Chiloquin man to pay for lifting New York Post photos

Title 28 Definition 15 (a)“United States” a Federal corporation.  Michael J. McShane was appointed by CEO Barack Obama, doesn’t that make this a corporate court?  Coupled with the 14th Amendment, which declares every American a subject, doesn’t logic dictate that we are no more than property of a corporation that is in violation of the ratified law of our people’s Bill of Rights?  

This is an act of treason, electronically signed, sealed, and delivered.  And do make sure you understand that no administrative admiralty courts can exist with jurisdiction over a free individual sovereign national.

I guess they put this in the paper to see how many subjects will acquiesce to their fraud.  Judge McShane and Chris Sadowski are guilty of treason and sedition.

Corporation is defined: an artificial being created by law, composed of a
number of persons who subsist as one body with definite provisions as to their rights, continued existence, etc, within the scope of a charter, as a government of a town, a stock company, or commercial activity, or the like. (Source: The Winston Dictionary)

Republic is defined: a state or country in which the supreme power is held
by a certain portion of the people as a whole who elected their own representatives, officers responsible directly to the people. (Source: The Winston Dictionary)

This is the dreaded admiralty subjugation that our founding fathers fought to free us from, and now, through treachery and absolute violation of ratified law, here we are again.  Yet how many people understand what has happened and that they have been reduced to corporate property with our common law courts with judges elected by we the people under our common law superior authority being usurped by an international corporate mafia and their blackwater private enforcers of their treachery, we know better as police?

They can write it down on a piece of paper and electronically sign it, but it still remains a violation of the ratified law that is the Bill of Rights.

Hey you, the average reader, how do you like the way you are being treated in these unlawful corporate courts, and the fact that you are being told that the government, hence the corporate aristocracy, is the master and you are the servant?  Your great great great great great grandfathers would not be subjugated, will you?

By the way, I am not and never claimed to be a ‘sovereign citizen’, that would make me a subject.  In the sworn affidavit for the mandamus I filed titled The Common Law Writ for the Mandamus for the Response, note I made this perfectly clear.

They printed this to scare you.  They and all the retards that vote make up in gross about 20% of the population.  They would do anything to make our mass majority fear their tiny minority.

I would file charges of treason and sedition against both of them, but I have no court to file in, as the supreme courts of this country, the people’s common law courts, where only the individual free sovereign can file, as an individual, has been removed and replaced by a District Attorney who swears his oath to the corporation and not the people.

Who rules this country?  The people or what were our servants, before the unlawful formation of the corporation that replaced the Republic, in violation of the 9th Article of the RATIFIED SUPREME LAW contained in our Bill of Rights.  There is no higher law and the corporation is a fraud, and they know it, and they fear the American people finding out.

Herald and News – by Nick Morgan, Medford Mail Tribune

A Klamath County man who runs a conspiracy-laden website will have to pay a photographer on the other side of the country more than $14,000 for photos lifted from the New York Post without permission more than four years ago.

Henry Shivley of Chiloquin, who runs the website, was ordered Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Medford to pay damages of $14,735 to New Jersey-based freelance photographer Chris Sadowski, ruling that Shivley used Sadowski’s copyrighted photos in a pair of 2015 news reports about high-profile wrecks in the New York area.

Shivley lifted Sadowski’s photos — and the bulk of the accompanying New York Post reports — of a man who reportedly tried to run over New York Port Authority officers in a January 2015 rampage, and a fatal February 2015 crash that killed CBS “60 Minutes” correspondent Bob Simon, according to court documents.

Sadowski filed his lawsuit against Shivley in September of last year, court records show. He said in court filings that he learned in April 2017 that Shivley’s website was using his photographs without authorization, and that his lawyers’ efforts to reach Shivley by August 2018 were unsuccessful.

Shivley filed a response to the lawsuit in October of last year, which U.S. District Judge Michael McShane said was thrown out because it was composed of “quasi-legal gibberish and ‘sovereign citizen’ arguments.”

