Breitbart Texas Witnesses 3-Year-Old, 13 Other Illegals Captured Near Border

Breitbart  – by Bob Price

MISSION, Texas—Fourteen more illegal immigrants were captured in two separate groups in Anzalduas County Park near the city of Mission, Texas. One group of 11 immigrants was comprised of women and children from Honduras. The other group contained three adult males from Mexico.

Breitbart Texas spent a day with deputies from the Hidalgo County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office in Anzalduas Park, one of the hotspots of illegal immigrant entry into this region. The park is located just west of the Anzalduas International Bridge. Breitbart Texas has witnessed the capture of nearly 100 illegal immigrants on three separate visits to this area.  

Deputy Richard Flores, pictured above with Border Patrol Agents, told Breitbart Texas, “This park is always a hotspot for activity.” The park is located across the river from a Mexican park. Jet Ski operators use the distraction of families playing in the water and other’s having fun with jet skis to smuggle their human cargo across to the American side.

Breitbart Texas observed two particular Jet Ski operators who appeared to be scouting the banks of the U.S. side for weaknesses in law enforcement coverage. At one point, one of the operators seemed to become angered at the presence of this reporter. He attempted an intimidation tactic of charging up to the bank and the attempting to splash a wave of water in my general direction. One of the other deputies later said that these two operators are regular smugglers of people coming across the river. Due to the quickness and maneuverability of the water craft–and the proximity to other civilians playing in the water–it would be too dangerous to attempt to apprehend them.

Towards the end of the afternoon, a group of 11 women and children were observed entering the park after being dropped off near the west end. They were quickly captured by Border Patrol agents operating in and around the park.

There were two adult women and nine children ranging in ages from about three to 15, according to Deputy Flores. They claimed to have all been traveling together since leaving Honduras.

Using this group as a distraction, the Jet Ski operators seized the opportunity to drop off three adult Mexican males in another part of the park. Fortunately another Precinct 3 Deputy Constable observed the drop-off and quickly detained the group until Border Patrol was available to process them.

Deputy Flores took Breitbart Texas behind the levy into the restricted area below the dam. He said this is where a lot of crossings happen as well. He described how a “ferry operator” will take a raft down to the river and shuttle across his cargo of passengers who then begin the trek into either surrendering to Border Patrol or evading capture by hiding in the brush and tall grass. He said it is not uncommon for them to get lost for days and eventually come out thirsty and hungry and surrender to deputies or agents.

Flores said game wardens from Texas Parks and Wildlife have been very aggressive in capturing and destroying the rafts while they are in the shallow water. This action has angered groups on the other side and Flores said this resulted in gunfire into the general area where game wardens were working. Breitbart Texas Managing Director Brandon Darby reported that gunfire incident on June 23, 2014.

Flores said there are sensors in the area to alert agents to the presence of humans. Additionally operators of the dam will occasionally notice crossings and alert the deputies.

Precinct 3 had three deputies working the park on this day. Additionally there was a contingent of four Texas Rangers on ATVs conducting patrols in the park. There were also scattered Border Patrol vehicles in and out of the park during the day.

“The flow of illegal immigrants has reduced dramatically since the DPS (Department of Public Safety) surge began,” Deputy Flores said. “If you had been here three weeks ago, you would have seen wave after wave of immigrants coming through.”

Bob Price is a staff writer and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.


3 thoughts on “Breitbart Texas Witnesses 3-Year-Old, 13 Other Illegals Captured Near Border

  1. Just look at the pictures of these scumbags giving us the finger. Also look how this family is just sitting there on the grass like their finishing a picnic and ready to be hauled off to another place as though it were normal.

    If that was you or I, we’d be on the ground, face down in handcuffs with a taser on our ass and a gun to our head surrounded by 40 cops. But these criminals get the red carpet treatment.


    They don’t even care! Get rid of them and deport their criminal butts out of the country! 😡

    1. Put a couple marksmen on the US side to take out the jet-skiing and rafting coyotes, and see how they like that!

  2. “At one point, one of the operators seemed to become angered at the presence of this reporter. He attempted an intimidation tactic of charging up to the bank and the attempting to splash a wave of water in my general direction.”

    A well-placed .308 would put that arrogant POS scumbag out of business.


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