Photo - Protesters participate in a display of civil disobedience as labor organizers escalate their campaign to unionize the industry's workers. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)Washington Examiner – by Sean Higgins

The federal government has signed agreements with three foreign countries — Mexico, Ecuador and the Philippines — to establish outreach programs to teach immigrants their rights to engage in labor organizing in the U.S.

The agreements do not distinguish between those who entered legally or illegally. They are part of a broader effort by the National Labor Relations Board to get immigrants involved in union activism.   Continue reading “U.S. signed agreement with Mexico to teach immigrants to unionize”

Alex Younger said his main priority was to keep the service 'in the premier league of intelligence services'The Telegraph – by Con Coughlin and Ben Farmer

Britain’s intelligence services are involved in a “technology arms race” as they attempt to tackle threats posed by the “dark side of globalisation”, the head of MI6 has warned.

Intelligence officers and the agents they run are increasingly being put at risk “byterrorists, malicious actors in cyberspace, and criminals” as they seek to exploit new technology that allows them to see how Britain’s intelligence agencies operate.

Continue reading “Intelligence agencies in ‘technology arms race’”

Yahoo News

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – At least one person was killed and several others injured when a truck hit a beam on a highway bridge under construction above Interstate 35 in central Texas, causing a collapse that rained debris on vehicles, officials said.

The accident took place in Salado, about 50 miles (80 km) north of Austin, on the major highway that runs through the center of the United States from Texas to Minnesota.

At least three of the injuries are serious, said Texas State Trooper Harpin Myers, who also said there had been a fatality.   Continue reading “One killed, several injured in Texas highway beam collapse”

Gutierrez and Cardenas (Michelle Moons / Breitbart News)Breitbart – by Michelle Moons

U.S. Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) has been traveling the country on an “Immigration Action National Tour,” gathering foreign nationals illegally present in the United States, organizing them to rally for comprehensive immigration reform, and guiding them in applying for legal status under President Obama’s executive amnesty plans–DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and DAPA (Deferred Action for Parental Accountability).

On Saturday in Los Angeles, following an earlier, similar event at the University of Southern California, Gutierrez joined U.S. Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-CA) at Panorama High School in what was the last event listed on his cross-country tour.   Continue reading “Rep. Cardenas Tells Illegals: ‘I Represent All of You’ in Congress”

John Frederick Foerester - Texas TDCJ MugshotBreitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

MCALLEN, Texas — In a surprise move, a member of the Texas border militia group Rusty’s Rangers pleaded guilty to a weapons charge of being a felon in possession of a weapon. The surprise plea came just one day after John Foerster went before U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen for a competency hearing to determine if the so-called militia member was competent enough to understand the charges and face trial, court records obtained by Breitbart Texas revealed.

Soon after being deemed fit to stand trial Foerster went before Hanen for a re-arraignment hearing to plead guilty to the charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm. His sentencing hearing is set for late June.   Continue reading “Texas Border Militia Member Pleads Guilty To Federal Weapons Charge”

Immigration ShowdownMy Fox Houston – by Kristine Galvan

HOUSTON (FOX 26) – Pedro Rivera is 53 years old, Hispanic, and a retired military man. He’s also part of a growing number of Hispanic Texans pushing for stronger immigration enforcement, including the passage of SB 185, which would stop cities from implementing policies banning local cops from asking immigration-related questions.

“I’m an American citizen and I believe in the rule of law,” Rivera said. “And being Hispanic, I should not be granted special privilege in avoiding the law. We need officers to have all the tools available to them to keep us safe. That includes asking the question, when you’re being detained for a crime or being arrested for an offense, ‘ are you here illegally? Are you a US citizen?’”   Continue reading “Hispanic activists organizing In support of tougher immigration laws”

ShootingUh-oh. Back to the boring TSA/Airport false flag games again. Guess it’s time to ban machetes and wasp spray. Once again, no blood at the scene anywhere. I mean, they aren’t even making it challenging anymore. It’s pathetic. By the way, since when did the TSA start carrying guns?

Yahoo News

KENNER, La. (AP) — A man sprayed wasp killer and swung a machete at TSA agents and passengers at the New Orleans international airport before an officer shot the man several times as people frantically scrambled away, authorities and passengers say.   Continue reading “Police: Man swinging a machete shot at New Orleans airport”

Yahoo News – by Jeffrey Heller and Dan Williams

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed victory in Israel’s election after exit polls showed he had erased his center-left rivals’ lead with a hard rightward shift in which he abandoned a commitment to negotiate a Palestinian state.

Difficult coalition talks still lie ahead. Isaac Herzog, Netanyahu’s chief opponent and head of the center-left Zionist Union, said “everything is still open” and that he already had spoken to party leaders about forming a government.   Continue reading “Netanyahu claims victory in Israel election after hard right shift”

Yahoo News – by Rachel Zoll

NEW YORK (AP) — As a rabbinic student in 1980s New York, Denise Eger lived away from other seminarians. She quietly started a group for fellow gay and lesbian students, but held the meetings in another borough. By the time of her ordination, she wasn’t formally out, but her sexuality was known, and no one would hire her. Later, she took the only job offered, with a synagogue formed expressly as a religious refuge for gays.

