Combat Studies Group

Between the rifle and the pistol, I will generally spend more training time on the pistol. There are a couple reasons for this…

1) All things being equal, it takes more skill to be consistently accurate with a pistol than with a rifle – the rifle having the benefit of a longer sight radius (or optics) and the inherent stability that comes with a stocked firearm. (Not to mention the weight-to-trigger pull ratio disparity with a pistol).   Continue reading “Improve Your Pistolcraft…”

Sh.jpegAll Alabama -by Cassie Fambro

Washington state legislator Rep. Matt Shea (R) says preparation is crucial to get ready for what he calls “the inevitable collapse” of the US economy.

The Self-Reliance Rally event at an Idaho State Park had several speakers encouraging attendees to prepare by gathering arms and ammunition and considering forming militias.

“When it happens, we need to look at this as a opportunity, not a crisis,” Shea said. “Who’s job is liberty? That’s our job.”  Continue reading “Legislator to tea party: Get your guns ready for economic collapse”

Lynwood YatesAP – The Big Story – by MICHAEL KUNZELMAN

MORVEN, Ga. (AP) — Small-town police departments across the country have been gobbling up tons of equipment discarded by a downsizing military — bicycles, bed sheets, bowling pins, French horns, dog collars, even a colonoscopy machine — regardless of whether the items are needed or will ever be used.

In the tiny farming community of Morven, Ga., the police chief has grabbed three boats, scuba gear, rescue rafts and a couple of dozen life preservers. The town’s deepest body of water: an ankle-deep creek.   Continue reading “Little Restraint in Military Giveaways”

Bob Owens

“The plan we’ve been given in the past is ‘Well, lock your doors, turn off your lights and hope for the best,’” Superintendent David Hopkins said. But as deadly incidents continued to happen in schools, he explained, the district decided, “That’s not a plan.”

Home to an annual peach festival, the town isn’t known for having dangerous schools. But Hopkins said he faced a flood of calls from parents worried about safety after the attack last year at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.   Continue reading ““That’s not a plan.” Arkansas school district trains armed faculty and staff to confront active shooters, refuses the “hide and die” mantra of those cowardly districts that won’t protect students”

Truthstream Media – by Melissa Melton

A new article up at Forbes “Earth’s Future Forbidden Zones?” begins with all manner of coming world doom:

Science fiction is rife with planetary ‘forbidden zones’ — whole regions of a planet that have become virtually uninhabitable due to changes in climate; politics; nuclear, chemical or biological warfare; pollution; technology gone amok; or something even more exotic.   Continue reading “Future Earth: Agenda 21′s ‘Forbidden Zones’”

Public Intelligence

The following is a list of Twitter accounts followed by the official account of the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Media Monitoring Capability.  The document was obtained via FOIA request by Carlton Purvis using   Continue reading “List of Twitter Accounts Followed by DHS Media Monitoring Capability”

german armyThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

The Internal Revenue Service includes an estimated 106,000 agents and employees.
The Treasury Department allocated $11.522 billion to the agency for operations in 2009.

Thanks to Obamacare the agency is expected to hire from 11,800 to 16,500 new agents.
That means the IRS will have from 117,800 to 122,500 after Obamacare is implemented.   Continue reading “IRS Now Has More Agents Than German Army”

Breitbart – by JOEL B. POLLAK

Stanley Kurtz at National Review Online writes about San Francisco’s new Plan Bay Area–a “regional” plan for San Francisco and the surrounding cities that is ostensibly aimed at making sure minorities can afford the local housing market, but which is actually aimed at forcing Americans to live in denser urban areas as part of state and federal initiatives aimed at slowing global warming by restraining suburban growth.   Continue reading “Quietly, Obama Begins ‘Regionalizing’ America”

whitehouse_exterior_030413.jpgFox News

The federal government is hiring what it calls a “Behavioral Insights Team” that will look for ways to subtly influence people’s behavior, according to a document describing the program obtained by Critics warn there could be unintended consequences to such policies, while supporters say the team could make government and society more efficient.

