Canada Mayor to Support Israel No Matter How Many Children Die

By Palestine Cornicle

The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Hampstead, Jeremy Levi, has said that, regardless of the number of children’s lives taken, he would continue to support Israel in its ongoing offensive in Gaza.

As international condemnation of Israel’s war on Gaza swells, Levi – who was elected last year to govern the predominantly Jewish Hampstead community – has said that Israel’s military offensive must continue until “good” prevails over “evil.”

“I’m not calling for a ceasefire,” Levi said in a video posted on social media on Monday by renowned pro-Palestine activist and Palestine Chronicle contributor Yves Engler. “I want the hostages home, but I’m not calling for a ceasefire.”


The mayor added about the increasing death toll in Gaza, particularly deaths of children: “I would never support (the killing of children), it’s terrible. But Israel has to do whatever they have to do to protect the security of their own people.”

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has said that about 70 percent of those killed in the enclave since the beginning of Israel’s aggression are women and children.

United Nations humanitarian officials said late last month that about 160 children are being killed each day in Gaza, or one child every ten minutes.

UNICEF spokesman James Elder added to reporters in Geneva in November that conditions are deteriorating further, and forecasted a deepening humanitarian crisis “if youngsters continue to have restricted access to water and sanitation in Gaza.”


“Hamas must be eradicated completely,” Levi continued in his video clip. (The death toll) is terrible, but there is no other way. (…) Good needs to prevail over evil.”

Asked if he would continue to support Israel if 100,000 children were killed, Levi said: “You can give me all sorts of numbers, my answer is going to be the same: Israel needs to eradicate Hamas.”

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 18,412 Palestinians have been killed and more than 50,000 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7. Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

One thought on “Canada Mayor to Support Israel No Matter How Many Children Die

  1. I wonder how much money gets syphoned out of the Canadian economy for Israhell and how many joo’s in their politics.

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