Clay Center Dispatch

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — A complaint to the Democratic National Convention says two male Vermont delegates were replaced by women in the name of “gender balance” and without adequate due process.

The complaint, filed by 21 Vermont Democrats including 16 women, says the national party this month strong armed the state party to replace Vermont Sen. Tim Ashe and party stalwart Ken Dean, although Dean and Ashe were elected June 11. Dean is among the 21 complainants; Ashe is not.   Continue reading “2 Vermont DNC delegates excluded due to gender”

The Conservative Treehouse – by sundance

Therese Apel, a reporter for the Clarion Ledger, has done some fantastic reporting on the murder case of Jessica Lynn Chambers.   Therese has a video update –HERE– Jessica’s death was a shocking and horrific murder that impacted many CTH readers including myself.

Today the man accused of burning Jessica to death, Quinton “Go Hard” Tellis, appeared in a Mississippi courtroom to face the charges.   Continue reading “Justice for Jessica: Suspect In Jessica Chambers Murder Enters Not Guilty Plea…”

Red Ice TV

As I write this, the world is watching in shock and confusion as a military coup unfolds in Turkey.

Many are left grasping for answers, unsure of the military’s motivations.

Interestingly, an article published in March on the American Enterprise Institute’s website considered the possibility of a military coup transpiring in Turkey.   Continue reading “The Turkish Military Coup Explained”

The Arms Guide – by Mark Miller

A source tells that when Dallas SWAT made entry after the detonation of an explosive device, they encountered a Saiga IZ-240 semiautomatic rifle on the floor among the rubble.  The weapon had a 30 round magazine, single point sling, Magpul folding stock and a Primary Arms 5 power scope.   Continue reading “Saiga 5.45mm Rifle used by Dallas Shooter”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On July 1, businesses that disarm concealed carry permit holders with gun-free signage will be liable for the safety of those permit holders.

When the law, contained in SB 1736, takes effect, business owners who demand law-abiding citizens disarm themselves will assume liability for injuries they incur while on the “posted premises.” Moreover, the business owners will be liable for injuries a concealed permit holder incurs while retreating from the business to a vehicle–during an emergency–to retrieve the gun the business owner barred.   Continue reading “Tennessee Businesses That Disarm Concealed Carry Permit Holders Now Liable for Their Safety”

Western Rifle Shooters – by Matt Bracken

The FBI today officially becoming a willing Soviet-Stasi stooge and tool, even if under duress, brings home how fast things can change in a volatile political environment. I judge 2016 as being as dangerous as 1860 or 1913. In European terms, a “Night of Long Knives” is now not an impossibility. Fast and Furious (300+ dead, no repercussions, media holding) emboldened them to betray Benghazi station, to write it off and lie about it, (no repercussions, media holding). Now the perception, real or imagined, is that even the FBI has been forced to toe the party line.   Continue reading “Bracken: Coward Comey Takes a Dive”

Infowars – by Adan Salazar

The TSA is listed as a defendant in a suit accusing them of injuring a mentally disabled teen after she was unable to understand or comply with orders at a security checkpoint.

Newly surfaced photos show the aftermath of the June 30, 2015 incident, in which agents roughed up 19-year-old Hannah Cohen leaving her bloodied and bruised.   Continue reading “TSA sued for beating deaf, partially blind teen recovering from brain surgery”

New York Post – by Bob Fredericks

The US sailors who were detained by the Iranian navy last winter provided their name, rank and serial numbers — and pretty much everything else their captors demanded, the US Navy said in a blistering report Thursday.

The 10 crew members, captured at gunpoint in the Persian Gulf on Jan. 12 by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, improperly revealed passwords for laptops and cellphones and even sensitive technical details about their two ships, including their top speed, capabilities and missions, the report said.   Continue reading “Navy says American sailors blabbed to Iranian captors”

Express – by Joey Millar

A study by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) revealed so-called extreme “insurgent parties” are calling for a total of 34 public votes – with matters ranging from their countries’ membership of the EU to refugee policy.

The ECFR report blamed Europe’s fear of Turkey joining the EU and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “refugees welcome” policy as major reasons behind a rapid rise in support for both right-wing and far-left, anti-EU parties and their attempts to take back control of their countries.    Continue reading “EU BACKLASH: Brexit ‘TSUNAMI’ expected as 34 referendums set to rock union”


Britain’s David Cameron has announced plans to resign as prime minister following Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.

Speaking after confirmation that the United Kingdom had voted against his pleas to remain in Europe, the Tory leader told reporters outside 10 Downing Street: “I do not think it would be right for me to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination.”   Continue reading “Cameron steps down as PM, to leave office by October”

Daily Bell

Hillary and Trump Leave Americans with Angst, Malaise and Little Confidence  … A new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that the choice of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president leaves Americans feeling frustrated, angry, helpless — suffering from angst and malaise, with little confidence with our political system.  –Red State

We covered this AP-NORC poll previously HERE but focused on Americans lack of trust when it comes to government.   Continue reading “9 in 10 Americans are Disillusioned With Democracy”

Breitbart – by Austin Ruse

Marquette University has moved to suspend and then fire Professor John McAdams for backing a student who tried to defend man-woman marriage when a leftist teaching assistant shut the student down.

In the fall of 2014, junior faculty member Cheryl Abbate told a student, who secretly recorded the exchange, that his defense of man-woman marriage was an unacceptable topic in her ethics class and compared his views to racism. She said, “You can have whatever opinions you want but I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments, and sexist comments will not be tolerated.” And then she told the student he should drop the class.   Continue reading “University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views”


A dozen current and former principals from Detroit Public Schools were among those hit with bribery and conspiracy charges by the federal government regarding a scheme to score kickbacks from school supplies that were rarely, if ever, delivered.

The scheme covers the time period between 2009 and 2014 and involves not just the 12 current and former DPS principals, but also the assistant superintendent of the DPS Office of Specialized Student services, Clara Flowers, and a company called Allstate Sales, an authorized school supplies vendor for DPS.   Continue reading “12 Detroit principals charged by feds in bribery, conspiracy scheme”

The Healthy Home Economist – by Sarah

Up, up and away!

This pretty much describes the CDC Childhood Immunization Schedule since 1950.

On February 1, 2016, the insanity continued as the CDC hiked the childhood immunization schedule even further by adding another 3 vaccinations and lowering the age for the first HPV jab (Gardasil) to 9 years old. The total is now an outrageous 74 doses (53 injections) by age 17, an increase of 24X since 1950.   Continue reading “CDC Adds 3 More Vaccines to Childhood Immunization Schedule”

Washington Examiner – by Kelly Cohen

Attorney General Loretta Lynch indicated Wednesday that the law doesn’t require the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email system, even if the FBI recommends criminal charges.

Lynch was asked in a hearing by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, what her department would do if the FBI were to recommend that step. “If the FBI were to make a referral to the Department of Justice to pursue a case by way of indictment and to convene a grand jury for that purpose, the Department of Justice is not required by law to do so, are they — are you?” Cornyn asked.   Continue reading “Lynch indicates DOJ not required to charge Clinton”


Being behind on student loan payments in Texas could cost you more than your credit score. The US Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people who aren’t paying their federal student debt.

Paul Aker said that seven deputy US Marshals showed up at his Houston home in combat gear.   Continue reading “US Marshals make arrests over non-payment of student loans”

The American Spectator

The Federal Bureau of Investigation will recommend that the Justice Department bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and various of her aides, and soon. The evidence consists of materials that the Bureau has gathered in the course of its months-long investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s personal server. The recommendations will come very soon.

The charges will consist of some of the following:   Continue reading “The Bells Toll for Hillary”