Beshear hanged in effigy as Second Amendment supporters rally at Capitol before Memorial Day

Courier Journal

What started out as a freedom-loving celebration of the Second Amendment ahead of Memorial Day turned into Gov. Andy Beshear being hanged in effigy and protesters chanting outside the governor’s mansion.

The Second Amendment rally, meant to inspire people “about what it really means to be FREE,” according to Take Back Kentucky, attracted at least 100 people on Sunday. They gathered from 1-4 p.m. at the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort.

It began as a celebration of constitutional rights but turned into a protest of coronavirus restrictions and Beshear’s administration. Folks toted their guns and waved American and “Don’t tread on me” flags. Taps honored the fallen, and free flags were given to veterans from all military branches.

Ed Bruce, who carried a replica colonial-era gun with a tag that read “1st Assault Rifle,” said he came out to make a point: government shouldn’t control what types of guns he or other law-abiding citizens carry, he said.

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4 thoughts on “Beshear hanged in effigy as Second Amendment supporters rally at Capitol before Memorial Day

    1. Mine is up. Has been. Shall be.
      Looks nice next to a Cascadia flag. Too far north for a Jefferson. Although both are towns within 20miles.

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