Global Radiation July 14, 2013Northeast Intelligence Network – by Mitch Santell

You will find in this posting a recent global map that was provided to us by Rose Paige who is the Founder of The Con Trail. This social network headquartered in the South Island of New Zealand has over 1,400 members all over the globe. Underneath the picture is a direct link to Rose’s interview.

You will learn about The Christ Church Earthquake, The Radiation from Fukushima, the increase in New Zealand’s debt from 5 Billion Dollars five years ago to 78 Billion dollars today. Discussion of the American Oil company Anadarko drilling in the South Island of New Zealand. Full disclosure that Anadarko is using a brand new “un-tested” drill bit that is causing all kinds of problems with the  South Island and hurting the people, the animals and the environment there.   Continue reading “Fukushima, A Possible Life Extinction Event That Won’t Go Away”

Rep. Amash: "Washington Elites Fear Liberty"The New American – by Jack Kenny

When the White House and the National Security Agency went all out to defeat Rep. Justin Amash’s amendment to cut funding for NSA’s massive collection and storage of Americans’ telephone records, the Michigan Republican cited that opposition as a point in favor of passing the measure.

“When’s the last time a president put out an emergency statement against an amendment?” Amash (shown) tweeted late Tuesday night. “The Washington elites fear liberty. They fear you.” On Wednesday, the House narrowly defeated his amendment 207-217, much closer than the White House would have liked.   Continue reading “Rep. Amash: “Washington Elites Fear Liberty””

Living not Surviving – by ASERAG

“Buying and owning a gun is the right of each and every American. Frankly the federal government has been stepping all over that right and it’s time to rein it in…The government has no business tracking the gun purchases of law-abiding citizens. American’s should not be placed on a watch list for simply exercising their constitutional rights. President Obama should focus his attention on criminals rather than honest citizens exercising their rights.”   Continue reading “Texas Congressman John Carter Fights ATF Rifle Registration with Amendment to Defund Federal Registry, Passes!”

Max Velocity Tactical

Yesterday I posted some thoughts about weather, wet/dry kit drills and some related stuff HERE. I am following up today with a more detailed discussion on options for sleeping in the field.

There are two main areas that this relates to: Firstly, there is living light out of your patrol pack, the ‘travel light, freeze at night’ scenario, and secondly there is living out of your ruck in patrol bases in the longer term. In the first option, what sleep you do get while out on a short term patrol will likely be limited to naps while pulling 50% security at some rally point or ORP. Continue reading “Field Sleeping Options – A Discussion”

Blurring the Line between Police and MilitaryThe New American – by Bob Adelman

Cheye Calvo, the mayor of Berwyn Heights, Maryland, was taking a shower in his home late Tuesday afternoon, July 29, 2008 in preparation for a meeting he had that night. He heard a loud explosion at the front door of his home followed by the screaming of his mother-in-law who was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Their two black Labs, Payton and Chase, started barking. Calvo told what happened:   Continue reading “Blurring the Line between Police and Military”

young5mayorNew Zeal – by Trevor Loudon

If one man could be blamed most for the destruction of Detroit, it would be Coleman Young.

Mayor from 1974 to 1993, Young set a city already in decline on the pathway to the disaster area it is today.

Coleman Young had a well-deserved reputation for corruption, but few today understand his communism.

It is important to know that it was a combination of crony capitalism and communism that destroyed Detroit, because that is exactly the formula being employed by Young’s spiritual heir, Barack Obama, from the White House today.   Continue reading “Coleman Young: the Communist Who Destroyed Detroit”

Charleston Voice

We are led to believe that the two political parties are fighting ferociously to protect and PROVIDE for their constituencies. Ha! Not so. Either consumption tax as a “solution” would further cripple those with the least disposable income, the poor and the productive middle class. The burden of debt as it exists right now is heaped upon the backs of the working class right now. Additional burdens will bring him to his knees.   Continue reading “A VAT or “Fair” Tax would Finish Off America’s Middle Class”

Hidden Lake Village condo signWWSB 7 News – by Bobeth Yates

SARASOTA, Fla. –  A Suncoast woman remains shaken up after mistakenly becoming the subject of a police raid.  The woman says U.S. Marshals were acting on a tip that lead them to the wrong home; and the raid left her staring down the barrel of a gun.

