Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 12.12.36 PMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

Nearly every major post-9/11 terrorism-related prosecution has involved a sting operation, at the center of which is a government informant. In these cases, the informants — who work for money or are seeking leniency on criminal charges of their own — have crossed the line from merely observing potential criminal behavior to encouraging and assisting people to participate in plots that are largely scripted by the FBI itself. Under the FBI’s guiding hand, the informants provide the weapons, suggest the targets and even initiate the inflammatory political rhetoric that later elevates the charges to the level of terrorism.   Continue reading “Manufactured Terrorism – U.S. Officials Claim Credit for Stopping Another Terror Attack Created by the FBI”

Straight Forward in a Crazy World

You always hate those situations where you know that if it goes bad, it will go bad in a big way, all the while knowing that you have to appear incapable of being able to deal with anything bad, while being completely capable, in a moment’s notice, of dealing decisively with the now bad situation.

A couple of winters back like a bad novel I was carrying my .45 in the pocket of my heavy wool pea-coat, a Hissatsu folder in my waistband, a bitty little light in my jeans pocket and that was pretty much it.    Continue reading “The Barranti Hip Pocket Holster”

The New American – by Alex Newman

In a revival of a centuries-old American tradition this month, a Wisconsin pastor offered a powerful election sermon to Montana lawmakers at the legislature urging them to do their biblical duty by standing up to escalating federal tyranny. Citing a broad array of Scriptures from the Bible and what is known as the “doctrine of the lesser magistrate,” Pastor Matt Trewhella told state legislators that they have more than just the right to protect citizens from growing lawlessness, tyranny, and wickedness in government — they have a moral and Christian obligation to do so. Increasing defiance of God’s law “is why you are watching Western Civilization crumble before your eyes,” he added.     Continue reading “Pastor Educates Lawmakers on Biblical Duty to Resist Tyranny”

Safe Defense Journal – by Dr. Philip H. Dater & Jason Wong

There has been a cultural shift from the 20-inch barrel length in the AR-15/M16 weapon systems chambered for the 5.56×45 NATO cartridge to progressively shorter barrels for the purpose of producing an increasingly more compact assault/entry weapon without resorting to a bull-pup design.  Simple usage of these short-barreled weapons has shown the necessity for both sound and flash suppression, the intensity of which (in exceptionally short barrel lengths) approached the intensity of a flash-bang diversion device.  This shift toward shorter barrels has resulted in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps adopting the 14.5-inch barreled M4 carbine with a re-design of the 5.56×45 from the 55 grain SS-109 to the 63 grain M855 ammunition to optimize this barrel length.  The differing bullet design also necessitated a change in the rifling twist rate from the original 1:12 inches to 1:7 inches.   Continue reading “Barrell Length Studies in 5.56mm NATO Weapons”

Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

Obama Administration Tries To Intimidate Banks Into Breaking Ties With Gun Manufacturers & Distributors

I don’t think ethical people deal with intimidation as a method to achieve success.” – Dominique Moceanu

When a child wants a cookie before dinner, but his mother tells him “no,” he goes to his father to ask the same question. It’s called subversion, and we learn it from a very early age. We learn that if one authority prevents us from getting what we want, we can find other routes in order to subvert that authority. The 2nd Amendment is an authority with incredible power, but there are those who despise it, and want it repealed. Continue reading “Obama Turns Banks against Gun Businesses”

The New American – by Selwyn Duke

“There’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal.” These words, according to Department of Justice whistleblower J. Christian Adams, were uttered by none other than Attorney General Eric Holder. And now another former government official is blowing the whistle — and blowing off some righteous steam — in Holder’s direction. He is ex-FBI Special Agent K. Dee McCown, currently director of Global Security and Loss Prevention at W.W. Grainger, Inc. He has written a damning open letter to the attorney general,confirmed as authentic by Snopes. It’s a long missive, but worth the read. It follows:   Continue reading “Ex-FBI Agent Calls Eric Holder “Coward” and “Hypocrite” in Stunning Letter”

Worked for us. Weapons Man

This article has been around for years, but it’s still worth reading. Mike Pannone is a fellow 18B and someone with nearly immeasurable M4 experience. He was an instructor for, and one of the designers of, AWG’s combat shooting school, which prepared a lot of guys for successful combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. A friend who was the SJA at AWG raved about that course. Mike is pretty well known in the shooting and training community.   Continue reading “Mike Pannone: Making an M4 Run like a Gazelle”

Nutrition Breakthroughs

I’ve included an interesting chart below on how to use cinnamon sticks in beverages, foods and cereals. Cinnamon is supported by several research studies showing its many health benefits.

Studies from the University of Toronto and Ball State University in Indiana have confirmed that consuming cinnamon can significantly reduce blood pressure (with 1,200 milligrams per day) as well as blood sugar levels (by adding cinnamon to the morning cereal). Cinnamon can also help heart health by lowering cholesterol.   Continue reading “Many Health Benefits of Cinnamon: Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart Health”

John Andrew Boehner is a traitor.Patriot or Traitor

House Speaker John Boehner has apparently become a master at what Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer calls the “Tollbooth Strategy.” As Schweizer explains in his new book, Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets: “You pay money at a tollbooth in order to use a road or bridge. The methodology in Washington is similar: if someone wants a bill passed, charge them money to allow the bill to move down the legislative highway.” According to Schweizer, Boehner apparently used the Tollbooth Strategy to collect more than $200,000 in political donations from executives just days before holding votes on bills critically important to their industries.   Continue reading “John Andrew Boehner is a traitor.”

They say, “If you want to see the future, observe the past. For history repeats it’s self when histories lessons aren’t learned.” Many in this day don’t know their history, and the history of the world around them. This is due to many reasons.

For One – history isn’t taught in a way that it prepares students to avoid the mistakes of previous generations. And there’s a reason for that …..those in positions to make these decisions are marxists.  Creatures such as this, desire to remove the evidence of their ideologies failures. So as to keep promoting the rubbish they hold dearly. We need to look no further for an example than to the mental midgets’ associate, Bill Ayers. Ayers, and others like him, have been grooming several generations of willing lemmings. These lemmings have proven to be well taught in the marxist lies and propaganda of this failed ideology.   Continue reading “England’s NHS Incapable of Meeting Patient Needs”

Face Your Fears headerShooting Illustrated – by Matthew Allen

What, in a gunfight, matters the most?

In the age of the long opinions and short experience in such matters, we live among among experts far and wide. Some will assure you that it is a proper-caliber pistol, or grade-A ammunition, or still the front sight, which is the rock the church is built upon. Undoubtedly some will claim all is for naught if the holster isn’t worth a damn. Most of us will concede to one degree or another that training outweighs much of this. The mantra of “You will not rise to the occasion, you’ll fall to the level of your training.” is certainly solid and true. There are exceptions of course. People can and will surprise you, but don’t hang onto hope.   Continue reading “Face Your Fear”