HSLDA – by William A. Estrada, Esq.

In 2010, Congress passed a health care reform bill, and President Obama signed it into law. You may have recently heard a rumor that the health care law includes a provision mandating home visits by government social workers. While HSLDA strongly opposed passage of the health care law, urges Congress to repeal the law and continues to fight against its provisions which threaten religious freedom, we must point out that this particular rumor is not true.   Continue reading “Will Health Care Reform Mean Government Bureaucrats Can Invade My Home?”

Judicial Watch

Illegal immigrants have boldly demanded everything from civil rights in the U.S. to driver’s licenses and government benefits such as welfare and discounted tuition at public universities, so why stop there?

Now they want American taxpayers to finance their organ transplants! This is even more brazen than the discrimination lawsuits illegal aliens have filed against law enforcement agencies—both federal and local—in the U.S. over the years. To make their point, the illegal immigrants have gone on a hunger strike outside an Illinois hospital demanding free organ transplants for themselves and their fellow undocumented comrades.   Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Demand Free Organ Transplants”

Max Velocity Tactical

Recently there have been a couple of posts by Lizard Farmer and Mountain Guerrilla that I simply felt the urge to chip in on and expand in my own direction. I noted with wry amusement the comments by LF & Mosby about not usually commenting on others posts but feeling the need to anyway – I often find a post by another sparks a thought process that turns into one of my posts. Anyway, I enjoyed Mosby’s ‘Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows….Again: Unconventional Warfare and the Modern Militia Movement’ which was written in defense of a post by LF that I have been unable to locate.    Continue reading “OPSEC & Family/ Retreat Security”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Kurt Hofmann:

If true–if Christie really believes that this will be enough to appease gun rights advocates–he is adding insult to the injury of the extremely draconian anti-gun bills he has signed, like the one that enables the federal government to disarm anyone it chooses, simply by designating political enemies as “suspected terrorists.” One would certainly hope that gun rights advocates are both far too intelligent and far too proud to be bought off that easily.   Continue reading “Chris Christie On Guns Redux”

Coach is Right – by Doug Book

It has taken the global left nearly 2 decades to usher the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) through the friendly confines of the United Nations. Offered for signature in its final form in June, the Treaty which purports to “establish common international standards for regulating the trade in conventional arms,” really is as dangerous to the right of Americans to keep and bear arms as 2nd Amendment supporters have claimed since the Obama Regime–specifically, Hillary Clinton–began the push for the Treaty’s eventual ratification several years ago. (1)   Continue reading “Obama may have all the rope he needs to hang American gun owners”

Freedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

Right now, do you think our nation’s borders are secured? If you don’t, what do you think our government can do to make you and your family safe? And will it be done?

According to Time.com, the Republican National Committee passed a resolution Friday that calls on Congress to create a special, legal status for illegal immigrants brought to America as minors—or “DREAMers” as immigration activists call them, for the eponymous bill to provide them legal status, which would include a renewable five-year work permit. They would have to provide proof of employment or enrollment to retain the status.   Continue reading “Retired INS Agent: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Should Rightly be Called the ‘Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act””

chinese-communist-congressWND – by JEROME R. CORSI

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.   Continue reading “Communists in Congress? Just Count ’em”

The Last Resistance- by Frank Camp

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said: “Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”

Sometimes I become very agitated. I read and watch the news, and nothing ever seems to change. It’s as if this world is a living View-Master, with only so many possibilities. With every click, we go round and round, eventually finding ourselves looking at the same picture. It becomes tiresome to watch. Then—every once in a while—something changes; we get a new picture. I am beginning to see the new picture, and it is captivating.   Continue reading “Obama Loses Steam: Beginning of The End?”

Going door to door after Boston Bombing MarathonFreedom Outpost – by Fred DeRuvo

I’ve just started a new book about the growing police state in America. Because of my research, I’ve come across several things that prove to me that the police state is in fact, here already. It is simply in the process of growing. Of course, there will be much more detail in my book, but I’d like to present three areas of concern related to the existing police state.   Continue reading “War on Americans: The Coming Police State of America is Here”

Freedom Outpost – by Lawrence Sellin

In military operations, the enemy’s “center of gravity” is defined in JP 1-02 as “the source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom of action, or will to act.” It can also be a source of weakness and provide a point of attack.

