In conjunction with the blatant push by the communist infiltrators within the United States for infringements upon our 2nd Amendment right to own and bear arms for our defense against enemies foreign and domestic, there is the perpetuation of the insurgent invasion across our southern border, which in reality is yet another infringement upon our sacred Bill of Rights.

The 4th Article of our Bill of Rights says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.”
Continue reading “American-Mexican Nationals”

Gov Slaves Info

(Lawrence Hunter)  In 2000, New York legislators recognized the ubiquitous and unambiguous connection between violence, especially gun violence and mass murder, and the widespread prescribed use of psychiatric drugs.

Senate Bill 7035 was introduced in the New York State Senate that year requiring police agencies to report to the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) on certain crimes and suicides committed by a person who is using psychiatric drugs, including assault, homicide, sex offenses, robbery offenses, firearms and other dangerous weapons offenses, kidnapping and arson. The preamble to the bill read, in part: Continue reading “Forbes Deletes Popular Pro Gun Story, Linking Psychiatric Drugs To Murders”

Seattle PI

MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. (AP) — A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten.

Her family has hired an attorney to fight the punishment, which initially was 10 days but was reduced to two.
Continue reading “Pa. kindergartner suspended for bubble gun remark”

This list comes from the website,  Constitution Club.  

The information is not confirmed by From the Trenches.  If there is any sheriff whose name is on this list that does intend to enforce further infringements on our 2nd Amendment, please send your disclaimer to  Hell we will even print your phone number if you would like so that your comrades can call you to affirm your loyalty to the international soviet insurgency. – Henry Shivley
Continue reading “List of Sheriffs Standing Up Against Obama’s Gun Control (Updated)”


A Texas high school on Friday barred a girl from attending class as part of the fallout from a legal flap that began when the sophomore refused to wear around her neck an RFID-chip student ID she claims is the “Mark of the Beast,” lawyers connected to the brouhaha said.

The Northside Independent School District in San Antonio began issuing the RFID-laden student-body cards when the semester began in the fall. The ID badge has a bar code associated with a student’s Social Security number. The chip monitors pupils’ movements on campus, from when they arrive until when they leave.
Continue reading “School Kicks Out Sophomore in RFID Student-ID Flap”

Camping Survival

David Broussard posted this below, what are your thoughts?

“‘Those who snooze lose!!!’ I went to a gun show in Roanoke Virginia and witnessed people purchasing rifle and pistol magazines with 100% mark up because they failed to plan ahead. In most cases people are purchasing rifles and pistols that they will not be able to purchase ammo for because there isn’t any available… and demand is in full effect in the gun world.”
Some comments we received:
Continue reading “Gun & ammo shortage”

Fox News

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. –  A suburban New York newspaper that outraged gun owners by posting the names and addresses of residents with handgun permits removed the information from its website Friday.

The Journal News took down the data just three days after the state enacted a gun control law that included privacy provisions for permit holders.
Continue reading “New York newspaper removes gun permit database from website after outcry”


In the highly competitive world of the news media, one New York paper is apparently more than happy to embarrass another in connection with the recent gun-map controversy.

The Journal News, which serves readers in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties, recently caused a firestorm of anger when it published an interactive map of addresses, helping identify people who legally own guns in its area. Ironically, the Journal News has since reportedly hired armed guards to protect its own staff.
Continue reading “Oops! Gun-Map Hate Mail GoesTo Wrong Paper”

Hispanically Speaking News

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to duties on Interstate 5 in Southern California prevented two narcotic smuggling attempts Tuesday near San Clemente.

The first incident occurred at approximately 10 a.m. when agents encountered a 37-year-old male Mexican national driving a 2000 Nissan Sentra at the I-5 Border Patrol checkpoint. Agents became suspicious of the man and referred him for a secondary inspection. A Border Patrol K-9 team performed a cursory inspection, which resulted in an alert to the trunk. Agents searched the trunk and discovered 29 bundles of cocaine and one bundle of heroin inside of a speaker box. The cocaine weighed 84.66 pounds and had an estimated street value of $931,260. The heroin weighed 2.32 pounds and had an estimated street value of $27,840.
Continue reading “Border Patrol Seize Coke and Meth Along California Interstate”

Bluegrass Pundit

How will TSA recruit without offering the opportunity to view naked scanners? I guess they will have to push the crotch groping…

Via AP:

Those airport scanners with their all-too revealing body images will soon be going away. Continue reading “TSA Screener Heartache: Naked Scanners Going Away…”


North Haven, CT –-( O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. introduced its unprecedented FLEX Shotgun System in 2012, launching a new concept in modular shotguns and accessories.

