Mass Fish Deaths - Photo by Mats HagwellEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

Millions of fish are suddenly dying all over the planet.  In fact, there have been dozens of mass fish death events reported in the past month alone.  So why is this happening?  Why are fish dying in unprecedented numbers all over the world?  When more than six tons of fish died in Marina Del Ray over the weekend, it made headlines all over the United States.  But the truth is that what just happened off the southern California coast is just the tip of the iceberg.  In 2014, mass fish die-offs have pretty much become a daily event globally.  Individually, each event could perhaps be dismissed as an anomaly, but as you will see below when they are all put together into one list it truly is rather stunning.  So is there a reason why so many fish are dying?  Is there something that connects these mass fish death events?  Has something about our environment changed?  The following are just a few examples of the mass fish death reports that have been coming in day after day from all over the globe…   Continue reading “Mass Fish Deaths: Millions Have Been Found Dead All Over The World In The Past Month”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

In a previous article told you about E. Ray Moore, the true Christian conservative candidate for South Carolina Lieutenant Governor, who is calling for parents to remove their children from the government education system and supports Christian, private and home school education without any strings tied to state or federal funding. “We cannot win this war we’re in as long as we keep handing our children over to the enemy to educate,” Moore said in April at a Liberty Rally in South Carolina. I recently spoke to Mr. Moore to have him expound upon his platform.   Continue reading “SC Candidate E. Ray Moore Calls for Christians to Pull Kids from Government Schools: “We are Feeding Their System””

Banksters wars 1The Liberty Beacon – by Roger Landry 

As we look throughout history we find that war is a tool that has been used by a small cast of individuals (Global Banksters) over and over again to facilitate their goals regardless of the ramifications to humanity as a whole.

War has and is being used as a siphon to draw the wealth from the hands of the masses and concentrate it into the hands of the so called Elite. Banksters have utilized this mechanism countless times throughout history with resounding success and used it in a very heinous fashion including the financing of both sides of the instigated hostilities.   Continue reading “Every War Is A Bankster War!”

Obama Assaulting AmericansMilitia News – by Sher Zieve

In order to effectively—and with as much certainty as is possible—decimate and destroy a country, its Middle Class must be thoroughly eradicated. The infamous Soviet-style Communist Saul Alinsky—mentor to Hillary Clinton who wrote her Senior thesis on him “There is Only the Fight…” at Wellesley College—wrote extensively about it in his book Rules for Radicals.   Continue reading “Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans From Every Angle”

insomniaNatural News – by Michael Ravensthorpe

According to the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, nearly 1 in 10 adults in the United States suffers from insomnia. Although most of these people suffer from short-term insomnia, many of them also suffer from chronic insomnia (i.e., difficulty falling or staying asleep for more than six months). Such sleep deprivation can significantly decrease the quality of one’s life.

Continue reading “Five foods that can treat insomnia and improve sleep”

self-defense survivalOff the Grid News – by Travis P.

There are three different stages in a life-and-death self-defense scenario, but before we go into those a quick story will help.

This story is true to the best of my memory and does take place in a war zone. The story, the tactics and weaponry do not apply to a normal self-defense scenario, but the three stages are still there.   Continue reading “How To Survive A High Intensity Firefight”

A faded photograph of Marcellus Emery appeared in the Aug. 12, 1931 edition of the Bangor Daily News to illustrate a memoir about the 1861 sacking of Emery’s newspaper office.Free North Carolina

Freedom of the press went flying in Bangor in August 1861

Though abolitionists found much of their strength in New England, Democrats in that region sided with the South in its determination of be free of the North. After this editorial of the Bangor Democrat appeared, a pro-Lincoln mob burned the news offices and printing presses. The editorial was re-printed in the New York Evening Day-Book of 18 April 1861.   Continue reading ““If I were a Southerner, as I am a Northerner, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I would never lay down my arms – never, never, NEVER!””

series 1The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

It’s a word one doesn’t hear often, and more often than not, it’s associated with some medical terminology. Acute nasal drip. Acute arthritis… something along those lines but the word acute has a specific definition.

