BREAKING: Leaked Footage Of Public Health Officials Discussing Enhanced Surveillance & Farm Quarantining For Avian Flu.

2 thoughts on “BREAKING: Leaked Footage Of Public Health Officials Discussing Enhanced Surveillance & Farm Quarantining For Avian Flu.

  1. The traitors showing their faces don’t know they’re traitors. Or maybe they do. They present themselves so sweet and proper, so in control and upwardly mobile. I spit on spies.

    Deep down inside, most American Nationals know the kind of life we’re supposed to be having and it ain’t a Big Brother fishbowl.

    I just learned that today is Patrick Henry’s birthday. On this day at age 29 he defied British rule and its absurd “Stamp Act.” He started gettin’ us out from under. And even though we didn’t stay out, some princilples were laid down that showed us what living free meant. If ever there was a man I’d have liked to have met, it’d be Patrick, Patrick and handful of others I call members of the I WON’T BACK DOWN club.


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