2 thoughts on “Boston Bombing Hoaxer Rebekah DiMartino Cuts Her Leg Off?

  1. The Organized Criminal Cabal that is the USG and includes the CIA and FBI has an unlimited black budget and have had great success pulling off blatant acts such as shooting JFK as the world watched, 9/11 and then all the day to day hoaxes – they control the media so they control the storyline. Part of their MO is to post outrageous conspiracy theories that they manufacture to demonstrate to the sheep that these people not following the given storyline pablum are deranged and this they will use to pass laws against free speech and critical thinking….however, now that everyone has a camera on them and can immediately upload the scenes to youtube and the world – these narratives are being exposed more and more…thank heavens for the conspiracy theorists who stay on the story and uncover the layers upon layers of lies……..here is another perfect example – Noah dies again – first st Sandy Hoax and then again in the Middle East…..despite the best efforts of the biggest, richest organized crime ring in the history of the world – the truth does eventually come out …..

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