Acute – adjective: acute; comparative adjective: acute; superlative adjective: acutest    Continue reading “Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1, 2, 3 and 4”

Commie Blaster, March 21, 2010

The Czechoslovakian Velvet Revolution

On November 17, 1989, riot police suppressed a peaceful student demonstration in Communist-ruled Prague. The event sparked a series of popular demonstrations from November 19 to late December. By November 20, the number of peaceful protesters assembled in Prague had swollen from 200,000 the previous day to an estimated half-million. A two-hour general strike, involving all citizens of Czechoslovakia, was held on November 27. Eleven days after the initial student protest, on November 28, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakian announced it would relinquish power and dismantle the single-party state. 12 days later on December 10, President Gustáv Husák appointed the first largely non-communist government in Czechoslovakia in over 40 years, and then resigned.   Continue reading “America, Is It Time For A Velvet Revolution?”

conspiracyNatural News – by Mike Adams

The phrase “conspiracy theorist” is a derogatory smear phrase thrown at someone in an attempt to paint them as a lunatic. It’s a tactic frequently used by modern-day thought police in a desperate attempt to demand “Don’t go there!”

But let’s step back for a rational moment and ask the commonsense question: Are there really NO conspiracies in our world?   Continue reading “Refreshing rationality: Why NOT believing in conspiracies is a sure sign of mental retardation”

9bd6526e102b6772b6ccaed80979c2e1_MThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

On August 1, citizens in Minnesota will rejoice that the police can no longer steal their property without their being convicted — or even charged with — a crime. Until then, Minnesota remains an upside-down world, as do many other states, where police can seize cash and property if they think that somehow that cash or property was involved in a crime. Until August 1, citizens who have had their property seized will still have to prove a negative: that their property was neither the “instrument” nor the “proceeds” of the charged crime.   Continue reading “Minnesotans Score Small Victory in Civil Asset Forfeiture War”

Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

During the Revolutionary War against the British, it is said that only three percent of the population were involved in trying to win the nation’s freedom.  That number reflects the percentage of patriots that actually volunteered to fight. There were many others, of course, that supported the cause, and contributed in other ways, but sadly, there was a huge percentage of Colonial Americans that sat on the sidelines with no opinion on the matter. There were even those who wished to remain loyal to the British Crown. While that may be difficult for some to fathom, it is true, and in some ways we find ourselves in an eerily similar situation today.   Continue reading “The Tiny Three Percent that Remains Vigilant in the Face of Tyranny”

marine mammalsNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

More sick and dying animals are washing up on the coast of California, with new reports indicating record numbers of young sea lions, seals, and other marine mammals being admitted to care shelters for rehabilitation. The Orange County Register reports that the only facility in the county licensed to care for marine mammals is now at capacity, and that other facilities all along the coastline are being similarly inundated.   Continue reading “Marine mammals mysteriously dying in record numbers along West Coast”

Why Liberty DiesMilitia News – by Dr. Robert R. Owens

To understand why liberty is imperiled in our country today we must first state clearly and unequivocally what is liberty. Then and only then can we understand what is necessary for its preservation as well as see what is undermining it today. Liberty is the absence of coercion and the freedom to act upon your own will within the perimeters of not infringing the freedom of action of others. The only way that has been found among the societies of man to ensure, promote and protect liberty is through the rule of law.   Continue reading “Why Liberty Dies”

a2e31ded6d2df590925511f04ccb2bd5_XLThe criminals at large, the rascals in the out of control government mafia, are feeling the heat from the dissenting public. And they’re out to silence the opposition with this highly oppressive and illegal action.

As the days continue to move towards a major uprising from the Patriots of this Republic, the criminals at large, (CAL), are arming up, and putting into place the tools needed to squelch any resistance or opposition to the finalizing of their illegal actions. For the CAL realize they only have one shot at this, and their time is running short.   Continue reading “Obama’s Internet ID Plot Being Tested in Two States”

The New Boston Tea Party

If you want to know how to break into a bank, ask a successful bank robber. And so if you want to know how to cast an illegal vote ask a Democrat, for they surely know how its done. Very rarely have Republicans been caught in the act, but Democrats, they know every trick in the book; matter of fact they probably have a road manual on how it is done. As this November election looms the Democrats are looking to salvage some victories. Current polls predict a Republican Senate, this in itself is sending shivers down the backs of the liberal progressive ballot stuffers.    Continue reading “Voter Fraud – The Democrats Know All About It”