Canada Free Press – by Jerry McConnell

I, and I’m certain many of my readers will agree when I say, “Kudos” to Cheryl K. Chumley and her employer, the Washington Times, for covering the story concerning the Utah Congressman, Chris Stewart, who, accordingly, “is mulling a measure to cut funding for any ‘paramilitary units’ that work for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other federal regulatory agencies.”   Continue reading “Utah Congressman Set to Propose Funds Cut for Paramilitary Units at BLM, IRS and Other Fed Regulator”

Christian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis

The recent official coalition of the Patriot/Liberty groups and the militias signals an escalation in the the fight for Constitutional Restoration. This move to create a more seamless affiliation with militias, who will be called on to defend personal liberty from those determined to alienate it, and the unorganized, dedicated Three-percenters, including patriot/liberty bloggers, presents a force capable of defending individuals and ensuring that the truth of the conflict reaches the ears of the public.
Continue reading “A Nation Reborn”

MCCLL-CordonSearchPublic Intelligence

Cordon and Search Tactics, Techniques and Procedures A summary of collected lessons, observations, interviews, after action reports, and relevant documents from OIF-II, OIF-III and OEF

  • 14 pages
  • For Official Use Only
  • June 3, 2005

Continue reading “(U//FOUO) U.S. Marine Corps Cordon and Search Lessons Learned Report”

Fox 59 – by Russ McQuaid

As the American military draws down its commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan, stateside ports, armories, depots and warehouses are packed with excess military material and vehicles, some of them none-the-worse from their tours in overseas war zones.

A lot of those weapons, uniforms, trucks and mine-resistant vehicles are patrolling the streets of central Indiana at virtually no cost to local law enforcement agencies.   Continue reading “Armed for War: Pentagon surplus gives local police an edge”

The Captain’s Journal

From David Codrea, there is this.

The 8 News NOW I-Team has learned that FBI agents have started an investigation into the events surrounding a potentially deadly showdown one month ago surrounding rancher Cliven Bundy.

It is one thing for Cliven Bundy and his supporters to square off against an assortment of Bureau of Land Management employees. It is quite another when the FBI enters the picture, and that is exactly what has happened.

Continue reading “The Moral And Legal Defense Of Pointing Weapons At Bureau Of Land Management Agents”

Charleston Voice – Tenth Amendment Center

The federal government acts like it stands as sovereign in the American system, but that was never intended by those who created it. In fact, the federal government was never meant to serve as anything more than an agent, exercising the specific powers delegated by the true sovereign – the people.

While many Americans assume the federal government sits at the top of the power pyramid, it actually belongs on the bottom.    Continue reading “The Sovereignty of the People”

Charleston Voice – by Joshua Cook

The Charleston County Republican Party voted to censure Sen. Lindsey Graham by the vote of 39- 32 tonight. This makes the 9th local Republican Party to censured Graham this election season.

The Charleston County Party is located in the “low country” which is considered a Graham stronghold.   Continue reading “Charleston County SC Becomes 9th Republican Party to Censure Lindsey Graham”

IMG_2818The Hoss USMC

After one spending the last week observing the Bundy ranch and family, as both security and as press, I think I have a pretty good picture of the situation in Bunkerville. There are several issues at play here.

The least understood, and most reported on, is that the Bundys have not paid grazing fees and taxes. The taxes claim is total bullshit. What is at issue is that Mr. Bundy has refused to pay fees for services that the BLM no longer provides, and hasn’t for very many years. The BLM has in fact been actively using those fees to create a less friendly climate for ranchers and dairy farmers, the latter of which no longer exist. The Bundys have even tried to pay the appropriate fees to local or state governments.   Continue reading “Bundy Ranch, Domestic Terrorists, and Freedom Fighters”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

Control of children from pre-kindergarten age is how President Barack Obama is making the Fundamental Transformation of America a fait accompli.

Depressing and demoralizing to know that today’s children are growing up under Marxist rule and that Marxism has been in the classroom for decades.

But it is not yesterday or the day before, but today where the tables can be turned, and being depressed, demoralized and giving up is never the answer.   Continue reading “Taking the Country Back starts with Taking the Children Back”

Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston

In a recent proclamation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he intends to give city jobs and internships to so-called “DREAMers,” youngsters in the country illegally.

In the announcement, Emanuel proudly stated that “for the first time” Chicago is “opening up nearly 23,000 City-funded internship, volunteer, and job opportunities for undocumented students, or ‘DREAMers.'”   Continue reading “Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go To Illegal Aliens”