While the program is still in its early stages, the document shows the White House is already working on such projects with almost a dozen federal departments and agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture.    Continue reading “Gov’t Knows Best? White House creates ‘nudge squad’ to shape behavior”

CFR Steps Up Attack on the Second Amendment Using Discredited StatisticsThe New American – Bob Adelmann

When Julia Sweig, the Nelson and David Rockefeller senior fellow for Latin American studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), released her memorandum on how to reduce gun violence in the United States and Latin America, it revealed not only the CFR’s blatant disregard for Americans’ Second Amendment rights but also Sweig’s proclivity to use outdated and widely discredited statistics to make her case for more restrictions on those rights. She also used flawed logic and outright falsehoods:   Continue reading “CFR Steps Up Attack on the Second Amendment Using Discredited Statistics”

Survival Blog

Mr. Rawles,

I wanted to share my experience regarding this situation. When the great scare began in December, I knew that as a prepared individual I did not need to panic buy and so I decided to perform an experiment.

The goal: To acquire an AR-15 for the lowest possible cost during a time with the highest possible demand.   Continue reading “Buying an AR-15 During the Gun Control Scare of 2013” North Carolina – by Old Sarge

Many of you have claimed, stated, and otherwise mentioned the idea that there are so-called “oathkeepers” in the ranks of the military, who will eventually “wake up”, and throw off the shackles of the regime, and America and the Constitution will be restored complete with rainbows, chocolate rivers and children playing with gumdrop smiles.   Continue reading “Oathkeepers in the ranks of the military will eventually wake up and throw off the shackles of the regime?”

swat-team-690x388WND – by Jack Minor

A key distinction between the U.S. and other nations, even relatively free nations, long has been American restrictions on domestic use of the military, for police actions, law enforcement and keeping things under control.

However, when the local police officer or sheriff’s deputy is equipped with night vision goggles, laser-scope rifles, electronic eavesdropping equipment and body armor and comes up a citizen’s driveway in a military-type personnel carrier with shielded windows and oversize wheels, the prohibitions seem to lose some of their teeth.   Continue reading “SWAT teams new face of police agencies”

Freedom Outpost – by Gordan Runyan

I’ve been trying to become a history student on my own for the last few years. Nothing outrageous, just reading good books as I find them on the cheap. I have had my tree shaken in the last year by two books in particular. One is a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the other is a fairly old textbook documenting the events of the American Revolution.     Continue reading “Noble Voices From the Grave Respond To Tyranny”

Freedom Outpost – by Leon Puissegur

Earlier this week, while he was in Illinois, Barack Obama may have revealed what he truly would like to see happen within the United States. You see it was while Obama was a student at Occidental College that he had time to spend with a man named John Drew. Both were at that time avowed students of Marxism and went to all the Marxist ideology courses and meetings they could attend. Obama was in fact a member of the Democratic Socialist Alliance. This was revealed when I had the privilege of having the only known interview of Dr. John Drew.   Continue reading “Does This Interview Regarding Obama’s Past Indicate He Is Pushing For Social Unrest Today?”

PJ Tatler


RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer is denying the claims made within this article, both via phone and by submitting comments below as “SeanS”.

Additionally, Tom Hofeller, mentioned in this article, claims via email that this article is “unequivocally false.”  Continue reading “RNC Operatives Join Holder’s Campaign Against Texas, Several Other States”

Max Velocity Tactical

I received the following comment on my recent post ‘Field Sleeping Options – A Discussion‘:

“I own and use a FLIR device for hunting, I understand the idea behind blocking the hot spot from showing up on observation devices, but won’t the use of a thermal blocking tarp create a square “hole” in the natural thermal background pattern? By natural thermal pattern I mean the differences in heat signatures that show up due to rates of heat uptake and release.” Anonymous.   Continue reading “Thermal Camouflage & Update on the MVT Shield”

Credit: Wikimedia CommonsNow they’re stock piling other calibers and arms. Along with the manuals and tools related to the individual pieces. I believe they’re out to limit the availability of everything. So as to cause the shortages they want, which in the long term will keep Americans from being able to respond to actions that may go hot. So they think, and plan.

Like I’ve said, get everything you can, while you can…NOW To include all related support items for your piece(s). Spare ejectors, firing pins, armorers manuals, etc. For if you don’t, all you’ll have are glorified clubs and paper weights. Remember, obscenities and throwing rocks won’t do you any good.   Continue reading “U.S. Army to Buy Millions of Russian Rounds of Ammo and Popular Civilian Firearms”