Since then, the Reform Jewish movement — Eger’s spiritual home since childhood — has traveled a long road toward recognizing and embracing same-sex relationships. That journey has led this week to Philadelphia, where Eger will be installed Monday as the first openly gay president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the rabbinical arm of Reform Judaism.   Continue reading “US Reform Jewish rabbis install 1st openly lesbian leader”

Yea, I’m sure they really are. Maybe they should try looking within their own government, the CDC or even chemtrails.

Yahoo News – by Tom Polansek

CHICAGO, March 13 (Reuters) – A virulent strain of avian flu that has killed turkeys in the heart of the nation’s poultry region has been found through molecular testing to be nearly identical to viruses isolated in migratory ducks.

But some wildlife experts are skeptical of suggestions that wild birds are responsible for spreading the H5N2 flu strain that has infected poultry in Minnesota, Missouri and Arkansas.   Continue reading “U.S. bird experts mystified by Midwest avian flu spread”

Time – by Rishi Iyengar

China’s exports of weapons rose by a 143% between 2010 and 2014, making the world’s second largest economy the third largest arms exporter behind Russia and top dog the U.S.

The Asian superpower rose above Germany, which had held third place until 2010 but saw its exports reduce by 43% over the same period, according to a report Monday from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.   Continue reading “China Edges Out Germany to Become the World’s Third Largest Arms Exporter”

But when the banks steal trillions of dollars from us taxpayers, no one closes in on them. I see how it is. Too big to jail.


It has become a familiar pattern: The computer system of a big American company is breached, the personal information of tens of millions of customers is stolen and a public outcry ensues. Rarely are the thieves caught.   Continue reading “Authorities Closing In on Hackers Who Stole Data From JPMorgan Chase”


California Governor Jerry Brown (D) has accused Americans opposed to President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty for illegal immigrants of being “un-Christian.”

Brown, who has declared that all illegal immigrants from Mexico are “welcome” in California, made his remarks after a White House meeting on Friday while discussing the lawsuit that a majority of the states filed against Obama’s executive amnesty.   Continue reading “Jerry Brown: Exec Amnesty Opponents ‘Un-Christian’”

Woman Open Carrying in Resturaunt - Reuters-Bill WaughBreitbart – by Bob Price

The Texas Senate is expected to a bring pro-gun open carry bill to the floor for a vote as early as Monday. The move comes after the 60-day bill filing period ended on Friday. The Texas Legislature may now vote on and pass any bills. Before the first sixty days has passed, the Legislature may only approve bills on issues designated as “emergency items” by the Governor.

One bill being considered for early passage is an open carry bill written by State Senator Craig Estes (R-Wichita Falls). The bill (SB 17) which passed a committee vote earlier in the session would allow of open carry of firearms by people who have concealed handgun licenses (CHL). “I am very confident the Senate will pass the bill and we look forward to making it at the discretion of the licensee whether he is to carry concealed (or) open,” said Sen. Estes said in an article in the Amarillo Globe-News.   Continue reading “Texas Legislature Ready to Move Forward on Open Carry Bill”

Elite police unit from Paraguay trains with Texas SWAT near the U.S.-Mexico border.Breitbart – by Idlefonso Ortiz

SAN JUAN, Texas — The increase in cartel spillover violence in South America has forced Paraguay’s police special forces to seek the help of agencies with ample experience in dealing with cartels and organized crime groups who cross borders to kidnap and commit other crimes. This led the elite South American police unit to seek help from Texas border-area SWAT.

Paratroopers, pilots, snipers, and tactical operators from the Special Forces Unit of Paraguay’s National Police traveled to this border city to train with the area’s Law Enforcement Emergency Regional Response Team (LEERT), an elite regional SWAT team.   Continue reading “Paraguay Special Forces Seek Help of Texas Border SWAT in Dealing with Cartel Spillover”

IMG_0804 copyWe have not seen the sun in over a week here in Dallas. Finally this morning we have what would have been a clear blue sky and the chance for a beautiful sunny day, but nope. These bastards just won’t let us have ONE single sunny day. It’s like it’s a disease to them.

And yet, my co-workers complain all the time that they can’t remember the last time they have seen the sun and never wonder why that is.

I tell them, “stop looking at your I-Phones and look up at the damn sky!!! Does that look normal to you!!!???”   Continue reading “Another chemtrail day in Dallas”

From Andrew Carrington Hitchcock’s book, The Synagogue of Satan, in relation to the Zionist Jews’ present day illegal immigration agenda for America.

“Introduction of different races into countries is the Jews’ most effective form of warfare yet against the Western World, and is known as the, “Silent War,” which has taken place at various times this century, primarily in the United States and the United Kingdom.   Continue reading “Zionist Immigration Agenda”

As if a petition is going to stop it. But at least it gets the message out that We the People know about it and have had enough.

Activist Post – by Catherine J. Frompovich

There’s a petition regarding overhead aerosol spraying, similar to a petition about forced/mandatory vaccinations that needed 100,000 signatures. That petition, “PROHIBIT ANY LAWS MANDATING THE FORCE AND REQUIREMENT OF VACCINATIONS OF ANY KIND” apparently was ‘stopped’ for three days, but, eventually, after activists brought that ‘malfunction’ to the public’s attention, gathered 126,877signatures on the White House petition website, “We the People,” by the time I was writing this article the evening of March 6, the petition’s closing date.   Continue reading “Stop Chemtrail Spraying Petition to White House Needs Signatures”