Backing into your own driveway could cost you under proposed bill before Jacksonville Council

  Bob.Self@jacksonville.comJacksonville – by David Bauerlein

For those who prefer to back vehicles into their driveways, a proposal pending before City Council would make it illegal to park their cars that way unless their license plate information is clearly visible from the street.

The proposed bill is aimed at cracking down on the visual blight that occurs when vehicle owners store cars that don’t work on their property.  

Proponents say it’s needed because city code enforcement inspectors face problems cracking down on abandoned vehicles because they need to get the license plate information in order to write a citation. If they cannot see the tags from the street because the car is backed in, they cannot go onto private property to get a closer look at the front of the vehicle.

The bill filed by City Councilman Warren Jones says that if a vehicle’s tag isn’t visible from the street, the owner must write down that information with 2-inch tall letters and post it in a location that inspectors can easily see from the street.

The bill also says that if an owner puts a cover over the vehicle, the license tag must either be visible or the tag information must be posted.

The bill also would crack down on the outdoor storage of disabled refrigerators and freezers along with “equipment, furnishings, furniture, appliances, construction materials or any other items which are not designed to be used outdoors.”

The bill number is 2015-377.

David Bauerlein: (904) 359-4581

5 thoughts on “Backing into your own driveway could cost you under proposed bill before Jacksonville Council

  1. Obviously they’re more interested in harassing poor people who struggle to keep cars running than they’re worried about traffic safety.

    Driving forward into your driveway means you have to exit your driveway backwards, giving you very limited visibility of traffic already on the road.

    The very few people who have driveways in NYC are bound by the opposite law. You have to back into your driveway, so you can see what the hell you’re doing when you enter traffic, which makes a bit more sense, if you must make laws regulating this in the first place.

  2. My other car is backed in the driveway but has two license plates, front and back, as required by law. So whats the problem, they can’t see the expired tags?
    And just because it has one, doesn’t mean anything. They’ll run that plate no matter what.
    So not only can they fine you but force you to do something about the car before they eventually take it off your hands.
    Its a win win.
    Its private property, as in not yours.
    “If they cannot see the tags from the street because the car is backed in, they cannot go onto private property to get a closer look at the front of the vehicle” What???
    Here in california tags are located on the rear plate.
    Inventing new ways to steal your property, fine you to death, and under control at all times.

    1. Mel, not all states require a front license play be displayed. I know Texas and Cali do but, FL and here in AZ they do not.

      I have a vehicle in my driveway that is backed in for the very reason as stated in this article. I had a complaint lodged against me about it with the city of Mesa. When I received the notice however, I called the city “Code Compliance” dept about it, told them that it is a restoration project that I am working on as finances allow and then pointed out to them that I required the name of whomever reported this as I intended to file Trespass charges against them. They said they would get back to me and that is the last I heard on the subject.

      The car is still there, only now with a cover over it, and it is still an ongoing project.

      The good folks in Jackson (and elsewhere) need to familiarize themselves with precisely what their city codes say about such things and then be prepared to set these wheezer whiner commissars straight when they come around.

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