Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

Flint, MI — The water crisis in Flint, Michigan has inspired an unlikely partnership: a local militia group is coordinating with outspoken liberal filmmaker Michael Moore to demand accountability and clean water for residents.

Moore, a Flint native who first gained notoriety for his his documentary on the town’s economic hardships, has spoken out against the state and local government’s negligent handling of the disaster. The high volume of lead in public water supplies has contaminated children’s blood and led Flint’s mayor to declare a state of emergency.   Continue reading “People Over Politics: Michigan Militia Joins Michael Moore to Protest Flint Water Crisis”


The contractor who pulled out of the job to remove Confederate monuments in New Orleans after citing death threats found a $200,000 Lamborghini charred beyond recognition in the company’s parking lot Tuesday morning, according to WDSU.

An attorney for the company, Roy Maughan Jr., told WDSU that while an investigation into the burnt vehicle is ongoing, its discovery was “extremely suspicious” considering the threats company owner David Mahler and his staff have received in recent days.   Continue reading “Former Confederate monument contractor finds $200K Lamborghini burned, TV station reports”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As regular readers are by now acutely aware, Europeans are growing increasingly frustrated with officials’ response to the bloc’s worst refugee crisis since World War II.

To be sure, some countries were skeptical from the very beginning. Take Hungary for example, whose firebrand PM Viktor Orban built a series of migrant-be-gone fences late last summer and defended them with tear gas and water cannons.   Continue reading “Caught On Tape: 1,000 Dutch Villagers Storm Town Hall In Anti-Migrant Melee”

Shadow Proof

United States Navy SEALs planned war games in the state of Washington for mid-January, where they would encroach upon residential areas, state parks, national parks, etc, without the consent of the public. The war games treat citizens as pawns because SEALs were trained to react to citizens as potential terrorists.

One of the most alarming aspects of the war games, which were reported on by Truthout journalist Dahr Jamail, is how it normalizes the idea that U.S. citizens can be enemies. The war games suggest a future where many more military exercises run roughshod over public spaces and soldiers simulate how citizens could pose a danger to them.   Continue reading “In War Games, Navy Seals Normalize Treating U.S. Citizens As Enemy”

Telegraph – by Hugh Morris

A man who implanted a microchip containing his airline booking details into his hand was able to use it to pass effortlessly through security to his flight.

Andreas Sjöström, vice president of digital for technology consulting company Sogeti, had the near-field communication chip (NFC) about the size of a grain of rice injected into his hand with a syringe, before using it at Stockholm Arlanda Airport to pass through security and board his plane.

Continue reading “Man uses microchip implanted in hand to pass through airport security”

USA Today

An advisory committee will vote Tuesday on whether to recommend the Food and Drug Administration approve an implant designed to reduce addicts’ cravings for heroin or prescription painkillers.

The implant, probuphine, provides a steady dose of a medication called buprenorphine, which has been shown to ease withdrawal symptoms, decrease cravings and cut the risk of relapse. Probuphine’s manufacturer, New Jersey-based BraeburnPharmaceuticals, says it has the potential to eliminate risks associated with pills or dissolvable strips.   Continue reading “FDA considers new, implantable treatment for heroin, painkiller addiction”

Wall Street Journal – by Stephen Witt

THE YEAR IS 2040, and as you wait for a drone to deliver your pizza, you decide to throw on some tunes. Once a commodity bought and sold in stores, music is now an omnipresent utility invoked via spoken- word commands. In response to a simple “play,” an algorithmic DJ opens a blended set of songs, incorporating information about your location, your recent activities and your historical preferences—complemented by biofeedback from your implanted SmartChip. A calming set of lo-fi indie hits streams forth, while the algorithm adjusts the beats per minute and acoustic profile to the rain outside and the fact that you haven’t eaten for six hours.   Continue reading “Is the Future of Music a Chip in Your Brain?”

Anti-Media – by Justin King

(TFC) Washington D.C. – One of the largest fears of firearm owners is the prospect of a database of their names and personal information in the hands of the federal government. The idea of the government in possession of a list of gun owners has been one of the most opposed proposals in the gun control debate. The stiff opposition is linked to the justifiable fear of the government using such a list to confiscate firearms by force.   Continue reading “Feds Illegally Maintain Registry of Firearm Owners; Media Fails to Report It”

Liberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.

– James Madison, Founding Father and 4th President of these United States   Continue reading “Meet the Institution Most Intent on Destroying American Freedom – (*Hint: It’s Not ISIS)”

Middle East Eye – by Mary Atkinson

Syrian passports found near the bodies of two of the suspected Paris attackers were fakes that were likely made in Turkey, police sources in France told Channel 4 News on Sunday.

Greek officials had said on Saturday that one of the two passports was held by someone who had registered as a refugee on the Greek island of Leros on 3 October.   Continue reading “Syrian passports found at Paris attacks scene were fakes made in Turkey”