There is an aspect of the 2012 election that is being neglected and this is really something that we had better start thinking about.  If a miracle does happen and we manage to get Dr. Paul elected, well what about the rest of our government?  If either the neo-cons or soviet socialists manage to gain a majority in both the Congress and Senate it would make the job of correction and the restitution of our Republic a much more difficult task.

The solution I believe is simple.  We just give these incumbents what they deserve and that is a trip home.  After voting for every third party candidate who supports the restoration of our Constitution, we should simply replace the Republicrats with Democans and the Democans with Republicrats.
Continue reading “Other Aspects of the 2012 Election that We Need to be Looking at”

Gizmodo  Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body—agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you.

And without you knowing it.
Continue reading “Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away”

Well, the extension of the Bush era tax cuts has come around again.  We must be coming up on another debt ceiling.  We have determined that the scam being run on the United States is cyclical and the renewal of the Bush era tax cuts is no different.  Obama will stand his ground and John Boehner will be unmoving and then the bills will come in.  In the end, reluctantly of course and because he has absolutely no other choice, Obama will extend the tax cuts for all….for jobs, of course.

Meanwhile, another tax will be coming to town for the Obamacare.  This tax is almost exclusively to be paid by those making $100,000 per year and down.  And it is the largest tax to be implemented since the New Deal.  In the end, the filthy rich international elitists will continue to pay no tax while the working poor and middle class will be further destroyed via Obama/Romney Care.
Continue reading “The Issue for the 2012 Election will be Taxes, yeah that’s right, taxes”

85,000 Americans filed for SSI disability claims in the month of June.  During the same period, only 80,000 new jobs were created.  Now the neo-con elite want to attack the disability claims, saying they are yet another incentive for Americans not to go back to work.  The gall of the elite knows no bounds.  Get rid of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, welfare, and food stamps, and then the people will go back to work in spite of the fact that there are no jobs for them.  This is the assertion we are supposed to accept.

The standard for receiving SSI for a disability is that an insufficient number of jobs an applicant is capable of do not exist in the economy.  We all know that the majority of those who have and are being culled from the workforce are baby boomers who have worked for 20, 30, or 40 years and are now falling prey to the international villains who want to take everything that has been set aside to provide for them in the latter part of their lives, including their private savings.
Continue reading “85,000 Unemployed file for SSI Disability in June”

The US has purchased six patrol boats for the Rio Grande at $550,000 a piece, adding to the burden US taxpayers are bearing in what seems to be a futile attempt to shut down our southern border.  A recent story in the mainstream showed what is a new wave of invasion, and why not?  Where is the deterrent as the dictator Obama is now saying, “Come one, come all.  Once you get here you will be provided for and eventually all that is America will be yours through our insurgent campaign of attrition.”

Mexico’s Presumptive President Enrique Pena Nieto, in an interview on CNN, condemned Arizona’s attempt to stop the Mexican invasion into their state, calling it discriminatory and saying the invaders from Mexico are crucial to the United States’ economic development.
Continue reading “What to do about Mexico”

Just a couple of short months ago oil prices began to fall as consumer demand was decreasing due to falling consumer wealth brought on by further job losses and a declining dollar.  We the people simply did not have the money to buy any more petroleum than we absolutely had to in order to function.  And of course with lowering demand, a further glut of oil was driving prices even lower.

This is the natural adjustment of a marketplace but it cannot be allowed as the record profits of oil companies are involved.  Have you noticed that every time oil prices in the US begin to fall tensions in the Middle East tend to heat up?  How many times can the same tactics be used to facilitate the gross enrichment of the elite?
Continue reading “Petroleum and the Flow of the Spice”

Canada Free Press – by Paul L. Williams  “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it”  —Albert Einstein

No, Michele Obama does not get paid to serve as the First Lady and she doesn’t perform any official duties. But this hasn’t deterred her from hiring an unprecedented number of staffers to cater to her every whim and to satisfy her every request in the midst of the Great Recession. Just think Mary Lincoln was taken to task for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. And Mamie Eisenhower had to shell out the salary for her personal secretary.“In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much,” she said. “See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service, “Michelle Obama
Continue reading “First Lady requires more than twenty attendants”

Occupy Corporatism  Agenda 21 wants to, among other things, bring the American lands back to rewilding.

The non-governmental organization (NGO) The Wildlands Project (WP) is a focusing of the American landscape in preservation for “future generations to inherit a continent rich in wildlife, with plenty of room for all species to roam.”

This does not necessarily mean that there will be room for humans as we are seeing massive areas of land being placed under restrictions called “conservation easements”, “scenic byways”, “protected areas”, “biosphere reserves”, “wildlife refuges”, etc. The names are varied and plentiful, but the result is always the same: More government control; less human freedom.
Continue reading “Agenda 21: How Globalist Domination Happens on a Local Level”

As more and more jobs continue to leave the United States, there are fewer and fewer people paying taxes and making purchases within our economy as consumers, which means less business for small businesses and less taxes being paid by them, hence further layoffs and a continuance of the US economic spiral downward.

The corporate cabals, though they too are seeing reductions in revenues within the US, are being compensated via their operations in other countries.  This is how the corporate elite conquer a country.  This is the same technique used by the big international corporate farms to put the family farmers out of business.
Continue reading “Will Gun Confiscation begin with Debtors’ Courts?”

The Washington Free Beacon  Two Russian strategic nuclear bombers entered the U.S. air defense zone near the Pacific coast on Wednesday and were met by U.S. interceptor jets, defense officials told the Free Beacon.

