Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak to Congress

Politico – by Jake Sherman

Speaker John Boehner has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress about Iran next month, a move sure to inflame the Obama administration, which is trying to negotiate a nuclear deal with the Islamic republic.

Netanyahu is vehemently opposed to a deal with Iran, and has been very vocal that the United States is making a mistake in negotiating with the nation. In many ways, he’s served as President Barack Obama’s foil as negotiations have progressed. Boehner, an Ohio Republican, is setting up a major confrontation with the Obama administration one day after the State of the Union – a move that is sure to put him in good graces with his House Republican Conference. Boehner has invited Netanyahu to address Congress for a third time Feb. 11.  

“You may have seen that on Friday, the president warned us not to move ahead with sanctions on Iran, a state sponsor of terror,” Boehner said in a meeting of Republicans Wednesday morning. “His exact message to us was: “Hold your fire.” He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two words: “Hell no!” … We’re going to do no such thing.

“I am specifically asking him to address Congress on the threats posed by radical Islam and Iran,” Boehner said in the meeting. “America and Israel have always stood together in shared cause and common ideals, and now we must rise to the moment again. Let’s send a clear message to the White House – and the world – about our commitment to Israel and our allies.”

Congress has been weighing legislation to impose additional sanctions on Iran – even as Secretary of State John Kerry has been trying to negotiate an agreement to cut back on Iran’s nuclear arsenal. There is bipartisan support for additional sanctions, but Obama said in his speech Tuesday night he would veto additional measures at this time.
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6 thoughts on “Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak to Congress

  1. “Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak to Congress”

    “I’m bringing in Nettin’ Yahoo so you can get your orders directly from the boss”. — Boner to Congress

  2. Look at this SOB and how the Zionist MSM praises cronies like him for reaching out to Zionist Israel (the “chosen people” BLEECHH!!!) for help. Kinda shows how weak these political puppets are if they can’t handle their problems without outside help. Amazing how people haven’t noticed this by now. Since when do we need outside help to handle a crisis? And F**K ZIONIST ISRAEL and the Zionist media that supports it all! 😡

    All of them deserve to be tried for sedition and hung for treason.

  3. Proof that Boehner is a traitor. Since when is it okay, or legal, to invite a leader of another country to even step foot, and give a speech no less, onto the floor of OUR Congress?? This will be the second time during the past 8 years for Netty.
    . . .

  4. “You may have seen that on Friday, the president warned us not to move ahead with sanctions on Iran, a state sponsor of terror,” Boehner said in a meeting of Republicans Wednesday morning.”

    Yet you invite the leader of the most ‘state sponsored terrorism’ country in the entire world to speak to the traitors in Congress.

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