“Once this action was filed, Shivley filed the entirely frivolous response, in which he accused plaintiff and plaintiff’s counsel of treason and sedition for attempting to defend plaintiff’s copyrights,” McShane wrote Wednesday. “Shivley has otherwise refused to participate in this action.”

On Shivley’s website, he calls the ruling that struck his reply a “fraudulent order” that came from a “fraudulent private corporate court.”

Other parts of Shivley’s website contain conspiracy theories such as alleging the false claim that former president Barack Obama attended Columbia University as foreign student “Barry Soetoro,” according to a “Know Your Enemy” tab on the website.

The fact-checking website has proved that the supposed 1981 student ID with a photo of Obama was faked, in part because it has a barcode, something the university didn’t incorporate until 1996.

Most of the content on Shivley’s website is pasted from other news sources, with links back to the original site.

McShane ordered Shivley to pay triple Sadowski’s median licensing fee of $1,622.50 per photo, and the minimum statutory damages under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of $2,500 per photo.

38 thoughts on “Chiloquin man to pay for lifting New York Post photos

  1. “Shivley filed a response to the lawsuit in October of last year…”U.S. District Judge Michael McShane said was thrown out because it was composed of “quasi-legal gibberish and ‘sovereign citizen’ arguments.”

    So this is how they view our RATIFIED LAW.

  2. This verdict is illegal as hell, no way does this Mcshane have any authority to do anything. This is like watching a cartoon. Henry is being used as a prop in a circus.

    This plaintiff is no more than a Jew circus barker.

  3. Well that isn’t biased writing whatsoever. Where is the victim in this? What damages did this man incur? This whole thing is a fraud to target henry and I am completely disgusted by this tyranny. “the minimum statutory damages under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of $2,500 per photo.” Screw your stupid unlawful acts that violate our rights.

      1. Like henry mentioned before how can you copyright the world around you? Plus they can’t prove he incurred any financial damages as henry did not profit in anyway from the sharing of these photos. These are nothing but color of law dictates and a complete violation of the bill of rights.

  4. Yep, illegal under natural law. But the heaviness of the fines makes me think this McShane character was taking it out on Henry, personally.

  5. Another 260,000 people have just clicked on this site. And that’s a blessing from the gods, free publicity and teachings of the Bill of Rights. A major newspaper in Medford just gave Henry more publicity than he could ever have imagined!

    These idiots in New Jersey are morons…yeah, keep on pushing you idiots!

  6. “A Klamath County man who runs a conspiracy-laden website”…

    Can’t Nick Morgan the author of this news piece be charged for calling the new articles that are posted at FTT as “conspiracy?” Is he saying that the mainstream news outlets are spewing “conspiracy?”

  7. More in your face injustice. They are basically saying: “You may be right, but we have the power to trample on you, so what are you going to do about it?”

  8. ‘Fact Checking’….with Snopes? My Fkng god. This is how low we’ve stooped? That site is beyond a joke. This whole thing leaves me disgusted and nauseous.

  9. All I will add here is that every last one of these criminals as we know them to be, have placed their names to the treason docket, and will be dealt with accordingly. I hope Their desire for mammon comforts them as they convulse into hades as they are hung for their crimes against all of us.

    Assuming of course they are not taken out in the initial rebellion that is coming.

    I have had plenty of past experience with this criminal corporate court system, State, Federal and local, and it is a racket and true piracy. If I was aware of the Mandamus then, I would have used it too, and the response would be the same, they claim dominion over us and inform us of their intent to subjugate so how do we plead is their question. (Scum).

    May the ignorant and profane who are now curious to come and see what this horrible, scary, supremacist website is all about, do so and see that it is not, what it is being categorized as, and with this realization may more thousands of fellow American Nationals awaken to certain truths and join us here, please also contribute and participate and learn.

    We are from all different walks of this life and our cause is that of our original founders, the real founders, our bill of rights and the full and complete restoration of our people’s courts which no longer exists. Make no mistake, we are at war and these maggot scum know it.

    Careful globalist traitor scum what pots you stir and decide to play in, because many of us do not play your game and your desire to hurt and injure us may result in a backwash of epic proportions.

