Bay Cities Hold Handgun, Shotgun, ‘Assault Weapon’ Buybacks to Commemorate Sandy Hook

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

San Jose, Oakland, and San Francisco are holding gun buybacks to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the heinous attack on Sandy Hook elementary.

The San Jose buyback is hosted by the San Jose Police, whereas the Oakland and San Francisco buybacks enjoy partial funding from “Gun by Gun”–“a tech nonprofit that crowdfunds gun buybacks.”

According to Political Blotter, Oakland is paying “up to $100 for handguns, shotguns, and rifles, and up to $200 for firearms that meet the state’s definition of assault weapons.”   

In San Francisco, the city’s unified school district “sent home letters to every student’s parent encouraging them to take part in the buyback.”

Liberal Gun Owners Association president Eric Wooten described the gun buybacks as a feel-good measure that alleviates the consciousness of anti-gun politicians, while actually doing nothing to impact gun violence.

Writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, Wooten said: “Gun buybacks are not only largely meaningless, they are actually dangerous, because they do absolutely nothing to address the underlying issues of violence in our society.” So, he added, “after the last photo is snapped and the last tweet tweeted, the entrenched inequities and other societal problems that actually cause violence will still be left unaddressed.”

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7 thoughts on “Bay Cities Hold Handgun, Shotgun, ‘Assault Weapon’ Buybacks to Commemorate Sandy Hook

  1. Sandy Hook was the biggest boost the anti-gunners have had since the last drug induced school shooting, assuming the SH scenario is not just another staged incident.

    1. Sandy Hook most certainly WAS a staged incident, and you’d see that right away, Frank, so I guess you didn’t get a chance to see much of the evidence yet.

    2. Assuming it was not just another staged incident? Dude, it was literally spelled out for you as a staged incident and you still think it may not have been a false flag? 🙄

      That’s like questioning if “C-A-T” really spells “Dog”.

  2. This nonsense doesn’t effect us, because they’re only getting guns from people who would never use them anyway. Most of the crap they’re “buying back” probably doesn’t function.

    It may all be part of an effort to save Sandy Hook as a propaganda device, because that foundation is crumbing by the day. Too many people are awake, because we’ve been at it for a long time now. Once they see the truth, they forever remain on our side. Just try to go back to believing the Zionist news again. You can’t do it, and you’ll only find their lies offensive.

    What once took years to expose as fraud, now only takes a few days. Only the hard-core idiots and those afraid of the truth still believe the TV, and their numbers are dropping rapidly.

  3. Aren’t these the same guns from the last buyback they had? Makes me wonder if they just gather all of the ones they bought back so far from across the country and put them in a picture together to make people believe that many people gave up their guns.

  4. “Liberal Gun Owners Association president Eric Wooten described the gun buybacks as a feel-good measure…”

    I stopped there because that basically says it all.

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