Canada Free Press – by Doug Hagmann

As noted in my June 7, 2013 report titled DHS Insider: It’s about to get very ugly, the additional information provided to me that was temporarily withheld from publication is now being released. The methodical and incremental release of information was (and is) deliberate, to allow other things to play out, such as the public exposure to the name Edward Snowden and his revelations regarding just how extensive the domestic surveillance apparatus is—and who the surveillance is actually targeting.   Continue reading “More DHS insider from DC”

Edward Snowden Hong KongGuardian – by Glenn Greenwald

It is the interview the world’s media organisations have been chasing for more than a week, but instead Edward Snowden is giving Guardian readers the exclusive.

The 29-year-old former NSA contractor and source of the Guardian’s NSA files coverage will – with the help of Glenn Greenwald – take your questions today on why he revealed the NSA’s top-secret surveillance of US citizens, the international storm that has ensued, and the uncertain future he now faces. Ask him anything.   Continue reading “Edward Snowden Q and A: NSA whistleblower answers your questions”

Steve Quayle Alerts

China can and will “disconnect” from the US economy–from a letter to a high-level friend, July 18, 2006 :

Many have stated that China is too dependent upon trade with the United States to do anything drastic to “upset the apple cart”. But those who state/believe that don’t know the Chinese (or they do and are purposefully misleading others).   Continue reading “How’s this for someone who got it about China 7 years ago -Thank You Loren”


Greetings Netizens, and Citizens of the world.

Anonymous has obtained some documents that “they” do not want you to see, and much to “their” chagrin, we have found them, and are giving them to you.

These documents prove that the NSA is spying on you, and not just Americans. They are spying on the citizens of over 35 different countries.   Continue reading “Anonymous releases private NSA documents regarding spying”

Lew Rockwell – by Michael S. Rozeff

Verizon is being forced by the government to disclose telephone records of all of its customers. Those of us who want our call records to be private are being forced to reveal them to the government. We can’t keep them private even if we want to. What is wrong with the government spying on us in this way?   Continue reading “What’s Wrong With the NSA Collecting Your Phone Records?”

Dianne FeinsteinThe Daily Sheeple – by Daniel Jackson

Senator Dianne Feinstein has long been accused of corruption and unethical behavior in Congress. From going after the Second Amendment to making tens of millions of dollars through her husband’s companies, Feinstein seems to take unbridled glee in being one of the most corrupt members of Congress today.

Recently, a new wave of accusations has been levied at Feinstein, this time focusing on a deal that started in 2011 when the Post Office awarded the CBRE Group Inc. a contract to be the sole marketer of USPS properties. Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, just so happens to be the Chairman of the Board of the CBRE Group.   Continue reading “Keeping It In the Family: Senator Feinstein’s Husband Stands to Make Millions from USPS Contract”

The Passionate Attachment – by Maidhc Ó Cathail

In an attempt to dispel embarrassing reports that Senator John McCain’s “surprise” trip to Syria featured a meeting with kidnappers — including Mohammad Nour of the Northern Storm rebel group — behind the 2012 abduction of 11 Lebanese religious pilgrims, The Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin cited Mouaz Moustafa, the executive director of a little-known organization called The Syrian Emergency Task Force: Continue reading “Did An Israel Lobby Front Group Organize McCain’s Trip To Syria?”

The Ugly Truth – by Mark Glenn

In this, the world of post-destruction Iraq/Syria/Libya/Afghanistan/Gaza/Lebanon, etc, it is more than a little believable that someone from one of those aforementioned neighborhoods might harbor enough of a grudge to strike back with what’s commonly referred to as an act of terrorism. Continue reading “The Boston Massacre, 2013–Inevitable Blowback, Bibi’s Gift to an insolent America, or both?”

Russia-made MIG-29 M/M2 fighter jets (file photo)Global Research -by Dr. Christof Lehmann

The recent commitment by Russia to honor a contract with Syria for the delivery of S-300 Surface to Air defense systems, considered to be one of the best, if not the best in the world, is followed up by a Syrian request for the delivery of MiG 29 M/M2 fighter jets.

