona who killed a beautiful 27-year old woman, Loreal Tsingine. Police had been called with claims that the native American woman and mother had stolen beer from a Circle K convenience store. They responded by summarily executing her on the street, shooting her four times.   Continue reading “Another Cop gets Away With State-Sanctioned Killing: 27 Year-Old Native American Woman in Winslow Arizona”

Liberty Fight

The Idaho Attorney General announced today that no charges will be filed against the two deputies who killed 62-year-old rancher Jack Yantis last November 1st.

Adams County Sheriff Ryan Zollman, dressed like a teenie-bopper in a baseball cap, shades propped against his forehead and a t-shirt, announced that he was disappointed in the decision- not because of the decision itself, but rather because it was released during a rodeo. Zollman called the decision an “unnecessary distraction.”   Continue reading “Adams County Sheriff Ryan Zollman: We Have A Rodeo Going On, The Yantis Decision “Is An Unnecessary Distraction””

Liberty Fight

Very sad and disappointing news today out of Idaho- the Attorney General has announced that no charges will be filed against deputies Brian Wood and Cody Roland, who slaughtered 62-year-old rancher Jack Yantis outside of his ranch on November 1, 2015. The Adams County Sheriff’s department had called Jack at home and requested that he put down one of his bulls, which had been hit by a car. The deputies then pumped twelve bullets into Jack’s chest, stomach and heart in front of his nephew and wife, who immediately had a heart attack.   Continue reading “Idaho Attorney General: No Charges against Deputies Who Killed Jack Yantis”

Liberty Fight

At about 9:05 P.M. on Wednesday July 7, police from St Anthony Police Department in Falcon Heights, Minnesota shot and killed 32-year-old Philando Castile, of St. Paul. Castile had a concealed carry permit and was complying with the law, he informed the officer that he had a weapon and was reaching for his ID as the officer instructed, when he was shot four times and killed. Castile’s girlfriend Diamond Reynolds, amazingly calm, live-streamed the aftermath of the killing on Facebook. That horrific ten minute video is embedded below.   Continue reading “Police Who Murdered Concealed Carry Driver For Busted Taillight Were Trained By DHS, FBI, U.S. Secret Service, & National Guard”

Liberty Fight, July 4, 2016

Benjamin Netanyahu made a trip to Uganda today- the first time in decades that an Israeli Prime Minister has made such a trip. Today is the anniversary of the death of Netanyahu’s older brother Jonathan, a military commander who was the sole fatality in a military hostage rescue operation conducted by the IDF called ‘Operation Entebbe’. It took place at the Uganda airport on July 4, 1976.

“Entebbe is always with me. Not a day goes by that I do not think what might have been,” Bibi tweeted today, accompanied with a photo of him pensively overlooking the Uganda airport.   Continue reading “Israeli Prime Minister in Uganda, Remembers His Slain Brother Jonathan Who Died In ‘Operation Entebbe’”

Liberty Fight

An update on our story from ten days ago. In case you haven’t heard the details, the FBI admits in their own felony complaint that multiple undercover FBI agents infiltrated Bill Keebler’s ‘Patriot Defense Force’ in Utah, encouraged Keebler to use explosives, volunteered to make them, and then supplied the inert explosive device for Keebler to plant at an abandoned Arizona Bureau of Land Management facility. [See our previous article here: FBI Arrests Utah Man Who Has “An Extreme Hatred For The Federal Government,” Charged With Bomb Plot On BLM June 23, 2016]

FBI Special Agent Steven Daniels swore to and signed this felony complaint on June 22, 2016. It was signed by Utah Magistrate Judge Dustin B. Pead. (Here is a bio on Judge Pead.)   Continue reading “FBI Admits Supplying The Dummy-Bomb To ‘Domestic Terrorist’: Man Arrested For Bureau of Land Management Bomb Plot Admittedly Set Up By Multiple Undercover FBI Employees”

Liberty Fight

Paul Elam of ‘An Ear for Men’ has a very interesting video analysis of the San Diego, CA District Attorney’s recent video targeting domestic violence victims.

During the video, he points out an undeniable bias against men, as well as a very interesting study which notes “286 scholarly investigations, 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. [- Martin S. Fiebert, Department of Psychology, Cal State University, Long Beach.]   Continue reading “Advocate Warns: “Male Domestic Violence Victims Should Not Seek Help in San Diego or Anywhere Else””

Liberty Fight

Six months ago today, I drove over 700 miles one way from Virginia to Grand Rapids, Michigan and stood in the rain for over ten hours to get a front row spot to see Donald Trump and confront him over the fact that it was indeed dancing Israelis, not cheering Muslims, who were celebrating and cheering as the twin towers blew up on September 11, 2001.   Continue reading “Six Months Ago Today Trump Learned That They Were Israelis, Not Muslims, Cheering In New Jersey On 9/11”

Liberty Fight

This is just incredible. In a horrifying development, the grieving widow of rancher Jack Yantis got an eerily identical call from Adams County Idaho Sheriffs Department a few nights ago, asking Donna Yantis to come out to the highway and help them with some cows who were in the road.

Donna’s experience was re-posted in The Justice for Jack group.   Continue reading “Sheriffs Who Killed Jack Yantis Call His Widow At Night and Tell HER That Their Cows Are Once Again In The Road”

Liberty Fight

Law enforcement in Idaho has issued a ‘LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE’ internal document known as an “ATL” – attempt to locate – Brian Wood, one of the deputies who killed 62-year-old rancher Jack Yantis on November 1, 2015. has obtained a copy of this three page document.

Brian Wood, pictured below, is an FBI-Trained Sniper, who was previously sued for roughing up a 79-year-old man.    Continue reading “All Hell Breaks Loose In Jack Yantis Case: Idaho Law Enforcement Issues *USE EXTREME CAUTION* Statewide Alert For Deputy Who Killed Jack Yantis”

Liberty Fight

Many old programs from corporate news and entertainment networks are made available to the public for sale and use in private homes.

ABC’s 20/20 has an entire online marketplace where they sell episodes going years back.

But when a documentary filmmaker and 9/11 researcher wanted to buy a copy of ABC’s 20/20 episode titled ‘The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?’ from June 21, 2002, it was a no go.   Continue reading “ABC Sells COUNTLESS Old News Archives To The Public – Just NOT The 20/20 Episode About The Dancing Israelis”