PeriodicTableArmstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong

Scientists at CERN in Geneva have announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element Governmentium (Gv). It has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons which are surrounded by vast quantities of right-on-like particles called peons.   Continue reading “The Discovery of a New Element”

TownHall – by Guy Benson

Waving away the Benghazi massacre as a “phony scandal” was vulgar and low class to begin with.  Now, it’s totally inoperative as a talking point.  CNN sends Benghazi-gate into the stratosphere with a striking series of highly sensitive revelations.  Wow:   Continue reading “CIA Using “Unprecedented” Polygraphing, “Pure Intimidation” to Guard Benghazi Secrets”

Bloomberg – by Matthew Leising

U.S. investigators uncovered evidence that banks reaped millions of dollars in trading profits at the expense of companies and pension funds by manipulating a benchmark for interest-rate derivatives.

Recorded telephone calls and e-mails reviewed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission show that traders at Wall Street banks instructed ICAP Plc brokers in Jersey City, New Jersey, to buy or sell as many interest-rate swaps as necessary to move the benchmark rate, known as ISDAfix, to a predetermined level, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.   Continue reading “Swaps Probe Finds Banks Rigged Rate at Expense of Retirees”

Gold Seek – by Jim Willie CB,

Many are the signals of breakdown, in the financial system and the Gold market. The day is near for release of gold from under the thumb of the criminal bankers. They can no longer operate in the shadows, recently in full view. The best information coming to my desk indicates that three major Western banks are under constant threat of failure overnight, every night, forcing extraordinary measures to avoid failure. They are Deutshe Bank in Germany, Barclays in London, and Citibank in New York.   Continue reading “Signals for Breakdown on Numerous Fault Lines”

MISH’S Global Economic Trend Analysis

Proving that idiocy truly has no bounds, Spain issued a “royal decree” taxing sunlight gatherers. The state threatens fines as much as 30 million euros for those who illegally gather sunlight without paying a tax.

The tax is just enough to make sure that homeowners cannot gather and store solar energy cheaper than state-sponsored providers.   Continue reading “Spain Levies Consumption Tax on Sunlight”

Business Insider – by LINETTE LOPEZ CEO Patrick Byrne took out a full-page ad in this morning’s Wall Street Journal shredding billionaire Steven Cohen for his hedge fund’s indictment by a Federal Grand Jury earlier this week.

The firm, SAC Capital, has been charged with insider trading.   Continue reading “The CEO Of Took Out A Full Page Ad In The Wall Street Journal Mocking Steven Cohen”

fearhand1Monty Perelin’s World

It is nearly impossible to convince people that an economic ending is likely, perhaps inevitable. It is beyond anything they have seen or can imagine. I attribute that to a normalcy bias, an inherent weakness of experiential learners. For many, accepting something that has not occurred during their time on the planet is not possible. The laws of economics and mathematics may shape history but they are not controlled by history.

The form of cataclysm and its timing is indeterminable. Political decisions continue to shape both. The madmen who are responsible for the coming disaster continue to behave as if they can manage to avoid it.  Violating Einstein’s definition of insanity, they continue to apply the same poison that caused the problem. These fools believe they can manage complexities they do not understand. We are bigger fools for providing them the authority to indulge their hubris and wreak such damage.   Continue reading “Extreme Fear Is Reasonable”

Demostrators hold a banner in front of the parliament during a protest as lawmakers prepared to vote late July 17, 2013 on a controversial new austerity package involving a huge shake-up of the civil service with thousands of jobs on the line. (AFP Photo/Aris Messinis)RT News

The Greek Parliament approved the redeployment of 25,000 public sector workers by the end of the year in order to secure its next much needed aid installment of $9.2 billion (7 billion euro) from the Troika of creditors.

A total of 12,500 public sector workers, mainly teachers and municipal police will enter a ‘mobility pool’, in which they are given eight months to find new work or be fired, and another 15,000 face the same fate next year.    Continue reading “Austerity in action: Greece approves to lay off 25,000 teachers, police”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After every non-farm payroll report we provide our own breakdown of what the real unemployment rate is in a country in which the labor force participation rate has not been adjusted to normalize for the Second Great Depression. In the most recent such endeavor we found the “Real Unemployment Rate” to be 11.3%.   Continue reading “The Jobs Number Is BS Says Former Head Of BLS”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Change you can believe in with Detroit filing Chapter 9. But, really, adjusted for AFS, one-time items and a stock buyback which was pending but never fully effected, it is only a Chapter 11 and thus bullish.   Continue reading “Detroit Files Chapter 9 Bankruptcy As Moody’s Raises US Outlook”

you believe that China is a greater threat for the USA, but continue buying products made in China.

you believe we have a two party government.

you believe that desperate people do desperate things, and governments don’t.

you believe the mainstream media isn’t totally honest with you, but still continue to watch their programs.   Continue reading “You might be an “American DUMB ass” if…”

Live Leak

A local Fox affiliate, the San Francisco powerhouse station KTVU, is dealing with the fallout of a major error on Friday. During their noon broadcast, a report on the deadly Asiana Airlines crash took a turn for the unintentionally offensive when they broadcast the names of pilots in charge of that flight. The mangled Asian-sounding names were, in fact, thinly-disguised expletives mocking the sentiments expressed by the crash victims and their families.   Continue reading “‘Ho Lee Fuk’: Someone Pranked San Francisco TV Station Into Reporting Fabricated Names Of Asiana Pilots”

Leap 20-20

The 2008 shock was certainly violent, but the reactions of the system, countries and central banks with their bailouts on an unprecedented scale, managed to hide the worst consequences: downgrading of the West in general and the United States in particular, a forced cleanup of the economy, a heavy fall from an artificial standard of living, mass unemployment, the beginning of social unrest… have been able to be partly neglected in favour of recovery hopes kept alive by irresponsible policies diverting liquidity to the banking systems and stock exchanges.   Continue reading “GEAB N°76 is available! Alert for the second half of 2013 – Global systemic crisis II: second devastating explosion/social outburst on a worldwide scale”


Sometime in the evening of May 21 a contingent of law enforcement officials arrived at the apartment of 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev (pronounced Ibrahim To-DAH-shev).  The FBI says that the group consisted of an FBI agent, two Massachusetts state troopers, and “other law enforcement personnel.”  So there were at least four of them, and we may presume that they were all armed.  Their interest in Todashev was occasioned by the fact that he was an acquaintance of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the elder of the two Chechen-immigrant brothers accused in the Boston marathon bombing.  Todashev, like Tamerlan Tsarnaev, had been a mixed martial arts fighter and had lived for a time in the Boston area.  Their common professional interests and heritage had apparently brought them together, at least casually.   Continue reading “The Todashev Killing and the House of Cards”