Cartel Violence Rages in Mexico Despite Promises of Security from Officials

Breitbart – by ILDEFONSO ORTIZ

Gruesome cartel massacres continue in Mexico despite the many promises made by that country’s government about putting an end to the security crisis that has plagued its image.

Authorities found five torched bodies on Saturday evening that had been left inside a truck near a rural village in the Mexican southern State of Guerrero. Just last week, the U.S. Embassy in Mexico warned tourist about travelling to Guerrero where the resort beach town of Acapulco used to draw hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. However, according to various news reports tourism has sharply declined.  

The five bodies come just two days after 11 headless, and similarly burned, bodies were left behind also in a rural community by cartel gunmen. These last two massacres came immediately after Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced on national television a 10 step security strategy that would bring peace to Mexico.

The new security plan comes after Pena Nieto has been subjected to weeks of criticism for the worsening security conditions in Mexico leading up to the case were local police kidnapped 43 education students from the rural town of Ayotzinapa and turned them over to cartel hitmen who claim to have executed them and burned their bodies to ash and dumped them in a river. To date, the remains of the students have not been found

That massacre created outrage throughout Mexico leading to thousands of protesters taking to the streets demanding the return of the 43 students and the resignation of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

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