Candace Owens Suspended, Demonetized on YouTube for ‘Hate Speech’ Criticizing Jews

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Conservative commentator Candace Owens was suspended from YouTube on Monday and fully demonetized for sharing an interview with Kanye “Ye” West which contained “claims that Jewish people control the media,” which the social media site said is “hate speech.”

“There will be no show today, or at all this week. That’s because @YouTube has issued me a strike and a one week suspension for my sit down with Kanye,” Owens said Monday on X. “They also removed the interview as ‘hate speech’, as it was mass reported by Zionists. Their tactics never change.”

“All who watched that podcast know that Ye was calm, and filled with love—speaking about the world coming together to defeat evil,” Owens added. “2.5 million people watched my debate with Rabbi Shmuley last week. The world knows why I am being targeted and frankly, I have never felt more confident that I am the right person for this to happen.”

The email she received from Google-owned YouTube says her interview with Ye was removed “because it violates our hate speech policies.”

“Specifically, the video in question contains claims that Jewish people control the media.”

An email she shared shows YouTube telling her that her channel has been suspended from the YouTube Partner Program for “content that incites hatred.”

“Thus far, I have had zero strikes on my @YouTubeCreators account,” Owens said. “I have now been inundated with 3 back to back content hits within minutes, plus an email that I am now fully demonetized. We all know exactly who is behind this and why.”

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta earlier this year announced they too would be censoring criticism of “Zionists” as “hate speech.”

The decision expanded an earlier policy Zuckerberg enacted for Facebook and Instagram in 2020 to ban all Holocaust denial as well as all content which depicts “Jewish people running the world or controlling major institutions such as media networks, the economy or the government.”

“The idea of banning content that promotes stereotypes of Jewish global control came up a year ago, in a meeting with several Jewish groups convened by Facebook, and was pushed primarily by the World Jewish Congress,” The Jewish Daily Forward reported at the time.

New York University last month announced they too would be following in Zuckerberg’s footsteps and banning criticism of Zionists as a form of discriminatory “hate speech.”

One thought on “Candace Owens Suspended, Demonetized on YouTube for ‘Hate Speech’ Criticizing Jews

  1. And it ain’t jus’ the media they control. How about finances, medicine, academia, entertainment, science, porn, etc!!?

    The latest Gaza atrocities got me thinking, Gee, what am I more excited about? The fake debate today, or the anniversary of Mossad’s attack on the towers, 23 years ago? Hmm…

    Here’s something from many years back:

    Tower Talk

    Tall the two
    the towering twins
    ’till hit begins
    From the sky
    the plane, the drive
    to get the people terrified
    Fire, smoke, peril and pain
    the freedom-eating peoples’ bane
    Life upon a living day
    moves to death and dark decay

    Some say missile hit Pentagon
    officials say, that’s all wrong
    Was a plane, that’s the case
    Yet that crash left no trace
    A round hole and nothing more
    a round hole like a hobbit’s door
    Curious combers dressed formerly
    covering truth for you and me
    Seven Fifty Seven with mighty wings
    file it under unsolved things

    Shanksville dealt another death
    little evidence on its earth
    Just alibis upon that land
    no hint of how this mess began
    No debris to settle score
    no truth for we who ask for more

    Yet one building just had to talk
    a seven written on its back
    Watch me fall into my middle
    Watch as Iz and U.S. fiddle
    I’ll tell you this on one condition
    eyes must see true demolition
    For that it was that took me down
    insurance paid out to the clown
    Remember please, that it was I,
    your smoking gun who shot the lie
    Less famous than the other two
    proof I furnished, I came through

    Questions raised for many years
    all the research, all the tears
    But who? is what we needed to know
    Who, would deal such a blow
    ‘Twas Iz and U.S.brokered a trust
    Iz and U.S. turned life to dust
    Far the suffering all this reaches
    good folks left to pick up pieces
    Pick up we shall, have no doubt
    focused, determined, find way out
    No more death for power and dough
    we were lied to, most folks know
    Now on the horizon for all to see
    free people talking, walking free
    Around the corner a mighty fight
    Begging join, do what’s RIGHT!!


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