BREAKING: 🇧🇴 Bolivia coup plotter, CIA-backed General Zúñiga EXHIBITED IN HANDCUFFS “We are going to make our country’s democracy be respected, whatever it takes.”

3 thoughts on “BREAKING: 🇧🇴 Bolivia coup plotter, CIA-backed General Zúñiga EXHIBITED IN HANDCUFFS “We are going to make our country’s democracy be respected, whatever it takes.”

  1. Not safe anywhere. You can feel the second world rising against the first. Do they all know who captured the U.S.?


    1. of course they know.. but they don’t dare say .. on pain of death! they’ve got everything so F’d up now that when someone does speak truths we all laugh scoff and mock… you should watch the movie Idiocracy.(2005). if you haven’t.. the creator/writer said 15yrs after.. I meant for it to be a comedy.. Not a documentary!! of course he doesn’t talk about the J O O.. it’s just about the dumbing down of society. no one is interested in the truth. the truth shall set you free is the biggest lie ever told.. if you stand in, on and for truth.. you will be destroyed.. from all angles, by all comers. or at least they’ll try. Gerald Celente famously said.. When people have nothing to lose.. They lose it!! people are too afraid of losing.. cushy job, 2 kids in college, 4 vehicles, health insurance, mortgage on a big house, lake house, boat, and whatever.. no one cares to risk their life fortune and sacred honor these days. and here we are. they.. are gonna take all those things from us anyway!! So, as it turns out, if you get nothing in the end then there is no reason to not resist and fight it!

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