In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season.

“It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Movieguide, the organization headed by Christian media critic Ted Baehr. “New concepts of morality have had a very negative impact on marriage, families, and children.”   Continue reading “Disney brings lesbian moms to TV”

UnknownSHTF Plan – by Survival Pulse

This informative article has been contributed by Survival Pulse.

The signs that a SHTF event is headed to the U.S. have become so overwhelming that I felt a responsibility to write this. In this article, I will talk about economic warning signs that are signaling a collapse. I will touch on the recent government activity that hints they are preparing for something big. I’ll talk about the reality of what might happen in a true crash, and finally provide some basic steps you can take to quickly prepare for what is coming.   Continue reading “Preparing for What is Coming”

hagmann082113Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

“Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? That is something I ask all my prey.” Those are the haunting sentences uttered by Jack Nicholson by his movie persona as the Joker in the 1989 “Batman” movie just before killing his victims. It’s 24 years later and we’re not in fictional Gotham, but we are about to become the Joker’s real-life prey as the result of the unchecked mischief and outright criminality of multiple presidential administrations and decades of congressional bodies. The question is, will enough Americans awaken to the fact that we’re being lied to before we collectively feel and smell the hot, fetid breath of the Joker on the backs of our necks as those words are whispered? Will we awaken fast enough to take steps to prepare and “get out of the way” of what’s coming?   Continue reading “Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight”

Losing Family, Losing God, Losing the CountryMilitia News

John Adams once said, to the chagrin of libertarians through the ages, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Indeed, many of the problems we see manifested in our nation today, from the refusal of the president and attorney general to enforce the laws of the land to the Supreme Court finding a right to sexual perversion, have their genesis in the fact that it has become déclassé among the self- described elites to look upon religion as anything other than a curious practice engaged in by proles.   Continue reading “Losing Family, Losing God, Losing the Country.”

The Captain’s Journal – by HerschelSmith

No, that’s not my preferred title, but the one used by Adam Winkler:

America has more than its fair share of extremists who believe people need to stock up on guns to fight against tyrannical government in Washington. Add one more to the list: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Continue reading “Justice Scalia Goes Gun Crazy”

Max Velocity Tactical

I had links to the following two Canadian Army articles sent in by a reader (links below). These are both excellent articles and summarize what I am teaching with Small Unit Tactics. They are a worthwhile read if you have a few minutes and a tactically interested mind. The details on squad attacks (known as ‘section’ attacks in the British and Canadian armies) are covered in detail in my manual: ‘Contact: A Tactical manual for Post Collapse Survival’   Continue reading “Commentary on Squad/Section Attacks”

New York Times – by MATTHEW L. WALD

WASHINGTON — The electric grid, as government and private experts describe it, is the glass jaw of American industry. If an adversary lands a knockout blow, they fear, it could black out vast areas of the continent for weeks; interrupt supplies of water, gasoline, diesel fuel and fresh food; shut down communications; and create disruptions of a scale that was only hinted at by Hurricane Sandy and the attacks of Sept. 11.

This is why thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I. antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid.   Continue reading “As Worries Over the Power Grid Rise, a Drill Will Simulate a Knockout Blow”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Warns Local Arizona Militia They Could Get Shot by Border PatrolThe Blaze – by Liz Klimas

PHOENIX (TheBlaze/AP) — Tough-talking Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is warning civilians who embark on armed patrols in remote desert terrain that they could end up with “30 rounds fired into” them by one of his deputies.

His unapologetically terse comments came Tuesday after a member of an Arizona Minuteman border-watch movement was arrested over the weekend for pointing a rifle at a Maricopa County sheriff’s deputy he apparently mistook for a drug smuggler.   Continue reading “Famed Arizona Sheriff Sends Ominous Verbal Warning Shot to Armed Militias”

Religious & Civil Rights Groups Urge Obama to Sign Arms Trade TreatyThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

On September 23, the General Assembly of the United Nations will convene to discuss global nuclear disarmament. It is a different type of disarmament, however, that has caught the attention of a group of leaders of national organizations.

