CLAIM: Cell towers across the USA are broadcasting brain resonance frequencies to disrupt human minds, says former DARPA scientist

Natural News – by David Gutierrez

A former DARPA scientist who held a top security clearance has warned that transmissions from cell phone towers constitute a “terrorist act” against the civilian population.

Dr. Paul Batcho holds a PhD from Princeton University, and spent nearly three years working for DARPA at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the field of computational physics.  

DARPA is the branch of the Department of Defense responsible for studying emergent military technologies.

While some of Batcho’s claims are certainly controversial, his insistence that civilians are being harmed by cell phone towers is likely to be true. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies cell phone tower radiation as a “probable carcinogen.”

‘Terrorist act’

Batcho has sent numerous letters to federal security agencies, including DARPA and the Department of Homeland Security, claiming that he has identified a “terrorist” threat from cellular towers “in central Florida, and Tampa St Petersburg.”

“I seem to have stumbled across an advanced technology that I would classify as synthetic telepathy,” he wrote in one such missive. “It clearly uses the cellular towers to transmit illegal signals. It sounds unbelievable but it is actual technology being used on civilians of the US.

“My basic research does indicate that such technology can exist and dates back to the V2K (P300) mind wave technology of the 1970s. This does appear to be a much more advanced version that allows open communication of human mind to mind bridges.”

According to Batcho, the internal radiofrequency (RF) generated by the electrical impulses of the human brain is 450 MHz, and this is why Ham radio operators are not allowed to transmit between 400 and 700MHz. Although he says that cellular phones transmit at 853 MHz, he still calls for the installation of filters to prevent phones and towers from transmitting in the 400 to 700 MHz range.

“The verified measurement and existence of these RF band transmissions constitutes a terrorist act,” he writes.

“These transmissions will cause harmful health affects in the form of enhanced microwave radiation illness,” he continues. “It is imperative that these frequency bands be measured and verified by an official source. These frequency bands do not exist naturally, and there is a technology targeting individuals.”

Major research gap

In the emails released to the public, Batcho makes only a single mention of telepathy, mostly emphasizing instead his concern over the health risks of RF transmissions. And while the specifics of his concerns may be controversial, there is indeed an ongoing scientific debate about the health impacts of RF radiation from cell phone towers.

Unlike ionizing radiation, RF radiation is typically too low energy to cause direct damage to cells or DNA – except at very high levels found close to high-powered equipment like long-distance transmitters. That’s why U.S. regulatory agencies have typically assumed that the RF radiation from cell phone towers is harmless.

But the International Agency for Research on Cancer disagrees. That’s because cell phone towers emit the same type of radiation as cell phones, and a growing body of evidence is linking the latter to cancer, nerve tumors, and a variety of other health risks. It is this research that has led many European governments and institutions to try to limit children’s exposure to RF radiation from cell phones and WiFi.

The RF radiation from cell phone towers is 100 times weaker than that from cell phones, but is scattered much closer to the ground. Because very few studies have been conducted on the health effects of these towers, it is impossible to know what the risks really are.

Batcho, at least, thinks he knows.

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9 thoughts on “CLAIM: Cell towers across the USA are broadcasting brain resonance frequencies to disrupt human minds, says former DARPA scientist

  1. Frying our brains from yet another angle.

    Is there a government and/or corporate position we’re NOT being attacked from?

    Food, medicine, education, legal, financial, media, and now micro-waves too.

  2. I recall a story about that technology being employed in Irag war to “beam” “Voices” into the heads of the enemies…I have always figured they are using this stuff domestically and is most likely part of a larger mass mind manipulations….this is actually a very big story that won’t make the regular nightly news…

    1. Yes, there have been studies done on that subject. If memory serves, the idea wasn’t to interact directly with the brain (I don’t think that’s even possible), but to use microwave beams to modulate the eardrum. Supposedly the idea was to use the beam to alternately heat the eardrum and then allow it to cool in rapid sequence, causing it to vibrate much like an audio speaker vibrates according to the signal it gets from your stereo (or iTunes, etc.). The result would be the ability to make a person at a distance hear a voice or other sounds according to what was beamed into his ears.

      I’ve never heard of them having any success with this research, but it doesn’t surprise me that the Evil Empire would attempt such a thing.

      1. #1 nwo hatr knows the name of the project the U.S. Army used to effectively clear birds from runways. I saw it on their official site and they abandoned it in 2009 for some reason, if my memory serves correctly. I did see it with my own eyes, to my disbelief. Doubt it was scrapped and definitely black-budgeted imho. Sorry I couldn’t remember the name.

  3. They know your electrical frequencies.
    I have read that these signals can be interrupted in your sleeping dream state.
    Without out going into detail.
    That since I have gone off grid away from their cell towers and smart meters and dirty jew electrical power.
    I dream once again… like an unadulterated child in my dream state.
    Did you know that Angels don’t have genitalia.
    Well there ya go.
    Think about that one for a while.

  4. Which is why I am glad we cannot use a cell phone here…because we do not have access to cell towers. One of the best things about living around Big Bend region.

  5. It is certainly possible that long-term exposure to high levels of RF/microwave radiation can increase the risk of certain health problems. Even though this isn’t ionizing radiation, it could conceivably do damage through other biophysical mechanisms. The jury is still out, but in the meantime, it’s best to limit exposure. Try not to hold your cell phone too close to your ear for long periods of time. Don’t let your child sleep with a cell phone close to his or her head every night. That sort of thing.

    *** According to Batcho, the internal radiofrequency (RF) generated by the electrical impulses of the human brain is 450 MHz, and this is why Ham radio operators are not allowed to transmit between 400 and 700MHz. ***

    The human brain’s electrical waves don’t operate anywhere near 450 MHz. The highest frequency brain waves are gamma waves, which max out around 100 Hz (just plain Hz, not MHz). 450 MHz is 4.5 million times greater than 100 Hz.

    As for the radio frequency range of 400-700 MHz, that’s part of the UHF band and is widely used for TV broadcasting and other purposes. Most areas of the radio spectrum are allocated for one purpose or another, and it varies by country; but none of it has anything to do with brain waves.

    No offense, JR, but this Batcho guy sounds like a wacko. His Ph.D. from Princeton sounds impressive enough, but it doesn’t preclude the possibility that he eventually became delusional.

    Nevertheless, many of DARPA’s activities are a very real threat to lives and freedom in the US and all around the world. The US government is evil, so any technology developed for its use will eventually be used for evil.

  6. As a licensed ham operator (not very active) KB5FCL , I am compelled to point out that the US Amateur Radio Bands chart effective date May 6, 2008 shows that the 70cm band (420.0 – 450.0 MHz) open for use by Extras, Advanced, General, and Technicians. The next higher band open to amateurs is the 33cm (902.0 – 928.0 MHz). That being said, I am certain that there are certain frequencies in the MHz range that are quite harmful to us humans. I have read some articles on this in the past but I might hazard a guess of maybe somewhere around 850MHz. Ring any bells for anyone else?

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