Global Research – by Hans Stehling
There are estimated, today, to be in excess of 40 million, mainly white, fundamentalist, Christian Zionists in America, primarily in the South. They believe that supporting Israel is a biblical issue, not a political one and they comprise the largest pro-Israel bloc in the United States which believes that God gave Israel to His ‘chosen people’, the Jews.
The Zionist evangelical faith is rooted in the belief that God keeps his promises.
“God gave the land of Israel to the Jews, forever and God blesses those who bless the Jews and God curses those who curse the Jews and if we want God to bless us and God wants us to bless America, then we have to bless the Jews.”
It will be noted that the Zionist movement is not altruistic but self-serving. Its support for Israel is not based on any inherent liking for Jews or Jewish Israelis but rather upon the imperative to follow the words of the bible, which they hold to be sacrosanct.
That is, however, not the whole story. The Christian Zionist movement believes that the ‘Second Coming of Christ’ will only occur when all Jews have been gathered together in Israel and baptised into the Christian faith. This is an anachronistic belief of fundamentalist Christianity, long jettisoned by a majority of the Christian peoples of the world but retained by the Evangelical Christian minority, particularly in America. To Jews, it is anathema – but they accept the concrete political benefits of such a fantasy for without the financial support of the fundamentalist Christian Zionist movement in America, there would be no state of Israel.
Evangelical Christian Zionists (in close association with Jewish Zionists) virtually control both Houses of Congress, and, therefore, the US Presidency. They work not only through the powerful AIPAC lobby but through their political influence in the majority of the states of the Union. This means that they have gained an extraordinarily undue influence over US foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East.
And they are instrumental in ensuring that Congress provides the Israeli government with billions of dollars’ worth of planes, guns, bombs and other armaments, every 12 months, all paid for by the gullible American tax payer.
This latest act of stupidity by current US President Donald Trump, in declaring the UN-designated, international City of Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel is an act of futility that is ultra vires Trump’s authority as it violates international law, and is consequently void. Furthermore, it is doubtful that any other state, (apart from the Philippines), would even consider moving diplomatic missions from Tel Aviv, Israel’s de facto capital.
Christian Zionist are going to burn in hell for supporting this Israel crap.. Fake as hell people who have know Idea what the hell they are talking about. How many times has the Bible been re-written?
Burn in hell? Maybe. but I’d rather they repent of this false doctrine…when their “rapture” doesn’t happen when they think it will, maybe they will repent (and stop sending false prophets millions of their “tithes”).
Memo to Hans Stehling: God promised the land to ABRAHAM AND HIS SEED!!! And his SEED is Jesus Christ! Not “Jews,” not Khazars, not Ashkenazim (descendants of Ashkenaz, grandson of Japheth), not the Synagogue of Satan (and its unholy book, the Talmud), and not a bunch of Jesus-hating Judaics! Re-read Genesis 12:3 while you’re at it! And stop watching John “false prophet” Hagee on TV or reading his apostate books!
Exactly. Christian Zionism is pure fraud, based on a blatantly false reading of the Bible.
*** The Zionist evangelical faith is rooted in the belief that God keeps his promises.
“God gave the land of Israel to the Jews, forever and God blesses those who bless the Jews and God curses those who curse the Jews…” ***
There is no such passage in the Bible. God said the above about ABRAHAM, the man, NOT about “the Jews.” And the New Testament makes clear that “Abraham’s children” are those who follow Jesus, NOT those who are merely descended from Abraham by physical lineage (even supposing that were true of today’s Israelis). It’s right there in black and white, e.g., in Galatians 3:28-29.
In fact, Jesus himself said that it’s possible to be physically descended from Abraham and still be a child of the DEVIL. This is seen in Chapter 8 of John’s gospel, especially John 8:37-44.
Christian Zionists have been deceived into supporting modern-day Pharisees, the children of the Devil.
Think about it. Trump just gave himself a BIG bargaining chip, for free. Just one little sentence & the whole world erupts. I thinks it’s a brilliant move!
Bargaining chip for what? A free trip to lollypop land? People have already been killed, that makes this Jew loving conman a murderer. Right now, a hemp necktie is in his future.
“God gave the land of Israel to the Jews, forever and God blesses those who bless the Jews and God curses those who curse the Jews and if we want God to bless us and God wants us to bless America, then we have to bless the Jews.”
This is the kind of ANTI-CHRIST PROPAGANDA that gives TRUE CHRISTIANS a bad rap.
In the first place, these RETARDS don’t know the difference between a Hebrew and a STINKING jEW. In the second place, God’s promise to the HEBREWS was that Israel would always be theirs… AS LONG AS THEY REMAINED FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD. That didn’t happen, so even LEGITIMATE HEBREWS (if you could find any these days, that is) have no claim to the land any longer.
I’ll be perfectly honest… I would put a round right between the eyes of a POS Zionist ‘Christian’ just as quick as I would a STINKING jEW!!!!!
And I GUARANTEE they won’t be entering those Pearly Gates afterwards!
Aahh … but it is refreshing to see folks who truly understand the fraud of these Edomite imposters and that it is allowed to be put into print. Very little truth can be broached over at SHTF Plan without being censored. The book of Obadiah is surely being fulfilled as all their evil deeds are being sought up and exposed.
Well sir .. I do recant. They did print my comment over at that other website. May God open the eyes of His people.
If you’re searching for the unadulterated truth, you’ve come to the right site, Jeff. We don’t sugar-coat anything, no subject is taboo, and only liars are censored here.
btw, here is what I know of the stinking jews…
Perhaps given a chance the governing body of Palestine would open their embassy in Jew use salem.?
Twisted Sister song Burn in Hell 1986?
For Peter at 8:50 pm:
Hi Angel 🙂 Before they burn in hell, they gotta meet “street justice” by twisted sister.
😀 😉
Look at the bright side.
If the capital of Israel. ..moves to Jerusalem.
We just about have all the major religions in a centralized location.
If we can just move the Vatican there …
Then we would have the path of least resistance to wipe out all population control religions by divine intervention and an asteroid hitting in one kill shot.
Then we become the mop up crew.
For Martist, December 10, 2017 at 4:16 am:
Thank you, Angel! I knew if anyone could help, you were the gal! 🙂