Obama is the center of gravity for a corrupt political system. His center of gravity is transparency or, in this case, the lack thereof.   Continue reading “How to Take Down the Obama Administration and Restore the Constitution”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

As Coloradans prepare for recall elections for State Senators John Morse (D-Colorado Springs) and Angela Giron (D-Pueblo), operatives from Obama’s Organizing For Action (OFA) have allegedly been sighted in and around several Colorado towns.

In fact, Jennifer Kerns, spokeswoman for Colorado Recalls Basic Freedom Defense Fund, alleges OFA operatives are actually “running the headquarters of one of the senators [being recalled],” Senator Giron.    Continue reading “Obama’s OFA Operatives Allegedly in Colorado Prior to Gun Control Recall Vote”

The Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

Adlai Stevenson said: “A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.”

Hypocrisy and politics go hand in hand. They are best friends, walking down the street, skipping and holding hands. Our society has evolved in such a way that politicians make grand statements, telling people how they should live their lives, while simultaneously doing the exact opposite in their own lives. It’s become such an ingrained part of society, we almost don’t even notice it anymore.   Continue reading “The Story of Al Gore: A Big Bag of Wind Without A Sail”

SHTF Plan – by Joe Wurzelbacher

SHTFplan Editor’s Note: When Joe ‘The Plumber’ Wurzelbacher challenged then candidate Barrack Obama face-to-face on his plans for “spreading the wealth around” ahead of the 2008 Presidential election, it should have been a wake up call to America. Unfortunately, more than half of our voting population ignored the warnings. Now, many of those who supported the President’s policies and ideas are waking up, but the damage has already been done. The hope he promised is quickly fading away. In the following article, graciously contributed by Joe For America, Joe outlines the sheer hypocrisy of this President, who ran on a platform of transparency and change. Yeah, things have definitely changed, and it’s clear that the changes have been for the worse – at least for those of us living on Main Street.    Continue reading “If the Rest of Us Followed What President Barack Hussein Obama Said and Did…”

American Thinker – by Jeffrey W. Barrett

Mark Levin, the well-known constitutionalist talk show commentator, has written still another very good book.  This book, called the Liberty Amendments, is essentially an operator’s manual on how constitutionalists in America might restore constitutional government while bypassing the entrenched federal interests in Washington DC.

Levin’s strategy lies in taking advantage of Article 5 of the US Constitution that gives the power to the states to call a convention, propose amendments, send the amendments out to the state legislatures for passage and all the while, the states can completely ignore the powers in Washington DC.  (See Thomas Lifson’s book review.) Levin provides a list of suggested amendments which, if passed, would force the federal government to reverse its century old expansion of federal power and gradually restore a more balanced form of constitutionalist government that the Founders originally intended.    Continue reading “How to Make Mark Levin’s Vision of Constitutional Reform a Reality”

Max Velocity Tactical

I received an interesting email about rationalizing training with combat; a request for a blog post on the subject. The question posed is here:

“……we trained a great deal of the drills and principles you teach, but I never saw combat.  One thing I don’t understand completely is how the drills relate to actual combat, in the details.  I have watched lots of helmet-cam combat footage from GWOT, and it never looks anything like the drills, or even like the footage of the drills being run live-fire.  The GWOT footage, even when SOF is involved, is best often described as “hiding behind a wall spraying bullets at the desert”.   Continue reading “Rationalizing Training Drills with Combat Reality”

kerryCNS News – by Susan Jones

At a joint news conference with his Brazilian counterpart on Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry praised Brazil for its commitment to climate change initiatives, and he promised that the Obama administration also is determined to do something about it.

“So the challenge is ahead of us, for all of us, and I know that the United States has a great commitment under President Obama to take our own initiatives, not even to wait for congressional action, but to move administratively in order to do our part. I know we can continue to work with Brazil on this issue of climate, and we look forward to doing so.”   Continue reading “Kerry: Obama Will Act on Climate Change Without Congressional Approval”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

Morality is a highly misunderstood component of human nature. Some people believe they can create moral guidelines from thin air based on their personal biases and prejudices. Some people believe that morality comes from the force of bureaucracy and government law. Still, others believe that there is no such thing; that morality is a facade created by men in order to better grease the wheels of society.   Continue reading “How The Corrupt Establishment Is Selling Moral Bankruptcy To America”