Chris Dorner and the Reality of the Situation

chris dornerWe have yet to determine if Christopher Dorner is even so much as a presently alive person, as many aspects of the scenario being put forth in the mainstream propaganda simply just do not add up.  Considering the long list of sheriffs across the US declaring their support for our 2nd Amendment, could there be another angle?  When the lists of these constitutional sheriffs started enumerating exponentially with the full support of we American nationals, the communists attacked this reality by labeling the constitutional sheriffs as rogues who would go against the status quo authority.

Could the powers that be be so out of touch with reality as to have orchestrated this cop gone wild scenario without realizing the backlash which could occur?  Do they really think they can paint a picture wherein a rogue cop declaring moral authority to attack and murder, would also be believed to support infringements upon the rights of we the people?  A ‘good cop’, ‘bad cop’ all rolled into one with the idea being to establish the mainstream communist occupying police force as an acceptable alternative to chaos? 

Let’s face it.  We have a full blown operational police state in California; complete with road blocks, house to house searches, and the gunning down of innocent civilians in place, and to date, our military has failed to put it down and reinstitute constitutional law and order.  However, we have observed this incident is serving to remove all doubt as to the intentions of the communists in California.

What is truly fascinating is to see the talking heads on Fox News (the false right paradigm) lashing out at we the people and our new found propensity for politically incorrect exercise of our 1st Amendment right to free speech.  One such fellow, speaking as if he were regurgitating bile, relayed that support for the idea of Christopher Dorner is exploding online.

Kind of ironic I guess, as the totalitarian actions of the California police state in response to Dorner is in theory precisely what motivated his actions in the first place and is now indeed being condemned through public support for Dorner.  I guess it is kind of like the federal insurgents having to turn the people’s White House into an armed fortress.  The very fact that more and more effort and resources have to be committed to protecting the government from we the people demonstrates the lie that says we the people support the communist takeover.

Once a single lie upon which a mountain is built is revealed and dispelled, the mountain begins to crumble, as the mountain of lies stands on the foundation of the single lie.

I believe things are going to get far worse, and in a hurry.  We have been granted a very little bit of time via the fumbling and bumbling by the communists in trying to coordinate the various aspects of their final solution.  Do not waste that time.  Organize, arm, equip, and train, NOW!

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

11 thoughts on “Chris Dorner and the Reality of the Situation

  1. yea, this mountain of lies is seems to be just getting bigger and bigger. Yepper, This really seems to me that this is just an excuse to go house to house to search and for a road stops and even an opportunity for the PD`s for training exercises to train the rookies and police dogs…………… They say that Dorner has flight training – well I can see Dorner stealing a plane and just crashing it into the LAPD or maybe at one of those cop funerals where there would be a high concentration of police present.

    1. Lakota, ND a farmer was chased by a drone when his cattle strayed into a neighbor’s pasture. THAT was the first case of Balde Runner stalking to kill by drone. Happened last year

  2. “What is truly fascinating is to see the talking heads on Fox News (the false right paradigm) lashing out at we the people and our new found propensity for politically incorrect exercise of our 1st Amendment right to free speech. One such fellow, speaking as if he were regurgitating bile, relayed that support for the idea of Christopher Dorner is exploding online.”

    Because people are fed up and are looking for justice. Dorner has become something of a folk hero, instead of the big bad bogie man. The Trolls in power do not comprehend that. If Dorner is in fact a false flag (many of us now belive this) then it has blown up in their faces!
    Let’s face it, an entire generation has been born and grew up without a John Wayne-type hero. Instead, they have grown up under the umbrella of Big Brother and it’s socialist agenda.
    I cannot help laughing at some of the foolishness. I recently heard a fag give me hell because he thought his right to marry his gayfriend was more important. I calmly suggested that the Constitutionality of the 2nd amendment protected even his sick right to free speach. Needless to say, the faggot just didn’t understand that when guns are banned, his “freedom” of perversion would be outlawed.
    Then we have the crowd that says, “I don’t think anyone should have a gun.”
    Of course that is base on “feelings” and emotion, not on the black on white letter of the Constitution. So it’s true They really don’t think! They have been indoctrinated with the programming that Big Brother is in charge and everything is going to be OK.

  3. “Could the powers that be be so out of touch with reality as to have orchestrated this cop gone wild scenario without realizing the backlash which could occur?”

    Orchestrating wild scenarios is all they can do, and they’re grasping at straws to maintain their influence over the American people by doing so.
    What they’re out of touch with is the fact that they’ve lost all credibility, and they fail to realize that the American people are quickly discovering exactly who’s behind all these wild scenarios. They’re quickly losing control, because Todo (Toto? — Dorothy’s little dog) has pulled the curtain off the great and powerful Oz.

    They will soon orchestrate another wild scenario, and one after that, and they’ll all get wilder and scarier with every failed attempt. It’s all they can do until they realize they had better flee the country and try to hide somewhere.

  4. What kills me is all of the unconstitutional scare tactics these clowns have been shoveling for the last 8 years, drones, illegal searches, buying up of bullets, homeland security, school shootings, infringement of our 2nd amendment rights, etc. etc…… Just got swirled down the toilet. This one guy just flushed all of that.

    Let’s not forget these idiots also killed innocent people looking for this guy…. crickets chirping from the mainstream cowards..

    1. Yet today on MSN there is a map of alll the gun violence
      I got news for you gun grabbing f#@kers,
      Go ahead and pass your laws, especially if you want a few million more Dorner’s roaming around looking for you!

  5. I don’t think they really care if they’re “out of touch with the people”.
    No matter how big a story is, they ram the official al narrative down our throats until questioning it becomes an act of treason.
    It seems to me things are damping up pretty quickly.

    1. I think it was ben franklin that said “questioning gubberment is the HIGHEST form of patriotism, so lets all get high and question EVERYTHING. As I see it we have to escape this “SLAVE MENTALITY” They are nothing more than out of control servants dont ask em shit, START TELLING and remember FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER they only have cheap words coming from empty suits and have no real substance.

  6. when the first ‘gang’ comes for the first gun grab..NY, CALF….the first shot will be the beginning of the end to tryanny

  7. Having dealt with these scumbag POS cops here most of my life, is it any wonder I don’t go out much, other than to work, and then Starbucks at night to post?

    I REALLY hate this city (and state!).

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