Bunkerville Standoff Trial: Jury Selected With Opening Arguments Tuesday, Evidence Hearing Continues Tomorrow

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The jury for the third Bunkerville Standoff trial has been chosen.    Six men and six women are on the jury.    The 12 jurors along with four alternates are ready for the trial with opening arguments set for Tuesday morning at 8:30 in Las Vegas.

“Yes, I believe they are guilty” wrote Juror No. 66 on their questionnaire, but this juror was still on the final roster today even after Ryan Bundy read that answer directly to Judge Gloria Navarro yesterday.  

Navarro still insisting that there was no bias in that potential juror.  This forced the defense to use one of its eight ‘strikes’ today to take that person out of the final cut of jurors.

Tomorrow the evidence hearing that’s been looking to activities of the Bureau of Land Management with current BLM officials now explaining various issues related to documents that were destroyed involving the standoff.

Some motions about the trial will also be part of the courtroom activity tomorrow and we may have rulings from Judge Navarro.

The intimidating atmosphere of the courtroom was described in a video posted today,

“They’re staring at them, their arms are all crossed, they’re right up in their faces.   And you know I just don’t how they believe that this could be a fair trial when you’re intimidated by people standing around you.

I also don’t understand why the US Marshals are allowed to hear the conversations between the defendants and their attorneys.   They really don’t need to stand a foot away and guarantee these men aren’t going to do anything”

Kelli Stewart talks about the 13 federal marshals placed around the four defendants at the trial in a video placed on “JGrady” You Tube account November 2, 2017

In that You Tube video, John Lamb and Kelli Stewart discussed the expensive security procedures involved in moving the defendants back and forth from the jail every day.

With the sound of the helicopters overhead, they explained how two helicopters circle overhead before the prisoner transport and then follow the four men who are part of a major motorcade involving a dozen Las Vegas Metro Police and Nevada Highway Patrol officers sirens blaring using the side of the freeway to work their way through the rush hour traffic.


One thought on “Bunkerville Standoff Trial: Jury Selected With Opening Arguments Tuesday, Evidence Hearing Continues Tomorrow

  1. “Yes, I believe they are guilty” wrote Juror No. 66 on their questionnaire, but this juror was still on the final roster today even after Ryan Bundy read that answer directly to Judge Gloria Navarro yesterday.”

    Bundy STILL doesn’t get it.

    He will before it’s over, though.

    Too little, too late… he’ll never see the outside world again, except on his way to & from the courthouse.

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