The Free Foundation – by Dr. Ron Paul

A common feature of authoritarian regimes is the criminalization of alternatives to government-controlled education. Dictators recognize the danger that free thought poses to their rule, and few things promote the thinking of “unapproved” thoughts like an education controlled by parents instead of the state. That is why the National Socialist (Nazi) government of Germany outlawed homeschooling in 1938.

Sadly, these Nazi-era restrictions on parental rights remain the law in Germany, leaving parents who wish greater control over their children’s education without options. That is why in 2006 Uwe and Hannalore Romeike, a German couple who wanted to homeschool their three children for religious reasons, sought asylum in the United States. Immigration judge Lawrence Burman upheld their application for asylum, recognizing that the freedom of parents to homeschool was a “basic human right.”   Continue reading “Homeschooling: The Future of Liberty”

All Over America Evangelical Christians Are Being Labeled As Extremists And Hate GroupsEnd of the American Dream – by Michael

Are evangelical Christians rapidly becoming one of the most hated minorities in America?  Once upon a time such a notion would have been unthinkable, but these days things are changing dramatically.  All over the United States, evangelical Christians are being called “extremists” and evangelical Christian organizations are being labeled as “hate groups”.

In fact, as I will detail later on in this article, a U.S. Army Reserve training presentation recently specifically identified evangelical Christians as “religious extremists”.  This should be extremely chilling for all evangelical Christians out there, because as history has shown us over and over again, when you want to persecute a particular group of people the first step is always to demonize them.  And that is exactly what is being done to evangelical Christians today.    Continue reading “All Over America Evangelical Christians Are Being Labeled As “Extremists” And “Hate Groups””

90 Miles from Tyranny

Government purchases of Ammunition and Panic Buying has taken all of the ammunition out of the supply chain.  .22 LR is now selling for nearly 5 times what it used to sell for.  Some ammunition manufacturers have gone into 24 hour production cycles to fill some of the need.

If you are buying ammunition at these jacked up prices you are throwing your money away.  When the supply chain catches up to demand, and it will, there will be an oversupply of ammunition.  You will be able to buy ammunition at prices lower than what you could before the panic buying began.   Continue reading “The Coming Ammunition Price Crash”

guns ammoUSA Today  – by Judy Keen

CHICAGO — Cook County, Ill., this month began collecting a $25 tax on gun purchases, and at least six states are considering new taxes on firearms or ammunition as a way to help pay for the consequences of gun violence.

The Cook County tax applies to purchases in Chicago’s suburbs, but not the city. The tax is expected to raise $600,000 a year, which will help pay for indigent gunshot victims’ medical care at county-run Stroger Hospital.   Continue reading “States look to tax guns, ammo”

Max Velocity Tactical

I feel the need to follow up on the posts I have published about the potential to avoid Thermal Imaging (TI)/ FLIR and aerial thermal surveillance in general. To understand where I am coming from you will need to read and digest these two posts that I wrote on the subject:

Countering Aerial Thermal Surveillance   Continue reading “Follow Up on the ‘Thermal Poncho’ Concept”

Lew Rockwell – by David Hathaway

There is a lot of chatter amongst conservative “2nd Amendment cops” and military folks about how they will not obey the orders when the grand pronouncement is made to take guns. It will be a cop sit out. What will really happen is quite different. Your Republican cop or military buddy will gladly and patriotically take your guns.

Gun grabs and grabs of anything else – children, money, real estate, raw milk – don’t come down the chain of command as such. There is not an edict that comes out saying:   Continue reading “Your 2nd Amendment Cop Buddy Will Take Your Guns”

Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin leaves federal court / APFree Beacon – by Alana Goodman

Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) member and Spring Valley Mayor Noramie Jasmin was arrested yesterday for allegedly accepting bribes from an undercover FBI agent, as part of a wide-ranging federal corruption probe that netted six New York state politicians.

Jasmin and her deputy mayor, Joseph Desmaret, allegedly accepted financial benefits from a federal law enforcement agent posing as a real estate developer, in exchange for her pledge to support the developer’s company, according to a statement released by the FBI.   Continue reading “Another member of Bloomberg anti-gun group gets arrested”

040513_2038_HeyDHSAreYo1.jpgFreedom Outpost – by Dean Garrison

They have labeled me a terrorist. This is the same Dean Garrison whose Father was a well know pacifist? They say the apple does not fall far from the tree and they may be right. There are very few things in this world that would make me want to go to war and kill another human being, but we all have our limits.

