Car follows motorcade in, White House locks down

WASHINGTON (AP) — Access to the White House complex was halted for about an hour Tuesday after a vehicle followed a motorcade carrying President Barack Obama’s daughters through the gates.

Uniformed agents immediately stopped the vehicle after it trailed in behind the motorcade at about 4:40 p.m. EDT, the Secret Service said. The driver, identified as Mathew Evan Goldstein, 55, was arrested and charged with unlawful entry. No hometown was given.  

District of Columbia police swept the vehicle for explosives as it sat just feet away from the northwest gate of the White House. Access to Pennsylvania Avenue and the White House complex was restored about an hour later.

A law enforcement official said the motorcade was returning Obama’s daughters to the White House. The official said Goldstein has a pass for the Treasury Department, which is next door to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.

The law enforcement official was not authorized to discuss Obama’s family or details of the investigation and requested anonymity.

6 thoughts on “Car follows motorcade in, White House locks down

  1. Regarding: “The official said Goldstein has a pass for the Treasury Department, which is next door to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.”

    Well maybe he got confused and turned into the wrong driveway? I’ve done that before when thinking about other things.
    . . .

    1. with a name like gold-stein!!…….where else would he have a pass to
      BUT the treasury dept.

  2. double-standards.
    why wasnt he tazed, beaten or shot in the back of the head 3 times like that woman a few months back?

    was this another “drill”?

    ah one other thing. “No hometown was given”.
    was his “hometown” someplace in palastine?

  3. Mr. Goldstein looks very Jewish, and that’s why they didn’t shoot him to death as they did with the black woman who made a similar mistake, but didn’t get nearly as close to the White House.

    “Don’t shoot. He’s wearing a yarmulke so he must be our boss.”

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