radiationNatural News – by Mike Adams

At the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, radiation isn’t the only thing leaking out. Each week, it seems there’s another small leak of the truth that has been deliberately hidden from the public. Yesterday, TEPCO finally admitted it has been downplaying the ongoing radiation release levels by a factor of almost twenty.    Continue reading “TEPCO admits deliberately using radiation detectors that give deceptively low readings; radiation leaks far worse than reported”

21st Century Screenshots

Although I did my own personal “final physical relocation for sanity, spirituality and safety’s sake” into the untamed wilds many years ago, for many American city dwellers who are raising kids [ or raising their kids’ kids ], 2013 might present the last opportunity to get out of the big city before life in America takes yet another tick downward on the socio-economic and personal safety scale.

If you have been praying on this issue, or just doing alot of deep thought, with calculator in hand, there’s a list at the end of this post that might help you make up your mind. You might not yet be sure of exactly where you are going, but you can at least know where NOT to go if you choose to relocate.   Continue reading “Is It Time to Relocate? Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities in the USA in 2013”

Japanese Trade Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, right, in protective gear inspects storage tanks at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant.Newser – by Ruth Brown

New tests at Fukushima have found radiation levels around its tanks are up to 18 times worse than previously thought—high enough to kill someone within four hours of exposure, reports the BBC. What’s caused the alarming spike? More accurate measuring equipment, says plant operator TEPCO. The previous equipment could only read up to 100 millisieverts an hour. Its estimation of the radiation level at the time? 100 millisieverts an hour. The new equipment recorded readings of up to 1,800 millisieverts an hour.   Continue reading “Radiation Soars to Lethal Levels at Fukushima”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

The sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan and the picture below has been called a viral photo of the day by Coolbuster. Check out the picture, what is that all about? It certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan… if this radiation keeps leaking, and there’s no way to stop it, will boiling seas spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the United States? If so, what happens then? We are so ‘fuked’. Three brand new video reports below share the Fukushima news that you’re not getting from our government or the mainstream media.   Continue reading “‘Boiling Sea’ Off Fukushima Viral Photo Of The Day”

The Intelligence Briefings – by Tom Heneghan

UNITED STATES of America –   It can now be reported that major de-leveraging involving U.S. Citibank, HSBC, the Bank of Israel and the German Deutsche Bank is now occurring as derivative ratios continue to expand at an alarming rate.

As we have reported in previous intelligence briefings, the derivative spreads are now ass backwards involving foreign currency positions tied to the Japanese yen, the euro currency, the Chinese yuan and crude oil futures traded on the NYMEX exchange in New York.   Continue reading “It is Still the Derivatives, They Remain Toxic”

Washington Post – by Sarah Kliff

If you want to understand where Obamacare stands to have the most significant impact, check out these new maps from the Census. They show uninsured levels for every county in the United States, broken down by income level:   Continue reading “These two maps are incredibly important to Obamacare”

Morgellons Exposed

These banded motile strands can be a variety of colorations but always shades of brown to brown/black and clear to white.  These fibers were named “sugar snakes” by a researcher who determined they were polysaccharide strands from tests he  performed in the lab at SUNY at Stony Brook.  He found that the fibers would quickly bubble and melt when heated with a laser light.  These strands can be found in the bodies of Morgellons sufferers and also have been found in the environment  on heavy chemtrail days. (Photos 1 & 2)  I suppose that some would say they look more like filarial worms but there does seem to be a difference.   Continue reading “Morgellons Photos ~ Motile Sugar Snakes”

Now the End Begins

A cozy dinner for four

At the moment, US Secretary of State John Kerry has nothing but threats and ire for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. But it wasn’t all that long ago that Kerry, Assad and their wives were huddled together and sharing an intimate dinner for four.   Continue reading “The Picture That John Kerry Really Doesn’t Want You To See”

syria warThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

If war breaks out in Syria the best possible outcome will be the fall of the Assad regime, approximately 2,000,000 innocent people will perish and the world will witness the installation of the Muslim Brotherhood as the new leaders in Syria. If this is all that happens as a result of Obama’s anticipated reckless actions, we should consider ourselves lucky.

The worst-case scenario includes the entry of Israel, Russia, China and possibly India into the fight. Please note that all three of the four nations have abandoned the petrodollar in favor of a gold for oil scheme, and this fact will prove to be a prime motivator leading to the expansion of the Syrian war.   Continue reading “The Chessboard of World War III”

Channel News Asia

Two years ago, Channel NewsAsia obtained footage from within Japan’s 20 km Fukushima exclusion zone featuring a farmer who defied government orders to exterminate his cattle. While residents are now being allowed to return, nothing has been said about the changes now seen on the cattle.

JAPAN: The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear meltdown taught the world that long-term radiation exposure can cause DNA and immunological changes in living organisms.   Continue reading ““White spots” on Fukushima cattle ignored by Japanese officials”

fukushima-radiationCollective Evolution – by

When it comes to environmental disasters, the nuclear fallout at Fukushima has to be amongst the worst that has happened in the past few decades. Andrew Kishner, founder of http://www.nuclearcrimes.org/ has put together a great resource of information that tracks what has been developing over time in Fukushima as it relates to the nuclear incident. You can check out his research further using the links below.     Continue reading “Fukushima: Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish Are Over”


Study estimates Japan plant released 100 quadrillion becquerels (PBq) of cesium into atmosphere… In a single day

Estimation of radionuclide emission during the March 15, 2011 accident at the Fukushima-1 NPP (Atomic Energy Journal Volume 112, Issue 3), July 2012:

“According to estimates made by the present authors, the following radionuclides entered the atmosphere on March 15, 2011 (PBq): ~400 iodine, ~100 cesium, and ~400 inert gases.”   Continue reading “Will Fukushima now officially be referred to as worst nuclear disaster in world history?”

earthonfireSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

As Jerome Corsi warned earlier today, “this is one of the most serious moments that we’ve ever faced in world history.”

Events are happening quickly and as it stands, the United States, Britain and other western allies are preparing a missile strike on Syria.

Russia has been the most critical opponent of the possibility of mid east military action, but now China has also stepped in.   Continue reading “No Negotiation: China and Russia Walk Out of UN Security Council Meeting: “This Isn’t An Exercise””

Did Goebbels write Obama's propaganda playbook?Walid Shoebat – by Keith Davies

Watching the US media today – along with the Chief of propaganda John “Goebbels” Kerry, we are watching a classic case of Nazi-style aggression against another country without any concrete proof of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the accused party. “Undeniable evidence” has not been shown to us just as the Nazis trumped up lies against Poland to justify its invasion to start World War 2.

We have shown that there is strong evidence to suggest the Rebels fired these Chemical weapons and not Assad. No national or international agency or media source has been able to show who fired the weapons. Walid Shoebat, based on meticulous research, is the only source that has provided significant evidence to suggest that it was the rebels. Video of a rebel saying that he is using Sarin gas and a video of Chemical warheads being fired using a special artillery gun seems pretty convincing.   Continue reading “Nazi-Style Propaganda from the Obama Administration”

TEPCONatural News – by Mike Adams

After a 29-month cover-up, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) is now calling for international help and has all but admitted Fukushima’s radiation leaks are spiraling out of control. In addition to the leaking water storage units that are unleashing hundreds of tons of radioactive water each day, Tepco now says 50% of its contaminated water filtration capability has been taken offline due to corrosion.    Continue reading “Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won’t stop”