Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Dr. Orly Taitz has been pushing the Barack Obama eligibility issue for some time now. She has sought to go specifically through the court system and back in February she attempted to press the Supreme Court to move to oral arguments on Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of president of the United States. She is also one that questions the motives of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo in their investigation. In June she presented additional information to the Superior Court of California in the Fourth District Court of Appeals in the case of Taitz v. Obama, Feinstein, Emken (The case number is G047746 and the Superior Court case number is 30-2012-00582135), in which she is seeking to have Barack Obama produce his registration record at Occidental College.    Continue reading “Whistleblower: Obama Was Indonesian Citizen & Given Financial Aid As Foreign Student At Occidental College”

Black-Friday-Rush1SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

When will the breakdown of the system begin?

If you’ve been paying attention, then you’ll likely agree with contrarian economist Jim Willie. The breakdown is happening right here and now – it’s already in progress.

Most Americans haven’t realized it just yet, but everything including our economic, financial, monetary and political systems are in full meltdown mode. It was so bad in 2008, in fact, that Congressional members were warned that if they failed to stabilize the financial system there would be tanks in the streets.   Continue reading “Shortages Are Going to Drive People Out of Their Minds: “That’s When the Riots Will Start””

Max Velocity Tactical

My intent is to discuss, in a scenario based format, the dilemma posed by the increased risk of armed home invasion and your potential responses to it. Firstly, let me lay out my assumptions for this discussion:

1) Current ‘Law Enforcement’ policy has seen the proliferation of co-called ‘SWAT’ teams. ‘SWAT’ refers to a ‘Special Weapons and Tactics’ Law Enforcement team. However, due to insufficient selection and training for these teams, there is little ‘special’ and ‘tactics’ about them. Thus, for the purpose of this discussion I will be referring to them as ‘Home Invasion Teams’ or HIT teams.     Continue reading “The Home Invasion Dilemma – Discussion & Scenarios”

Breitbart – AWR Hawkins

Johnstown, Colorado’s town council has approved the construction of the USA Gun Institute, which will ultimately be the largest firearm facility in the state.

According to CBS Denver, the institute will be a “100,000 square foot complex [with] a retail gun shop, five indoor shooting ranges, and a restaurant.”   Continue reading “Colorado Town Approves Construction of Largest Firearm Facility in State”

PictureThe Hagmann & Hagmann Report – by Mitch Santell

Helen Clark was the first female Prime Minister in the history of New Zealand. She is both a socialist and a globalist. During the five years and seven months that I lived in New Zealand, she was the prime minister for 2 of those years. Helen Clark was in office for a total of nine years (three full terms).

The gossip in New Zealand was simple, Helen Clark was to go along with the “new world order” which is really the “old world order” and if she did upon exiting her position as New Zealand’s Prime Minister would be appointed into a key position at the United Nations.   Continue reading “Helen Clark Former PM of New Zealand Sold Out To The UN.”

Reuters – by David Lawder

Congress, staff, to keep federal health premium payments

WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) – Congress has won some partial relief for lawmakers and their staffs from the “Obamacare” health reforms that it passed and subjected itself to three years ago.   Continue reading “U.S. Congress wins relief on Obamacare health plan subsidies”

The Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

As society progresses, we lose small pieces of what made us human. We replace these little pieces with dangerous facsimiles of what originally filled us. Above all else, we lose our sense of moral integrity. What comes with a loss of moral integrity is an animus toward others who still hold values which many have left behind. We reach a certain point—which I fear we are quickly approaching—when that animus evolves into hostility, and that hostility into tyranny. Once we have reached tyranny, we cannot go back; we are trapped behind a glass wall, only able to see in our minds what once was possible, and who we once were. We are no longer humans, but animals, fighting for territory and scraps of food.   Continue reading “Military Chaplain’s Assistant Threatened By Superior Over Her Expression Of Christian Beliefs”

An Army of Van Jones Clones: Tax $ Creating Legions of Green Youth ActivistsThe New American – by William F. Jasper

Van Jones is alive and well, and being cloned in hundreds of federally funded programs around the nation. Jones, the Maoist who was forced to resign as President Obama’s “green jobs czar” when his radical communist activities and statements became an issue, has continued his Green/Red activism through his Rebuild The Dream (RTD) organization. RTD, which promotes Jones’ favorite propaganda themes of “environmental justice” and “climate justice,” is generously funded by the usual suspects: tax-exempt foundations, such as the Tides Foundation, the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute and his Foundation to Promote Open Society.   Continue reading “An Army of Van Jones Clones: Tax $ Creating Legions of Green Youth Activists”

New U.S. Ambassador to UN: U.S. Should Give Up a "Pinch of Sovereignty"The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

The United States Senate has voted to confirm Samantha Power (shown) as the permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations.

