Bill Gates: For people over 50 or 60, they’ll probably have to get boosted every 6 months

5 thoughts on “Bill Gates: For people over 50 or 60, they’ll probably have to get boosted every 6 months

  1. Looks like Bill had some recent face surgery and hair transplants and maybe spent a bit too much time under the sun-lamp or put on too much fake tan-lotion. Fake is his moniker. Fake science, fake medicine, fake words. And Anderson Pooper so dutifully attending.

    Oh that message, you’ll have to keep getting vaxxed and vaxxed some more, FOREVER.

    And oh yeah, it ain’t a vax; it’s a gene-altering death shot. And that includes the killing of passion and the death of the mind.

    Dream on, poisoners. Soon your dreams will be nothing but nightmares, if they aren’t already.


  2. So I’m guessing Billy gets the saline version of the booster then, right?


  3. I still do not know why this criminal scumbag is given any credibility about, well, anything.

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