The Siasat Daily

United Nations: In exchange for food from UN peacekeepers, children as young as nine traded oral sex in warzones while officials looked the other way, according to a shocking report claimed.

Memos about the sexual abuse in the Central African Republic were “passed from desk to desk, inbox to inbox, across multiple UN offices, with no one willing to take responsibility”, the report found, reported the Sunday Express.   Continue reading “Sex for Food: UN officials demand oral sex from hungry refugee children”

National Review – by David French

If you’re Social Justice Warrior, you’re a liar. You actively spread absurd falsehoods about the nature of men, women, sex, and culture that can’t withstand even the slightest scrutiny. You change history and conceal facts to fit preferred narratives, even when it costs human lives. You claim the best of intentions yet achieve the worst of outcomes. And through it all, you hate the very nation and political system that have granted you the liberties you so grotesquely abuse.   Continue reading “Political Correctness Has Peaked”

AZ Central – by Michael Kiefer

Two members of a “rip crew” that engaged in a fatal firefight with U.S. Border Patrol Agents near the Mexican border in December 2010 were found guilty of murder today by a U.S. District Court jury in Tucson.

Agent Brian Terry was killed in the fight, and guns found at the scene were traced to the scandalously flawed federal gun-running sting operation called “Fast and Furious.”   Continue reading “2 convicted in murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry”

Free North Carolina

If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life,
(for most folks in the South this is again becoming a reality, just as it was in 1865)

And I had to start again with just my children and my wife.
(many have had to do just this, and in 1865 it was mostly wives and children starting over without husbands.)   Continue reading ““Proud To Be An American””


Two Danish women confront the racism people hardly ever read about in the bias mainstream media, where racism from immigrants is a taboo topic.

Published in one of Denmark’s most left-wing newspapers, Ekstra Bladet, this important issue has now finally been touched.

– Why do we only hear about immigrants who are being discriminated against – and not Danish women who are being called whores, writes two women.   Continue reading “Danish women confront reversed racism”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

Greenville, TX – In yet another case of police investigating themselves only to determine that they did nothing wrong, a Hunt County Sheriff’s deputy was no-billed after being captured on video punching a pregnant woman numerous times and pushing her stomach first into a kitchen counter, leaving bruises.

During the execution of a child custody warrant, a 38-week pregnant woman, Deanna Robinson, was arrested. Hunt County Sheriff’s Department went to Robinson’s residence to assist CPS in taking custody of a child after a familial dispute.   Continue reading “Cop “Violated No Policies” After Being Caught on Video Punching 9-Months Pregnant Woman in Belly”

Daily Mail – by Darren Boyle

A group of unarmed US Marines on board a high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris foiled a terrorist attack after a gunman opened fire with an assault rifle, wounding three people.

The 26-year-old Moroccan national, who was known to security services, came out of the toilet brandishing the gun and opened fire. Fortunately, two US Marines were nearby and overpowered him before he could massacre passengers.   Continue reading “U.S. Marines ‘take down’ armed gunman on board a high-speed train between Amsterdam and Paris”

The Truth About the Law – by Legalman

Quick, exactly where in the constitution is the federal government given the power to institute a “draft” for the military? I think that is a pretty important question to be able to answer if we are going to claim we live in a ‘free’ country. Think about what the draft does. It allows p.o.s. politicians to force you to go risk your life in order to keep the entire crooked scheme of government going. The draft can force you to either murder someone or be murdered by someone. That is a pretty damn big power for an entity like government to have.  People say, “but we don’t have a draft so who cares?”  lol, ahh the people really are so easily lulled and duped.  If it is such a non-issue, then why do men still have to sign up for selective service at 18?  hmmm.   Continue reading “Where do the Feds get the right to draft you?”

WND – by Pat Buchanan

“Trump’s immigration proposals are as dangerous as they are stunning,” railed amnesty activist Frank Sharry.

“Trump … promises to rescind protections for Dreamers and deport them. He wants to redefine the constitutional definition of U.S. citizenship as codified by the 14th Amendment. He plans to impose a moratorium on legal immigration.”   Continue reading “Immigration: Issue of the Century”


BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A group of residents in northern Idaho lined up outside a U.S. Navy veteran’s house on Thursday to protest claims that federal officials are planning on confiscating the man’s weapons.

