China: “Violent Government Thugs” Beaten To Death By Angry Crowds After They Killed A Man Documenting Their Brutality

1Revolution News

At least 4 Chengguan, the most hated police-inspectors in China, were beaten to death by angry people in Cangnan County of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province (located in the industrial southeast), after they killed a man with a hammer. The police-inspectors hit the man with a hammer until he started to vomit blood, because he was trying to take pictures of their violence towards a woman, a street vendor. The man was rushed to hospital, but died on the way.

Thousands of angry people took to the streets, surrounded the police-inspectors in their van, attacked them with stones, bats, and beat them to death. People were shouting that the police-inspectors be killed on the spot for what they did: “Kill them! Kill them!”  

These police-inspectors are notoriously violent, are rarely investigated or punished for their crimes, and are terrorizing people making a living. The Chengguan, which are a special combination between regular police and state inspectors, are called “violent government thugs” in China, thousands of them are on the state payroll in at least 656 cities. In July 2013, they beat to death a man and almost killed his wife, for trying to sell watermelon they had grown on their land. The crime of the Chengguan police sparked riots in the province of Guizhou. 

It’s not clear what happened, though, but the responsibility for murdering the bystander taking pictures lays with the Chengguan. Among people there circulates a version of the events that claims that the police-inspectors hired some men to beat the bystander up after he tried to film them. The police-inspector ran so he could not be accused of being related to the murder. Apparently these Chengguan police proceed like this every time they meet people attempting to document or stop their violence.  

Numerous police troops were deployed to disperse the crowds, but people kept protesting and demanded that media report what happened. Police used tear-gas and fired warning shots in the air, but could not control the angry crowds, which kept growing.

The images are very brutal. The woman lying on the street is the one abused by the Chengguan police. The dead men in the bus and beside it are the Chengguan police.  

Similar police violence against workers and street vendors led to at least two insurrections  against the state back in 2011.

man killed by Chengguan april 19 2013

murder weapon of Chengguan














More pics here:

12 thoughts on “China: “Violent Government Thugs” Beaten To Death By Angry Crowds After They Killed A Man Documenting Their Brutality

  1. Awesome justice, I have absolutely no sympathy for these so called inspectors, I hope they rot in hell… Good job people, maybe the others will take notice and act decently toward their fellow man! God bless us all…

  2. It appears by these few photos that the violence in China is being carefully covered up by their government thugs.I have a feeling that it’s much worse than anyone knows outside China.People seem to forget that China is still a brutal dictatorship similar to Stalins Soviet Russia.If the people can’t take the government crackdowns,then large scale violence is going to happen,it’s in human nature.Can anyone even imagine how bad it could get if nation wide riots broke out in a country of more than one billion people?

  3. I was going to suggest that having a few Chinks over here might not be such a bad idea, but I guess that adopting this one aspect of their culture would be enough.

    I guess they’ve just been tolerating it longer than we have, but I sure hope Americans follow suit real soon.

    The first thing Americans need to do is start hanging out in the street again rather than sitting in front of the tube and isolating themselves from their community.

  4. Don’t worry guys, if you think (or want) stuff like that to happen here, it will and likely soon, for this reason: it has been said that the Chinese people do not value life (female infanticide and all that, plus the stereotypes)..well, it’s getting to the point where neither do Americans (all war all the time, Black Friday riots, lack of empathy for the poor and homeless, like the Pharisees lack of empathy for the widows and orphans which Christ usually called them for, etc.) value life, and it ain’t just the Obamanation liberals, either…the war loving neocons and Israel-firsters are just as bad, as are the Ayn Rand libertarians…”are there no workhouses? are there no prisons?…”

  5. “Among people there circulates a version of the events that claims that the police-inspectors hired some men to beat the bystander up after he tried to film them. The police-inspector ran so he could not be accused of being related to the murder. Apparently these Chengguan police proceed like this every time they meet people attempting to document or stop their violence.”

    Yep, I have seen this many times when I was in China. The police or a small street gang pay and set people up to fall and then after they run away and the shit starts, they come back and try to stop what they started in the first place and pretend that they had nothing to do with it. One big scam.

    Hey, that sounds an awful lot like what our government did during the Boston Marathon, the LAX shooting, the Aurora Theater shooting and all the other false flag incidents, now doesn’t it? And people still think we are not living in a Communist country. So sad.

    “The police-inspectors hit the man with a hammer until he started to vomit blood, because he was trying to take pictures of their violence towards a woman, a street vendor.”

    By the way, in China, you NEVER, EVER have a man beat up a woman. That’s guaranteed to start a riot. It’s a culture thing for them. If a man beats up a woman in public, literally the whole town will come after you, whether you are policeman, foreigner or whoever and beat the shit out of you. That’s what happened here.

    However, if it happens here in the U.S., thousands of people just stand back and take photos, while a few cops beat the shit out of them and grab their phones. I don’t get it. I thought we had more balls than the Chinese? Hopefully after the Bundy incident, people will start to grow a pair and do the same.

    1. “However, if it happens here in the U.S., thousands of people just stand back and take photos, while a few cops beat the shit out of them and grab their phones. I don’t get it.”

      Not nearly as many idiot box addicts in China, maybe?

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