In 2012 NATO stationed Patriot Missile Defense Systems along the 900 km long Syrian – Turkish border; Saudi-Arabia and the USA signed a deal for a significant upgrade of Saudi-Arabia´s air force. Russia is drawing a red line in the Syrian sand. With the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a direct military intervention against Syria would be futile. The Middle East is being prepared for a stand-off.   Continue reading “Russia Draws a “Red Line”: S-300, MiG 29s and MiG 31s for Syria”

Flickr - Monopoly - Mark StrozierWaking Times – by Christina Sarich

Perhaps you have heard of the Rockefellers, and the often romantic tale told of the riches that accompany their mark on Americana. John Davidson Rockefeller, (1839-1937) the patriarch of the family, was the first billionaire in the United States. Often we are told he lived the American dream, pulling himself up by his boot straps and working tirelessly to build his family’s wealth. The truth that has come out over the years, however, is that Rockefeller was a Nazi sympathizer and fascist wealth gatherer who used others for his own whims.   Continue reading “The Shady Past of The Rockefeller Family & Its Haunting Effect on the World”

sermon-(R)deesZen Gardner

Perpetrating probably one of the biggest hoaxes of all time, Zionism is one of the wickedest and most devious parasitic viruses ever known to mankind. If you haven’t done your homework and you’re a staunch whatever and that offends you, sorry, you’re right on queue. You’ve been programmed to think any questioning of anything about  (implied Jewish anything) their metastasizing cultic Talmudist protection and control meme carefully woven into society — is taboo.

Well repeated. But the awake aren’t repeaters; in mind, spirit or body.   Continue reading “Hijacked Christianity”

	In this Monday, June 3, 2013 photo, former Houston police officer Drew Ryser, the fourth and final Houston police officer accused of wrongdoing in the 2010 videotaped beating of teenage burglar Chad Holley, looks on during the first day of his trial, in Houston. (AP Photo/Houston Chronicle, James Nielsen) MANDATORY CREDITNew York Daily News

HOUSTON — Houston’s police chief told jurors on Tuesday that the 2010 videotaped beating of a black teen burglary suspect made him “sick to my stomach” and gave the police department a “black eye.”

Police Chief Charles McClelland Jr. testified that fired officer Drew Ryser — one of four officers who were indicted in the case — mistreated the teen during his arrest and failed to follow proper procedures.   Continue reading “Houston police chief testifies against fired officer accused of beating teen suspect”

Lew Rockwell – by Andrew P. Napolitano

What if government officials have written laws that apply only to us and not to them? What if we gave them the power to protect our freedoms and our safety and they used that power to trick and trap some of us? What if government officials broke the laws we hired them to enforce? What if they prosecuted others for breaking the same laws they broke?   Continue reading “What if Laws Applied to Everyone?”

Security company Trend Micro discovered that the Zeus Trojan was becoming more prevalent and the amount of incidents peaked in May. Daily Mail – by VICTORIA WOOLLASTON

A computer virus that steals bank details and empties money from accounts has been found on Facebook by security experts.

Trend Micro discovered the malicious links were being posted by fake Facebook profiles on popular brand pages, such as the U.S. National Football League.

The links are believed to be controlled by the Russian Business Network – an online criminal gang accused of stealing internet users’ identities and private information.    Continue reading “Computer virus found on Facebook steals bank details and money from accounts when users click on links”

National Journal – by Brian Fung

Whether bloggers count as journalists has mostly been a matter of esoterics for reporter types. But as Congress weighs a media shield law in response to the Associated Press/Justice Department subpoena scandal, the question is gaining an urgency that lawmakers are finding hard to ignore as they turn to writing the bill.   Continue reading “Lindsey Graham Isn’t Sure If Bloggers Deserve ‘First Amendment Protection’”

The Lone Star Watchdog

One thing the government has not leaned. They cannot save their face and ass at the same time.  After decades of lying to the people about  why we went to war or been told to give up our own rights does not work anymore. The internet gave birth to the rise of citizen Journalism. The government has been desperate to try to silence and shut down free speech. They are desperate to hold onto power using anything to save their own ass at all cost.   Continue reading “NSA Should Now Mean “Now Saving Ass” Because the Government is Paranoid of the American People”

Zero Hedge – by JS Kim

Today, there is almost zero truth in mainstream media. Just as global financial firms like Goldman Sachs have repeatedly been exposed for issuing conflicting advice to different tier clients depending upon how much money the client has with the firm, mainstream media has constantly been exposed for issuing different stories as well, depending upon the propaganda they wish to disseminate. For example, Time Magazine often runs different cover stories for the United States and the rest of the world as is illustrated by the covers of issues released in October and December 2011 below.   Continue reading “Independent v. Mainstream News: Informed v. Re-Educated”

Information Clearinghouse – by Jason Liosatos

As people are battered, brutalized, pepper sprayed and tear gassed in Turkey, it is becoming more and more obvious to the awakening masses that they are living under a tyrannical regime globally, who will do anything to keep its enslaved population under its control, its worker ants, and keep them enchained to their system of fear, debt and work. The brutality by police are obviously orders from government to control at any cost, and it would not take much for the government to take it to the next level, like Assad of Syria, and start killing the uprising people, who are desperate to become free of their slavery.   Continue reading “Turkish Situation Proves Slaves Will Be Brutally Punished or Killed if Disobedient”