    Kinda like all these stupid cops killing all the right people, one of these days they will actually kill the wrong person and people like these little lawyer worms will get to witness how an American National responds to such a thing, we don’t call lawyers, cops or 911. I guess that makes us barbarians, yeah..?

    DTTNWO and yes, thanks for all the people you dip-shits have sent to this site. We (Henry) has woken up many former AJ Supporters who bought into his BS…. Alex J does not believe in the bill of rights he believes in the Masonic status quo and he is part of the program.

    If you don’t see that you must be a Red hat wearing moron.

    1. All I will add here is that every last one of these criminals as we know them to be, have placed their names to the treason docket, and will be dealt with accordingly.UNDER THEIR OWN “CASE LAW”

  10. Lets have a good old.fashioned stand off.
    Im bored and my ammo might go stale if i dont use it.
    I read that in a news article my web browser stole and allowed me to print and link on a post somewhere else.

    Perhaps the post should be sued for allowing people to copy this.mans most valuable pictures that henry didnt make a dime off of while discussing the article they where

    I should shut up before i say sh!t about methford courthouses and couches.

  11. There once was man named Sadowski

    Not to be confused with cornhole Sanduski

    Thought we didn’t have a clue….

    Oh what to do….?

    I’ll bet he works for a cockscking Jew.

    and Judge McShane……

    Shame …, shame …McShame… on you.

    The best best thing to happen to him now is to cut in line at Popeyes or Chik-Fil-let and get stabbed to death.

    Remember it’s

    “National Fast Food Stabbing Month”.

    What a douche ….. bag.

    and fk spelchk and google mail.

  12. Theres only one way, and one language that will be effective and understood. Time is ticking. They care not about us, our rights or any argument that can be given regardless of its validity. I stand here ready to defend the bill of rights.

    ITS COMING……….

  14. christopher sadowski, north jersey, manhattan, etc….

    Hit a soft spot krissy kike boy? A little personal vendetta?

    Even if you aren’t, but you probably are, you don’t deserve the Christ part of your name, regardless of what you are, you spineless little prick.

    I hope you get paper cuts on your rectum that resides below your belt and not above when they are filed properly.

  15. Henry and Laura, best to you in moving through another affront of time-stealing bs, even if just the time to read it. Seems you’re sailing way above it, but for myself I’ll own that I initially felt some fear, and then it moved to anger, and then into protection mode for both of you. But I read Henry’s words: “They printed this to scare you.” And all of a sudden I calmed down. Then I found this song about The Bill of Rights:



  16. Again with this BULLSH#T???

    “McShane ordered Shivley to pay triple Sadowski’s median licensing fee of $1,622.50 per photo, and the minimum statutory damages under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of $2,500 per photo.”

    McShane can GO F$&K HIMSELF, along with every other POS TRAITOR involved in this SCHEME.

    Plenty of rope to go around.

  17. It’s 2 am and I can’t sleep
    Feel the spirit from my head to my feet
    There’s wind blowing through…A cold wind
    And it chills to the bone cause I’m thinking of you
    My brother and my sister and me as well
    We’re about to enter us into the gates of hell
    It ain’t a place that we belong
    But we’ll go there singing our battle song
    Roughshod american nationals
    With our balls and our principles of passion
    I’ll die for you my people
    And I know that for me you would do the same
    Now is the time we must stand together
    It’s time for a showdown till we end their game

    1. Thank you Bob M. For the past three nights I have had perhaps three hours each night but not a restful three. The Trenches on my mind all my waking hours….intense

  18. “Once this action was filed, Shivley filed the entirely frivolous response”…..

    Sound just like the IRS responses to correctly filed “income” tax returns. When faced with the law all they can do is call it FRIVOLOUS.

    A pack of criminals!

  19. What I find interesting is the choice of words “lifted” is this a word used in the computer/internet world or is it a word used by thiefes, they are criminals!!

    A Klamath County man who runs a conspiracy-laden website will have to pay a photographer on the other side of the country more than $14,000 for photos “lifted” from the New York Post without permission more than four years ago.

    I have heard this in movies and it was always the THIEFES using the word.

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