It was the second time Moscow dispatched nuclear-capable bombers into the 200-mile zone surrounding U.S. territory in the past two weeks.

An earlier intrusion by two Tu-95 Bear H bombers took place near Alaska as part of arctic war games that a Russian military spokesman said included simulated attacks on “enemy” air defenses and strategic facilities.
Continue reading “Russian Nuclear-Capable Bombers Intercepted near West Coast in Second U.S. Air Defense Zone Intrusion in Two Weeks”

NPS  The Unfinished Revolution

The American leaders who declared war on Great Britain in 1812 firmly believed that they were beginning a second war of independence. Although the United States failed to achieve any of its stated war aims, the War of 1812 confirmed American nationhood and secured a new respect for the infant republic among the powers of Europe.

The signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783 ended the Revolutionary War and established the United States among the nations of the world. The treaty, however, neither guaranteed the new nation’s survival nor ensured that the powers of Europe would respect its rights. Continue reading “The War of 1812: American Independence Confirmed”

Grist  When Duke Energy announced its merger with Progress Energy last year, the two companies agreed that Progress CEO Bill Johnson would assume the same position at the combined company. So he did: On June 27, Johnson signed a three-year contract to helm Duke. When the merger went into effect on July 2, he assumed the position of CEO.

And then, on July 3 at midnight, Johnson resigned. The Wall Street Journal: Continue reading “Duke Energy CEO Bill Johnson resigns after one day, gets $44 million in severance”

Global Research – by Danial Bates  It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack – by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’

He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man.
Continue reading “The moment a U.S. helicopter strike blasts an Afghan man to pieces… as the pilot sings ‘Bye, bye Miss American Pie’”

There seems to be a bizarre push to legitimatize the treason being committed at the highest levels in the US government.  A piece on MSNBC Morning Joe depicted the unconstitutional acts of presidents past and by the time the soviet socialists involved in the conversation were finished, the consensus seemed to be presidents have always violated our Constitution, it is a part of being a president.  The slant seemed to be putting in place the notion that in times of emergency, presidents are forced to do, well, whatever they have to do.

It seems the groundwork is being laid to accommodate some upcoming further violations of our Constitution and of course more eliminations of our individual liberties.  And considering those making the case for treason are the out in the open soviet socialists on MSNBC, I think it would be safe to deduce that the upcoming outrages will be coming from that quarter.
Continue reading “America Stop Being Controlled by Weakling Cowards”

The June Jobs Report just came in and the way it is being reported by the mainstream propagandists leaves one to wonder why they are even bothering.  The lies have become so horrendous as to represent an insult to the people listening.

Reportedly 80,000 new jobs were created.  Net, the United States lost jobs to further outsourcing.  150,000 young people entered the workforce in June.  With only 80,000 new jobs supposedly created, does that not leave a deficit of 70,000 jobs?  But no, these Americans will not be counted because they never had a job.
Continue reading “June Jobs Report in – 8.2% Unemployment Rate not to be Believed”

The mainstream propaganda coverage of the so called 2012 Presidential Campaign is showing us volumes in what is not being depicted.  Every camera shot of Romney on the campaign trail is tight.  If there were crowds, wouldn’t the cameras be showing them, you know, to convince us that the people are behind Mitt?  We are not seeing the crowds because there are no crowds.

As we have mentioned before, the neo-cons are a small percentage of our population and widely scattered.  The fact is more focus is being put on the potential vice-presidents than on Romney and his “great” message.  And really, Obama is not doing any better.
Continue reading “Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and the Uncertain Future”


MONEY LAUNDERING and BANKRUPTCY FRAUD CONSPIRACY EXPOSED INVOLVING GEORGE SOROS’S INVISIBLE INTEREST IN CONSECO FINANCE and THE GM BUILDING NEW YORK, NY – Law Offices of David H. Relkin, Esq. on behalf of Leslie Dick Worldwide Ltd. has filed a Federal RICO Complaint in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Case No. 08-CV-7900) against George Soros, Deutsche Bank, Vornado Realty Trust, Fortress Investment Group, Donald J. Trump & 12 other RICO conspirators for $4.2 Billion in damages. The Complaint and Compendium may be accessed as PDF documents on the web site of the Law Offices of David H. Relkin at: or on PACER.
Continue reading “RICO Lawsuit Filed Against George Soros and Donald Trump”

Well we made it through the 4th of July and today all the international insurgents within our government that were out spewing their hypocrisy yesterday, are back to planning and perpetrating their insatiable evil.  The rest of the idiots out here will continue to wave their plastic flags made in China as those who control them, like the imbeciles they are, get on with the domestic spying, police brutality, corrupt court rulings, and international genocide in the name of Zion.

And let us not forget the ongoing and omnipresent continuing of the theft of our natural resources.  But not to worry, I saw the future yesterday.  These holier than thou self appointed thinkers for the rest of us have got it all figured out.  They are going to….duh….elect…..duh….Mitt…duh…Romney and make this America again.
Continue reading “The Problem with the USA is Evident”

Today is the 4th of July.  Today we celebrate our freedoms and liberties that were won through the great sacrifices made by our founding fathers after declaring independence from the British Empire.  We have been celebrating the 4th of July for 236 years and in the beginning we indeed did have a lot to celebrate.  The 2nd American Revolution was fought in 1812 when we supposedly finally put the British out of our lives.

Now here today we find ourselves in a situation where in our Declaration of Independence could and should be re-issued to the international insurgents posing as our government.  Every abuse outlined in our Declaration of Independence is at present being put upon us in a hyper-mode as provided by modern technology.
Continue reading “It’s the 4th of July!….and?”