7 thoughts on “Billionaire Oprah Blasts Whiteness

  1. Exactly what was it this dumb ass broad did exactly to become so goddamn wealthy?

    All this wealth and she’s still got back fat?

    Stupid bitch…Propaganda whore…

  2. Hey bitch ! Where are all the missing kids?
    And being a “finder” for a pedophile puts you on the same level as satan

    If she wasn’t a billionaire, her failed multiple diet ass ,would be at getmo or Leavenworth

  3. These celebrities need to start realizing no one gives a crap about what they think or say…unless they write satire of course (my novels are full of satire….see ads at side).

  4. What a hypocrite. This two bit crack whore is transformed to a billionaire celebrity by old white men trying to cause strife between the poor in this country so they will hate each other instead of hating the oppressor.
    I know you think pretty highly of yourself there, Oprah, but you are lacking in intelligence and are the controlled property of those who made you and those who can break you like they broke Bill Cosby when he dared to tell the truth. You are a pathetic f-king traitor to your fellow American nationals of every pigment of skin and anyone who listens to you is truly pathetic as their IQ is only sufficient to mimic speech. You are a traitor to your people and you are going to find out that we quit looking at the pigment of one another’s skin a long time ago. The trials and the hangings are going to be met out with an emphasis on treason and they will be color blind. Though for you, we will make sure it is a black American national that pulls the lever for the trap door so you can experience a complete knowledge in the equality as you do the shit dance, again you two bit crack whore, you traitor, you seditious sickening bitch.

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