Bomb threats at Princeton University, Morristown High School, Southwest Airlines, Atlanta airport, Richmond airport, etc…

Investment Watchblog

Princeton University evacuates after bomb threat from ‘known caller’

Princeton University evacuated its campus at 10:30am this morning after receiving a bomb threat to multiple buildings on its sprawling New Jersey property, according to the school’s Twitter page.  

The threat is believed to have been called in by a ‘known caller’, reported.

Those with cars were told to leave the campus, and those without cars were directed by police to evacuation sites, the school said.

‘This is NOT a test. There has been a bomb threat to multiple unspecified campus buildings,’ said one of the school’s tweets at about 10:30 a.m. (1430 GMT).

Flight from Los Angeles to Texas diverted to Phoenix after phone bomb threat

The FBI says they found no threats aboard a Southwest Airlines flight that was diverted to Phoenix Monday after a telephone bomb threat.

The plane was traveling from Los Angeles to Austin, Texas when authorities in Los Angeles requested authorities in Phoenix investigate the threat.

FBI agents and investigators from the Phoenix Police Department searched the plane once it landed and found no threat to the aircraft, an FBI spokeswoman tells Fox News.

Bomb scare has Morristown High School on alert; optional attendance; many after school activities curbed;

Morristown High School is on a heightened state of alert on Tuesday, with an increased police presence, optional student attendance, and scaled-back after-school programs, after a student found a bomb threat scrawled on a bathroom wall on Monday.

The words “June 11, June 11, June”–each in a different style of handwriting– were followed by the word “Bomb” and “For real.”

Richmond airport reopens; threat prompted evacuation

Virginia’s Richmond International Airport is up and running again after a threatening phone call prompted an evacuation early Tuesday morning.

Virginia State Police say most flights at Richmond International Airport had been halted because a threatening phone call. Sgt. Thomas Molnar says the the call was received shortly after 6 a.m.


5 thoughts on “Bomb threats at Princeton University, Morristown High School, Southwest Airlines, Atlanta airport, Richmond airport, etc…

  1. ” Princeton University evacuates after bomb threat from ‘known caller’ ”

    It was Obama again, because someone at Princeton is threatening to expose his failing G.E.D. scores.

  2. Instill confusion & chaos to the masses. Self destruction from within = Doctrine of the Federal Reserve —– March & expose in the name of Freedom & Liberty

  3. Be nice if someone (non-‘govt.’, of course) could start tracing these phony ‘threats’ back to whatever alphabet agency they’re originating from.

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