Charlie Kirk tells a Palestinian Christian that Christians have a special obligation to “honor the Jews” due to a Biblical covenant with the State of Israel.

2 thoughts on “Charlie Kirk tells a Palestinian Christian that Christians have a special obligation to “honor the Jews” due to a Biblical covenant with the State of Israel.

    1. DL, I knew you’d be chiming in on this. You are a champion of calling out this type of hypocrisy.

      Last night I watched (spied on) a docu called “The Coming Convergence,” made in 2017. Maybe you’ve seen it. What a psyop!! I was shocked. They kept quoting prophecy and twisting things to serve their agenda, and the whole thing culminated in the grand message of abandoning sovereignty, both personal and national, and surrendering to world government. They painted it as the most beautiful salvation of humanity and found a way to manipulate ancient scripture to back up their tyrannical claims. If you haven’t seen it and are interested, link is below. But beware; it attempts to hypnotize. Especially note the pervasive background music and the young, innocent girl who lures you in. PSYOP!!


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