One thought on “BOMBSHELL REPORT: Child sex trafficked victim Ally Carter accuses Barack Obama and Joe Biden of Rapeing her as a child..

  1. This woman is spewing every conspiracy propaganda there is and checkmarking them all in her story (ex: Russia, underground tunnels, Michelle Obama being a man, mkultra, etc.), yet does not provide any evidence. Also for someone who has supposedly been raped so many times, you’d think she would be more emotionally sensitive (crying and holding back tears of pain) when talking about the subject.

    I just don’t quite buy her story. She doesn’t fit the profile of a sex abuse victim. Also the fact that she states Trump did not give money to traffickers and only to those who fight trafficking makes me question the validity of her story. Trump was friends with Epstein and even went on his island. So saying that Trump is good after hearing all of her story just makes it sound like her story is BS.

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