California Woman Had Gun Held to Her Head by Armed Robber, but She Has a Surprise…

stock_25Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

TURLOCK, CALIFORNIA – A California woman who had a gun held to her head by an armed robber remained calm and realized that she had to get her gun.

The woman told the suspect that her valuables were stored in a safe. When she went to open it she didn’t pull out money or jewelry, she pulled out a handgun that was stored in the safe.  

Once the armed robber realized he was now facing an armed victim he turned and fled the residence without further incident.

The suspect is described as being a black male with tattoos on his arms.

The victim did not suffer any physical injuries during the incident.

We do not currently have any information on the make, model or caliber of the firearm used by the victim.

This is the 62nd defensive gun we’ve documented in the state of California and the 1,299th defensive gun use we’ve documented overall.

This incident is the most common type of defensive gun use. That is, one in which no shots were fired and no one was hurt. Despite this being the most common type of defensive gun use, these incidents are often not included in statistics about defensive gun uses. Many of these statistics and studies focus solely on justifiable homicides, which represent only a fraction of total defensive gun uses.

4 thoughts on “California Woman Had Gun Held to Her Head by Armed Robber, but She Has a Surprise…

  1. “Once the armed robber realized he was now facing an armed victim he turned and fled the residence without further incident.”

    Don’t pull a gun unless you intend to use it.

    Shoulda shot the bast@rd.

  2. This story is a head scratcher. You mean to tell me that the woman retrieved a handgun from her safe and just POINTED it at her assailant without firing? Serious WHAT THE FRAK moment here, folks. The dude just “fled”? It’s either a BS story or a case of two Darwin Award winners meeting with no harm no foul.

  3. She would’ve saved us taxpayers money, had she finished him off. He’ll be back to try it on someone else before that person has the courage to shoot his ass.

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