In a letter to President Obama dated August 19, representatives of 33 national religious and civil rights groups urge the president to sign the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty “without further delay.”   Continue reading “Religious & Civil Rights Groups Urge Obama to Sign Arms Trade Treaty”

A woman jogs past the Remington Arms Company in Ilion, N.Y., in January 2013. Residents in this blue-collar stretch of the Mohawk Valley defended Remington after New York lawmakers banned the sale of semiautomatic assault-style rifles.Tennessean – by Getahn Ward

One of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers, Remington Arms, has looked at sites around Nashville for a potential corporate relocation or expansion that would likely include hundreds of manufacturing jobs.

The Madison, N.C.-based company, which is part of the nation’s largest firearms company and has its largest plant in Ilion, N.Y., has scouted sites near Nashville’s airport, Lebanon and in Clarksville, Tenn.   Continue reading “Remington Arms scouts Middle TN after N.Y. bans its rifle”

The Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

They might as well remind parents that their kids don’t belong to them; they belong to the “community.”

When I was a little kid, some of my brothers and I went to a small Christian school, and my dad would drop us off on his way to work. He’d leave us at the curb, and a schoolteacher would make sure we got in safely. That’s what most parents did. But for some others, especially the parents of little kids, they’d park and walk them in themselves and make sure they got settled in their classroom before leaving. No one cared or thought anything about it.   Continue reading “Texas Schools To Parents: No More Walking Your Kids To Classrooms”

Improved RFID Technology in Smart Guns Threatens Second AmendmentThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

The development of RFID (radio frequency identification) chips (here shown next to a grain of rice) has advanced to the point where gun makers will shortly be offering “smart guns” for sale in the United States, according to Anthony Gucciardi, who has been watching the movement with increasing concern for years.

The advancement will allow the manufacturer and the federal government to “turn off” the firearm and render the weapon useless at any time, a tactic that will be used “to take away legal firearms from the hands of law-abiding citizens,” according to Gucciardi.   Continue reading “Improved RFID Technology in Smart Guns Threatens Second Amendment”

The EU: Regionalization Trumps SovereigntyThe New American – by Alex Newman

It all began as a simple “Coal and Steel Community” between six European nations after World War II. The scheme was supposed to help prevent further war, or at least that is what its proponents claimed. In the decades since 1952, however, the first real supranational body has morphed into an emerging super-state that will eventually obliterate national sovereignty, and inevitably individual liberty, if left unchecked.   Continue reading “The EU: Regionalization Trumps Sovereignty”

sunNatural News- by Ethan A. Huff

Major changes are about to take place with regards to the sun, and the effects of these changes will reportedly impact our entire solar system. It is known systematically as a solar magnetic flip, or a reversal of the sun’s magnetic field, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) says this incredible phenomenon is set to occur as soon as within the next three-to-four months.

A recent NASA announcement explains that this unusual magnetic field reversal is part of a polarity change event that occurs every 11 years at the peak of each individual solar cycle. When this next magnetic flip eventually takes place, it will mark the midpoint of Solar Cycle 24, or the half point of what is known as the current “Solar Max.” And you and I will notice it, say experts, in the form of increased space weather and other space events around planet Earth.   Continue reading “Sun will flip its magnetic field in 3-4 months, warns NASA”

Shenandoah – by Walter White

Tonight, the AMC channel on cable begins the finale of a program based on the fictional character known as “Walter White,” a persona that this author has adopted for the purpose of reminding the American public how pathetically pussified and weak they have become. Is the character on the television show honorable or worthy of worship? Hell no, and neither am I. I just wish to thank the owners of JohnGaltFLA.com for allowing me to present this one time rant about how pitiful America as a nation has become, and the resistance to tyranny evolved into a political sideshow instead of a true 3% movement.   Continue reading “State of the United States by a Pissed Off American”

INDIA_PAK_LOC_CONFLICTShenandoah – by John Galt

While the world is watching in horror and silence the genocide of Christians by radical Islamists in Egypt and Syria, another group has decided to stir up a half century old conflict along the LOC (Line of Control) in Jammu and Kashmir along the Indian and Pakistani border. The Press Trust of India reports the following:   Continue reading “India and Pakistan Exchange Fire – Conflict Escalating”