“I was washing dishes and out of my peripheral vision I saw movement.  I looked up and there was a Rambo kind of guy with a vest and gun pointed at me with a white light.  I dropped to the floor and I yelled to my boyfriend there is someone with a gun out there,” said 59-year-old Louise Goldsberry.   Continue reading “Sarasota woman caught in a case of mistaken identity by federal marshals”

Liberty Hollow

Just got a comment which touched on the material I am about to cover, and which prompted me to finish this up and get it out there.  In baseball, when a batter comes to the plate, he gets at least three swings at the ball, but once he’s missed three times, he’s out, he cannot bat any longer in that turn at-bat.  Now baseball does not serve as a great analogy for politics, but I submit to you, gentle reader, that we here in these presently united States have had our three strikes, and that while we are not yet out of the game we are certainly in one hell of a mess.  (BTW, those of you who have never seen George Carlin’s comparison between baseball and football are missing a truly timeless comedic routine.  Fairly clean, too!)   Continue reading “Three Strikes, or the Three Roots of American Tyranny.”

Max Velocity Tactical

I’m just back in front after the computer after an enjoyable training weekend with, as usual, a great bunch of people. In fact, it’s never been any different; at no point have I had anyone attend the course who was not a good decent person. I just posted a couple of AARs from the weekend, and I will publish any more that come in along with any more photos.    Continue reading “Rainstorms & Associated Tactical Thoughts”

Northeast Intelligence Network – by Larry Hagmann

Americans seemed to have suddenly awakened to an egregious invasion of our privacy and assaults on our constitutional rights and civil liberties, as if the process “just appeared” or was just discovered as a recent form of government overreach. While the process has indeed been refined and accelerated over the last decade under the pretext of national security, the architecture of this system of total surveillance was actually revealed decades ago – and longer –  by the global elite. You just have to know where to look.   Continue reading “One nation, under surveillance, with tyranny & injustice for all”

The American Spectator – by Paul Kengor

Did Katrina vanden Heuvel think no one would notice her magazine’s affinity with friends of Joseph Stalin?

The left-wing magazine The Nation has published what it deems America’s all-time, most influential top 50 progressives. The list is very revealing. I will not mention all 50 names, which you can review for yourself, but a few are especially interesting.   Continue reading “The Nation’s Top 50 Progressives… and Socialists and Communists”

Robert Welch New World Order AheadMilitia News

The NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite.

Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society, predicted today’s political, economical, financial, militaristic and religious climate with uncanny accuracy by prescribed solutions within this video in 1974.   Continue reading “Robert Welch Predicting The NEW WORLD ORDER.”

Canada Free Press –  by Jim ONeill

Over the course of its 69-year history, the Soviet Union was notorious for its heavy-handed suppression of political dissent—most infamously through its use of the Siberian GULAGs. But it was during the 1960s and 1970s that the Communist Party took their intolerance for ideological deviance to extremes by diagnosing and institutionalizing so-called counterrevolutionaries with mental illness.   Continue reading “If You Love Freedom Then You Are a Mentally Ill Terrorist—Your Government Says So”

foodNatural News – by S. D. Wells

What you are about to read may come as a major shock to your brain, especially if you read the newspaper, flip through popular magazines often, or pay any attention to the advertisements on television. What you are about to read may seem too simple to be true, and it’s exactly what the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the AMA (American Medical Association), and the Western World of prescription medications does NOT want you to understand, much less remember and use to your advantage.   Continue reading “Eight telltale signs you’ve eaten toxic food”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

As Barack Obama prepares to sign the United Nation’s Small Arms Treaty when Congress concludes its summer session, some have wondered whether or not it gives authority to use foreign troops on US soil to enforce the treaty.

If you wish to understand just what is entailed in the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), you need look no further than Article 15 of the treaty (Click here for a downloadable PDF or click here for the online version). Article 15 reads:   Continue reading “Are Foreign Troops Given Authority To Enforce The UN Small Arms Trade Treaty On US Soil?”