Idaho Republican state Rep. Heather Scott of Blanchard said the Veteran Affairs office has sent a letter to John Arnold of Priest River warning him that he cannot possess or purchase firearms.   Continue reading “Gun-confiscation fears lead to protest in northern Idaho”

Judicial Watch

The U.S. government paid a controversial civil rights activist/comedian to deliver an anti-white racist tirade at a major federal agency during Black History month and Judicial Watch has obtained the disturbing transcript of the offensive political rant.

It took place at the United States Census Bureau earlier this year and the paid speaker was Dick Gregory, a self-professed humanitarian and drum major for justice who claims that his social satire changed the way white Americans perceive African American comedians. But Gregory’s angry outburst at the Census Bureau was not funny to some employees and the agency was forced to explain that it will thoroughly review its procedures for selecting future speakers to “ensure their views are appropriate for the federal workplace.”   Continue reading “U.S. Pays Black Comedian to Deliver Anti-White Racist Tirade at Fed Agency”

Liberty Unyielding – by J.E. Dyer

There’s “good order and discipline,” and then there’s “poor leadership and judgment.”

Unfortunately, I agree with Allen West that it’s more of the latter we’re seeing, with the news that the Navy is bringing charges against Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Timothy White, who returned fire against terrorist Muhammad Abdulazeez in Chattanooga on 16 July.  (A second uniformed man present, an unnamed Marine, is also reported to have returned fire.  It hasn’t been publicly reported whether either defender hit Abdulazeez in the exchange.)   Continue reading “Navy brings charges against officer who fired back at Chattanooga terrorist”

The Independent

Morrissey has claimed he was sexually assaulted by a member of staff at San Francisco International Airport earlier this week.

Posting on True To You, an online Morrissey fanzine, the singer detailed an incident where he was approached by an airport security officer who “crouched before me and groped my penis and testicles.” Continue reading “Morrissey claims he was sexually assaulted by a member of staff at San Francisco Airport”


The Marine Corps is notorious for fielding outdated equipment – some of which can be as many as 30 years old. When the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Marine snipers carried the M40A1 sniper rifles, many of which were introduced shortly after the end of the Vietnam War.

The Marines currently use a newer variant of the M40 as its primary sniper rifle – and it still shoots roughly the same distance it did 12 years ago: 1,000 yards.   Continue reading “US Marines: Our Sniper Rifles Are Outdated on the Battlefield”

KTBS 3 News

BATON ROUGE, La – Friday, Governor Jindal issued an Executive Order authorizing the Adjutant General of the Louisiana National Guard to identify and arm national guard personnel at military facilities in order to protect those facilities. Governor Jindal also issued an Executive Order calling for the flags at all state buildings to be flown at half-staff until July 24, 2015 out of respect for the victims of the Chattanooga, Tennessee terrorist attacks.   Continue reading “Governor Jindal issues executive order to arm military families”

US Military

There are some things Marines with combat experience know to be “ must-haves” when serving in a combat zone. Here is a list of the top 20 items combat-experienced Marines of 3rd Platoon, C Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment feel are the most important that a Marine should carry in combat, besides the standard issue of equipment and weapons. The list was compiled by Sgt. Clinton Firstbrook, and originally published in the May 2005 edition of Marines, the official magazine of the Marine Corps.   Continue reading “Marine Corps Combat Veterans Top 20 ‘Must-Haves’”

Veterans Today – by Jim W. Dean, April 14, 2011

April is Confederate Memorial Month where various commemorations held throughout the month, primarily in the South. In the other states I would venture to say that most have never even heard of it, a combination performance of historical revisionism, political correctness, and amnesia. But I am happy to report that we are seeing more events being held each year,and better attended.

The anti-Confederate smear campaign is becoming recognized for what it always was, a political campaign to denigrate Southern heritage. The ignorance of this was on the scale of your left arm not liking your right arm and then beginning a process of eventual amputation. But this would  include a period of cigarette burning and razor slashing to get the process rolling.   Continue reading “Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress”