Open Carry ChipotleLegal Insurrection – by Andrew Branca

I’ve owned and shot firearms since my age could be measured in single digits. I’ve actively engaged in firearms competition since I was in my teens. I’ve carried a lawfully concealed firearm on my person pretty much every day of my adult life.

I’ve been an NRA instructor since my 20s, and have personally taught a great many people—many of them women overcoming the horror of sexual assault—how to handle firearms safely and, if necessary, to effectively stop a deadly attack upon themselves or their family.    Continue reading “Op-Ed: “Open Carry” Activists Score Yet Another Own Goal”

I believe the liars and traitors have bargained away our natural resources as collateral. Now those of whom they’ve bargained with, are here to collect, but that dog won’t fly here. Whatever “bargains” that those traitors and thieves have dealt, it’s with them alone. Not “We The People”…for they’re not duly elected, by “We The People”

So, it looks like a day of reckoning is coming, and soon. Not to mention, we’ll be glad to deliver …….    Continue reading “Is there a plan to use land out west to pay our debt to China?”

Theodore Shoebat

The US government has forced the state of Oklahoma to overturn its anti-Sharia bill, after a Muslim man named Muneer Awad sued the state for supposed violations against “freedom of religion.”

CAIR also played a role in subverting the bill. Adam Soltani of CAIR said:   Continue reading “Feds Force Oklahoma to Overturn Anti-Sharia Law & Pay Islamists $303,333”

20140414-160447.jpgSoldier Systems

Originally developed by Crye Associates for the US Army’s Objective Force Warrior Program, the Scorpion camouflage pattern could be considered the precursor to the popular MultiCam pattern.Earlier this month, Army officials chose to proceed with a transition to the Scorpion pattern via a “soft launch”. Guess it’s not so soft anymore. I will point out, that although industry is hard at work preparing fabric to begin the process, the US Army leadership has yet to make an official announcement. I have posted this story in order to offer additional information after another website felt they couldn’t wait for an official announcement and posted that the Army had selected Scorpion.   Continue reading “US Army Selects Scorpion Camouflage Pattern”

Scary: A mannequin wearing a suit and tie was seen hanging from a noose from the El Paso billboardThe Daily Mail – by MEGHAN KENEALLY

Two frightening incidents of vandalism in El Paso near the Mexican border in Texas have been interpreted as warnings from drug cartels.

In both instances, a mannequin wearing a suit and tie was tied to a billboard with a noose and messages were scrawled over the placards.

Local station KHOU reports that one of the signs reads ‘Plata o Plombo’ which translates to ‘silver or lead’, a threat used commonly against police officers effectively warning that if they do not accept the cartel’s bribes then they will be shot.   Continue reading “A chilling message from the cartels: Billboards with hanging mannequins warning cops to choose ‘silver over lead’ appear in Texas”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) gave House Republicans six weeks to pass amnesty legislation before President Barack Obama starts to use executive actions to ease deportations and change immigration laws.

“We’ve waited 329 days, we’re willing to wait another six weeks,” Reid said, according toPolitico. “But at the end of six weeks, if something hasn’t been done, then there’s gonna have to be a move made. And it’s too bad we have to do that, because we all know things can be done administratively, but it’s better to change the law.”   Continue reading “Schumer, Reid: If Amnesty Not Passed by August, Obama Will Act Alone”

CALL-TCCCPublic Intelligence

The following document is an updated version of a handbook published by the Center for Army Lessons Learned in May 2010.

Center for Army Lessons Learned

  • 101 pages
  • For Official Use Only
  • August 2013

Continue reading “(U//FOUO) U.S. Army Tactical Combat Casualty Care Handbook August 2013”

SHTF School – by Selco

It is OK if you think that government is corrupt and incompetent, I think that too.

It is OK to have weapon in your home, and will and knowledge to use it, and it is very good if you think that TV is full of crap.

I think too that S. is gonna hit the fan, and that it makes sense to have bug out location and bug out bag, and lots of cans and ammo.   Continue reading “Blending In and Survivalist Hate”

death-panelsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

It was just a couple of months ago that President Obama declared a victory in the battle for affordable health care.

“Many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked.  There are still no death panels.  (Laughter.)  Armageddon has not arrived.  Instead, this law is helping millions of Americans, and in the coming years it will help millions more.”

Continue reading “The Future Of Socialized Healthcare: “There Is No Better Predictor Than The VA System””

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

Today’s the day when President Barack Obama is to designate about half a million New Mexico acres as the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.

About half the Monument will free up the land for roaming wild life and drug cartels.

Nothing like government land on which to both prosper and hide.   Continue reading “Hide-y-holes on government land come in ‘Monument’ size”

eric-holder-3These intellectual midgets cannot win a debate on the weight of its merit. Nor can they convince their opponents of which they speak is correct. So it always boils down to attacking the opponent with baseless attacks. So as to deflect the obvious, that their ideas, or ideologies, are moot.

These creatures will stop at nothing to have their way.  All the more reason for us to pull out ALL the stops, at finishing them off. When the time comes …and it can’t come soon enough for me, as I am sure you’d agree. When the “race card” is played, it’s a sign of desperation, and weakness.   Continue reading “Do You Oppose Gun Control? Eric Holder Knows That You are a Secret Racist”

Snipers from around the globe muster for Fort Bragg tourneyHuman Events – by Army Staff Sgt. Shelman Spencer

FORT BRAGG, N.C. ( USASOC News Service, April 9, 2014) – Sniper teams from around the globe converged on the Special Forces Sniper Course to put their skills to the test in this year’s United States Army Special Operations Command International Sniper Competition.Twenty-two teams, including three foreign teams, competed for one year of bragging rights to say they are the best in their business. Each team in the competition was comprised of one shooter and a spotter.   Continue reading “Snipers from around the globe muster for Fort Bragg tourney”

800px-Leopard_2_A5_der_BundeswehrPhantom Report – by UPI

The first batch of surplus Leopard 2A5 main battle tanks sold by Germany to Poland have been delivered to a Polish cavalry brigade.

The tanks — 11 in all — arrived in Zagan, Poland, by train last Friday, with more due this year and next, according to the publication Dziennik Zbrojny.   Continue reading “Germany delivers Leopard 2A5 battle tanks to Poland”