Bill Gates Hiding Like A Rat In A Hole – Billionaires On The Run

It’s been a while since the mastermind of the chemtrail pandemic has shown his whiskers, undoubtedly shaking in his boots while his security is hovering trying to protect their investment. After all, the man is the Bilderberg choirboy with his billions generated by millions of people who bought his Microsoft product, now trying to figure how to kill them all off.

Bill Gates and crew are slowly losing this pandemic con, and it’s becoming more obvious by the day, because if it was the other way around, he would be out there shooting his mouth off.

Ever since this clown showed up on the stupid box, shooting his commie mouth off, the public has slowly caught on to the deceit and misleading information by this treasonous clown and it obvious, millions refusing to abide by the idiocy.

Americans have been told so many lies, that the pandemic has turned into something that has wreaked havoc on the traitor’s plan. As I travel across America, more and more are saying no and fighting back. This puts the Bill Gates crowd into a tailspin, and gives the American National hope that all the bullshit is about to turn into a return to the original Bill of Rights, the 10 articles hundreds of thousands died to protect.

I said it once and I’ll say it again. “Bill Gates, GO TO HELL….” You and your commie friends will not subjugate the American National.

11 thoughts on “Bill Gates Hiding Like A Rat In A Hole – Billionaires On The Run

  1. The longer we keep assholes like this off center , the better for us

    Get this vermin in a corner …. for life

    You want war bitch? … you got it

    1. Hé can hide like a rat in a hole but when all the people have woken up bill gates will be a target and what’s he’s done to many will return to him worst. Didn’t thé bible say what you do to others shall be done unto you. Or if you kill by the sword you shall die by the sword.

  2. July 20, 2020
    Mark: Here in the upper part of New Hampshire the people are acting out the opposite end of the article. Large population I’m describing are Vermonter’s. These obedient commies are all wearing masks. We have a chain of convenience stores Cumberland Farms just demand mask to enter. Wal-Mart in the area is demanding mask. A grocery chain Shaw’s demanding mask’s. I say f-k’em all I will search for businesses that appreciate my money and effort. Years back any type of business wanted just one more customer. The box stores today turn customers away. They will fail in the long run. F-k’em all. Use cash where possible. I do not leave my rights at the door of any (corporation emphasis) store.
    Harry NH

    1. Hi Harry,

      Why is it the most beautiful places on earth are full of commies? At least there is one true American that doesn’t cave like a true commie.

  3. Bill Gates (of hell) is a demonic parasite that needs to be exterminated, preferably by being bitten by a rabid bat that escaped from one of the labs that work on bio-weapons.

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