On August 1, 87 senators agreed that Power should be the U.S. ambassador to the UN. Only 10 senators opposed her confirmation.   Continue reading “New U.S. Ambassador to UN: U.S. Should Give Up a “Pinch of Sovereignty””

Freedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

Steve Stockman is by far my favorite congressman. The brash Texan from the 36th District is not one to hold back anything in the pursuit of what he feels is just. This is the same man who had the guts to expose Barack Obama for using fake spambots in his gun control pushvowed to kill the senate gun bill  with a blue slipvowed the same on immigration reform and raffled off an AR-15 in the middle of a national gun debate. The list goes on and on with Stockman. He is colorful and he is not afraid.   Continue reading “Steve Stockman Goes After Obama Birth Certificate Issue!”

90 Miles From Tyranny

Updated 8/04/13

“I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.” Barrack Hussein Obama.

Obama took the Presidential Oath, swearing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” but has:   Continue reading “A List of Obama’s Constitutional Violations”

CARNIS VILLAGE, ARKANSAS: A mock civilian operated by electronics and hydraulics is used in training sessions to ad a more realistic feel. (Photo: – by Shepard Ambellas

Editors Note: I want to preface this article by giving a very special thanks to the brave individuals who obtained exclusive photographs of the facility, leaking the initial report to our agency.

FORT CHAFFEE, ARKANSAS — Carnis Village is what the Army National Guard calls it. A mock American town which even contains dummy citizens for domestic training purposes. Located on the grounds of the Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center, the massive training compound is likely a dead-ringer clue foreshadowing the grim path we are now traversing as a nation.   Continue reading “Insider Blows the Whistle On DHS Takeover Plan”

Canada Free Press – by Doug Hagmann

There is one thing certain about the publicized threat to our embassies; it is not what it is presented to be. To accept the official explanation of a nebulous threat from al Qaeda as the reason for closing our embassies across the Middle East and North Africa is being dangerously naive and simplistic.   Continue reading “Unmasking the embassy threat”

a_4x-horizontal.jpgAll Alabama – by George Talbot

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, fielded a doozy of a question during a town hall meeting co-hosted by the Wetumpka Tea Party on Monday in Elmore County.

Roby was asked by a constituent what she and her “non-communist colleagues” in the House might do to stop President Barack Obama.    Continue reading “Is Barack Obama an ‘America-hating, communist despot’? Rep. Martha Roby responds”

Freedom Outpost- by Suzanne Hamner

It becomes harder and harder each day to control the anger that reverberates within my being at the continued audacity of this administration. If you ever wondered what medieval England was like, you have to look no further than the perks and exemptions given to the ruling class – Obama administration and Congress. According to Market Watch and reiterated on the Gateway Pundit, Barack Obama has approved a plan to exempt Congress and their staff from Obamacare.   Continue reading “White House Approves Deal: Congress And Staff Exempt From Obamacare”


This sounds like the type of order only given during wartime or imminent terrorist threat. Direct from the DOT/Federal Railroad Administration website:   Continue reading “A Hint of War? Federal Railroad Administration Issues Emergency Order for Trains with Hazardous Materials”

imagesMichelle Malkin

Here’s a new installment of my Rotten to the Core series on education and curriculum. This latest scandal has only just begun. I hear from multiple sources that there are more damaging e-mails to come. Jeb World is getting rocked not only by this mess, but by the nationwide, grass-roots revolt against his top-down Common Core scheme — which continues to grow despite Bush’s latest p.r. efforts to bamboozle talk radio and conservative pundits about his education racket.   Continue reading “Rotten to the Core: Jeb Bush’s Crony Republicans Against Higher Standards”