Summary by JW Williams
California Democrats are looking to force through statewide Covid vaccine rules in a bill using a “gut-and-amend” tactic, repurposing an existing bill that allows state lawmakers to fast-track their agenda without going through committees. The legislation has not yet been introduced and is not available to the public. The proposal was previously leaked. The LA Times received a draft copy, but did not publish it.
AB 455, would segregate Californians by denying service to citizens. If passed, this bill would require everyone 12 years and older to be fully vaccinated to enter any indoor spaces; inn, hotel, motel, or lodging establishment, any restaurant, bar, cafeteria, lunchroom, lunch counter, soda fountain, or other facility principally engaged in selling food or beverages for consumption on the premises, and any movie house, theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium, gym, spa, or other place of exhibition or entertainment. In addition, it demands ALL employers in private industry in California to require all their employees to be fully vaccinated, including all independent contractors.
The proposal, by Assembly members Buffy Wicks, Akilah Weber, and Evan Low, has yet to be introduced in the Legislature. The proposal would take effect immediately upon the governor’s signature, and would direct the Department of Public Health to develop an enforcement mechanism by November 1.
The proposal also would allow employers to require their employees to show proof of vaccination as a condition of employment, or to submit weekly COVID-19 test results as an alternative.
A companion bill, AB 1102, that requires the digital vaccine passport that may come through a card and/or digital proof. Without proof, a person cannot enter most “places of public accommodation,” which would apply to nearly every type of commerce. If voted into law, this bill would essentially remove all people from society, unless fully vaccinated with the Covid shot.
UPDATE: A California House Resolution, which is not officially enforceable, that would compel members of the Assembly to provide proof of a COVID vaccine or “else the Member shall be suspended from exercising the powers of the office, and shall forfeit all salary and benefits derived from the office, until the Member has presented evidence of having received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of a disability or medical condition that prevents the Member from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.” The mandate could disenfranchise millions of voters represented by the Assembly Member.
Capolitical Review:
“The proposal, by Assembly members Buffy Wicks, Akilah Weber, and Evan Low, has yet to be introduced in the Legislature.”
These treasonous bastards need to be added to the Common Law Court docket and be sentenced to death by hanging. Let the motherf***ers do the shit dance.
(Sigh…..) The wonderful state of Commiefornia.
Yeah republicon or demorat!! step left, step right F*ck You!!! we are not part of you…..