Blacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

One of the most disgusting individuals in the United States government is the Republican Senator from Arizona named John McCain. For years following the staged attacks of September 11th, 2001 McCain has constantly reminded us about the so-called threat of Al-Qaeda. He has blindly repeated the ridiculous conspiracy theory that 19 Muslim hijackers with box cutters were solely responsible for those attacks.   Continue reading “John McCain Is A Mentally Ill Terrorist Sympathizer”

Charleston Voice

Most don’t know or have forgotten that US circulated “junk silver” coins $1,000 bags used to trade on the COMEX in 5 bag lots/contract. I used those trades as my indicator for coin premium values vis-a-vis the bullion futures/options. The Commodity page of the WSJ reported daily. Maybe if someone had a paid WSJ subscription the archives are still there for the 1970s!   Continue reading “Severe Oversupply of Silver Liars – Silver Coin Bag Trading on COMEX”

Public Intelligence

The following special report was released May 7, 2013 by the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Bureau of Justice Statistics

arsenicNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

The old saying, “You are what you eat,” poses troubling implications for public health in light of a new study on chicken meat, which found that most of it contains dangerously high levels of toxic arsenic. And the worst part is that industrial chicken producers are directly responsible for causing this, as they intentionally add arsenic-based pharmaceutical drugs to chicken feed in order to bulk them up quickly and improve the color of their meat, which in turn poisons you and your family.   Continue reading “Arsenic being intentionally added to conventional chicken”

New America Now – by Jonathan Turley

Below is a column in the Sunday Washington Post.  The column addresses how the continued rollbacks on civil liberties in the United States conflicts with the view of the country as the land of the free.

If we are going to adopt Chinese legal principles, we should at least have the integrity to adopt one Chinese proverb: “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.”  We seem as a country to be in denial as to the implications of these laws and policies.   Continue reading “10 Reasons The U.S. Is No Longer The Land Of The Free”

cartels-through-texasTexas Nationalist Movement – by Dave Mundy

What had been an open secret is no longer secret: Mexican drug cartels are now openly carrying their war into Texas.

The question is whether or not the federal government is intentionally allowing it to happen.

In spite of assurances from Department of Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano (“the border’s never been more secure”), a cartel hit man pulled off a trademark, brutally violent execution in the quiet suburb of Southlake Wednesday night.   Continue reading “Cartels: Coming to a Town Near You”

Constitutional Sheriffs Convention Focus: States’ Rights, 2nd AmendmentThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

For two days beginning on Friday, May 31, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) is holding a convention (see video below) at the Ameristar Casino Resort and Spa in St. Charles, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

As explained on the group’s website, the purpose of the convention is “to equip sheriffs, peace officers and public officials with the necessary information and public support to carry out their duties in accordance with their Oaths of Office.” (See also the video below.)   Continue reading “Constitutional Sheriffs Convention Focus: States’ Rights, 2nd Amendment”

Fox News – by John Roberts

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. –  Spring rains cascade over the lip of the Norris Dam in a torrent of white foam and spray. A hundred yards downriver from this concrete waterfall, people stop at the little park to record the scene on their smart phones or digital cameras. It is an image made for a postcard — a remarkable marriage of nature and technology. And a centerpiece of the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Created in 1933 by President Roosevelt, the TVA brought electricity to Appalachia, with the goal that wiring up Tennessee, parts of North Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi would help bring prosperity to an impoverished region.    Continue reading “Obama faces resistance in bid to unload popular southern utility giant”

American Mercenary

In my “Freedom Camp 7” series I included a logistical auxiliary that made ammunition.  Traditionally resistance fighters need a steady supply of ammo.  The Israeli terrorists who fought against the British in the Holy Land even set up a 9mm ammo plant underneath a laundry, cranking out ammunition on a scale that a handloader (even with a Dillon on each hand) couldn’t hope to compete with.   Continue reading “Annealing brass, a rather good excuse to play with fire.”