I am a conservative Christian who happens to believe in my Rights protected by the Constitution. These rights are only protected by this Constitution but granted by God. I am sorry if bringing up God makes some uncomfortable but this country was founded on His principles of equality, freedom and the rights of the individual. I do not bow to your king. I bow to no one because I am an American.   Continue reading “DHS Are You Willing to Die for Your King? I Am Willing to Die for Mine.”

Baltimore Police Major Attending UN “Peacekeeping” CourseThe New American – by Alex Newman

A major with the Baltimore Police Department will be attending a United Nations “Police Commanders Course” (UNPCC) in Sweden next week that is raising eyebrows among Americans — especially considering the UN’s history and highly controversial agenda. The three-week course is aimed at teaching officers from around the world about “peacekeeping” operations, interpretation of UN “mandates,” how to work effectively with international military forces, and more, according to the official program outline.   Continue reading “Baltimore Police Major Attending UN “Peacekeeping” Course”

The New Boston Tea Party

Make no mistake about it state governments are on the war path. Sandy Hook was the trigger for dictatorial governors to shiv law-abiding citizens in the back . States such as Florida and Texas are reaping the benefits. The gun debate does nothing to stop mentally ill malcontents from wrecking havoc across their domain.

Gangbangers watch carefully from their lair, emerging during the night to stalk their prey. Next stop is Japan, England, and China. Tyrants look at the government as the solution, but in reality they are the problem. The liberal progressive institution charged with education is responsible for birthing savages. Instead of teaching basics the socialist educators taught progressivism, differences and hallucination type thinking. The end result being a violent society.   Continue reading “CT, MD, NJ, CO, NY = Government Cowards”

UN Approves Gun Grab; Civilian Disarmament in the WorksThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

On Tuesday, April 2, representatives of the United States of America joined the delegations of 154 other nations in voting to approve the United Nations’ Arms Trade Treaty.

By a vote of 155-3 (with 23 abstentions), the UN General Assembly adopted the treaty, overcoming last week’s failure to adopt the global gun control agreement by consensus.   Continue reading “UN Approves Gun Grab; Civilian Disarmament in the Works”

gunstorect12.jpgFox News

ALBANY, N.Y. –  Gun enthusiasts fearful of new weapon controls and alarmed by rumors of government hoarding are buying bullets practically by the bushel, making it hard for stores nationwide to keep shelves stocked and even putting a pinch on some local law enforcement departments.

At a 24-hour Walmart in suburban Albany, the ammunition cabinet was three-fourths empty this week; sales clerks said customers must arrive before 9 the morning after a delivery to get what they want. A few miles away, Dick’s Sporting Goods puts up a red rope after ammunition deliveries so buyers can line up early to get a number, averting races up the escalator to the gun counter. Both stores are limiting ammunition purchases to three boxes a day.   Continue reading “Ammunition flies off store shelves amid new restrictions, fears”

Resister in the Rockies

Yesterday, the Communist in Chief stopped by for a victory speech on the recently passed anti-gun laws that were railroaded through the Commierado legislature and signed by his butt-puppet, Gov. Hickenlooper.

Below are some of their responses to the Obamunist’s visit yesterday.   Continue reading “Colorado Sheriff’s Respond To Obama’s Visit Yesterday”

TL In Exile – by T.L. Davis

It is very simple: the resistance will not be organized. There is no way to get people together on anything at this stage and there aren’t many more stages left.

Obama is “constrained” by the Constitution. He considers that wrong, but we know that constraining people like him is the whole purpose of the Constitution. Of course he feels constrained by it, he is supposed to and so is everyone else in a position of immense power. He is constrained by our rights and so has done everything he can to obliterate them.   Continue reading “That Magical Moment”

Bob Owens

Leftists in Connecticut and Maryland have pushed through extreme and unconstitutional gun laws in the past 24 hours. The question now becomes whether or not firearms manufacturing companies in those locations will now leave states which will not allow their employees to own the very guns they build for American citizens.

ColtMarlinMossberg, Stag Arms, and Sturm Ruger are major firearms manufacturers in Connecticut.   Continue reading “Maryland, Connecticut pass sweeping gun control laws. Will major gun companies leave now that their products have been made illegal?”

Barack Obama. President. Tyrant.Bob Owens

During a stop on his permanent campaign last night at a private residence in San Francisco, President Barack Obama claimed that the Sandy Hook shooter used a machine gun:

Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues:  gun control.  (Applause.)  I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon — by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.   Continue reading “During a San Fran fundraiser, Serial Liar Obama claims Lanza used “fully automatic weapon.””