Now Mossberg brings the FLEX TLS (Tool-less Locking System) to its family of MVP Series Bolt-Actions with the introduction of seven new offerings of the Mossberg MVP FLEX Rifle chambered in 5.56mm NATO (223 Rem) including a Youth version.
Continue reading “FLEX Your Mossberg MVP Series Bolt-Action Rifle”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parish

Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Missouri, Indiana, Tennesee, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona and Wyoming have proposed legislation to jail federal officials who violate the second amendment.

The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act is a state-level bill that renders all federal gun laws, regulations, rules, acts, orders, etc – null and void within the borders of the state. TRACK HERE
Continue reading “Eleven States To Jail Feds Who Violate The 2nd Amendment”

We are getting reports of the Bar-Ricade banner, located on the left side below the American Jihad banner and above the “Power Companies Hate This” banner, not being seen.  We need to know if this is just a few isolated instances or a problem with the website.

If you wouldn’t mind, we would appreciate your input.

[poll id=”2″]

WND – by Michael Carl

A new study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center is linking opposition to abortion and other “fundamental” positions to terrorism, and pro-life leaders say it’s just a way to paint them in a negative way.

The study, “Challenges from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” says the major far right threats are from, “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement.”
Continue reading “West Point: ‘Far Right’ Dangerous to U.S.”

“No one expects the American Inquisition” (apologies to Monty Python).  The Spanish Inquisition was said to be the worst time in the history of humanity, culminating in the Dark Ages, a time when man’s forward evolution was stifled by fear.  When all is said and done, it may be viewed as a “cakewalk” compared to today.  There are striking similarities between that era of ignorance, pain and bloodshed and cause for hiding one’s true beliefs, and now.

During the Spanish Inquisition, anyone who did not accept the authority of Pope Gregory IX was labeled a “heretic” and tortured until they renounced their own beliefs, or died.  This was legitimized under a Papal Bull given to Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain.  Today, the NDAA gives the same authority to various agencies of the United States government, against those who believe that they still live in a free country.
Continue reading “The New Inquisition”

The communists’ argument for infringements on our 2nd Amendment is being turned upside down, ironically by the communists themselves.  Out of one side of their mouth, they are insisting that the federal law is supreme and must be enforced by state and local officials.  If not, then the federal government will enforce the federal law as it did in the south for the equal rights of black Americans, as guaranteed under our Bill of Rights.

However out of the other side of their mouth, they are saying that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and that state’s legislature can enact and enforce state laws that violate the 2nd Article of our Bill of Rights and the federal government will refuse to intervene and send federal troops to enforce this federal constitutional law.
Continue reading “Liberty can be a bit dangerous, but how much more dangerous without it?”

Last Resistance – by Dave Jolly

What better way is there than to use the pleas of children to sway the public on an unpopular policy?  And who knows better how to manipulate people into following him into socialism than President Barack Obama?

Yesterday, the White House did that very thing of using children to follow the president like they did in the story of the Pied Piper.  To help justify his illegal and unconstitutional actions on gun control, the White House released a number of letters that were supposedly written by kids, begging and pleading with the President to stop the gun violence and limit guns.
Continue reading “White House Uses Letters from Kids to Sway Public on Gun Control”

File:Anderson Cooper.jpgBefore It’s News – by Alton Parish

Anderson Cooper (known by well researched individuals to be a Central Intelligence Agency operative embedded in within the mainstream media) has seemingly been ordered by his masters to launch a massive disinformation campaign (cover-up) of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

In fact, Cooper uses many intelligence agency tactics during the broadcast in question that aired Tuesday on CNN’s — Anderson Cooper’s 360, including various straw man arguments.
Continue reading ““CIA” Spokesman Anderson Cooper Sent by Masters to Discredit Independent Sandy Hook Investigations”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

America is witnessing a mad man who is out of control.Taking away America’s God given rights, taking away America’s  freedom, and taking away America’s constitutional rights that have made America the greatest country in the world for over 200 years. A Lunatic out of control. Take a look at how Texas senator Ted Cruz described Obama on Thursday.

Republican senator Ted Cruz of Texas said Thursday that Barack Obama is “high on his own power” with regard to the president’s announced efforts on gun control. Speaking on Laura Ingraham’s radio talk show, Cruz, who was just elected to the Senate last November, said “this is a president who has drunk the Kool-Aid.”
Continue reading “Texas Senator, Obama Has Drunk The Kool-Aid, He’s High On His Own Power Video”