New Field and Survival ManualsUS Crow

US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76 – As a soldier you can be sent to any area of the world. It may be in a temperate, tropical, arctic, or subarctic region. You expect to have all your personal equipment and your unit or other members of your unit with you wherever you go. There is however, no guaranty it will be so. You could find yourself alone in a remote area, possibly enemy territory. This US Army FM Survival Manual provides information and describes basic techniques to enable you to survive and return alive, should you find yourself in such a situation. Download PDF   Continue reading “New Army FM Manuals to Download”

DSCN6765Warrior Talk News – by JD Lester

Previously I wrote on the techniques for individual movement that we might be required to use during rural patrolling. I will expand on some of the factors that affect IMT as well as some other points of consideration in this article.

Volume and Effectiveness of Enemy Fire – IMT is not always used due to volume and effectiveness of enemy fire. It can be used both reactive and also proactive, I covered the reactive use in the last article so this time we will concern ourselves with the proactive use of the techniques.    Continue reading “Individual Movement Techniques for Rural Patrolling – Part 2”

Blacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

For anyone who has followed my articles over the past several years you probably already know that I have been highly critical of various figures in the so-called alternative media and patriot movement. Many of the people associated with these groups are paid shills, gatekeepers, useful idiots, scam artists and sometimes just downright bad people.

Important topics that don’t fit the controlled opposition narrative surrounding any number of subjects such as criticism of Abrahamic religions and Zionism are often marginalized or ignored. For years I have maintained that many of these people are part of a controlled opposition front which would eventually be used to start a civil war or at the very least provide a pretext for a militarized crackdown by the government.   Continue reading “Adam Kokesh’s Planned July 4th Open Carry March Appears To Be A Honeypot Of Controlled Opposition”

Yahoo News – by KRISTEN WYATT | Associated Press

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — A Democratic campaign office here usually would be quiet this time of year, a few weeks after the state’s legislature wrapped up work and lawmakers headed off to summer vacations.

But even though it’s not an election year, the office is in full campaign mode, with volunteers working the phones and reviewing maps in anticipation of a new front of modern campaigning — the recall phase.   Continue reading “Gun control supporters facing recall bids in Colo.”

The New Boston Tea Party

The average American lives to the ripe old age of eighty or thereabouts.  From cradle to grave we are controlled by the actions of Big government, holding sway over our every move. Americans are not free in the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

Of course some government institutions and individual rights are of necessity; guns for self protection, libraries, museums, town halls, fire departments, police departments, departments of health are needed just in case there is an outbreak, the National Guard in case of a catastrophe and a government to of laws to protect the people from the over-reach of Big Government and for the protection of individual rights. Mind you, we are not against government, only Big Government.    Continue reading “You are not Free in the Land of the Free”

RedFlagFDRWestern Rifle Shooters

First published in 1938 and noted here initially in 2008The Revolution Was is Garet Garrett‘s masterful deconstruction of the Roosevelt/New Deal myth, arguing that in fact FDR and his minions staged a coup d’etat by permanently eviscerating the limitations on Federal government found in the Constitution.

We commend it again today to all of the good little boys and girls caressing themselves furiously over fantasies of mid-term victories, judicial saviors, state legislative messiahs, miraculous conversions, and the righteousness of non-violent resistance.   Continue reading “The Revolution Was”

The Western United States Is Turning Back Into DesertThe Economic Collapse – by Michael

What is life going to look like as our precious water resources become increasingly strained and the western half of the United States becomes bone dry?  Scientists tell us that the 20th century was the wettest century in the western half of the country in 1000 years, and now things appear to be reverting to their normal historical patterns.  But we have built teeming cities in the desert such as Phoenix and Las Vegas that support millions of people.  Cities all over the Southwest continue to grow even as the Colorado River, Lake Mead and the High Plains Aquifer system run dry.    Continue reading “The Colorado River, The High Plains Aquifer And The Entire Western Half Of The U.S. Are Rapidly Drying Up”