Cleaning up after the China Trade Summit Looks Exactly Like I Said it Would

The Great Recession

That didn’t take long. On Saturday, well before the US stock market opened post-China-trade-talks, I wrote:

The next step for the market would likely be that the remaining stock indices that have not pushed past their own previous peaks would now punch through. By that … I meant those indices like the Dow that were very close to breaking past their old heights

Best-Case Scenario Has a Worst-Case Twist“  

No surprise. The very day the market re-opened, the Dow pushed intraday past its previous record and then failed and ended the day lower than it began. I won’t be surprised to see it try again, but it won’t get far beyond that point, and probably won’t hold long because …

More importantly, I wrote:

With the Xi summit being something Trump can trumpet about for one or two toots, I would not be surprised to see the Dow break through its past ceiling due to the market’s relief that the G-20 did not result in tariff escalation that had been threatened. However, I also gave a major caveat in my best-case scenario, so hang on: “Well, the market has clearly already priced in a trade agreement being reached — also, with apparently 100% certainty — so hope won’t buy a lot more headroom at the market’s top because it’s the same hope that investors have been spending all along….” That means the market likely gets a boost as it raises a cup of cheer to tariff relief…. That will be short-lived.

Well, it was even more short-lived than I thought it would be. While the S&P 500 scratched out a new record, the Dow didn’t even hold through the day, and both are starting today in the red.

Read the rest here: The Great Recession

One thought on “Cleaning up after the China Trade Summit Looks Exactly Like I Said it Would

  1. “No surprise. The very day the market re-opened, the Dow pushed intraday past its previous record and then failed and ended the day lower than it began.”

    The only surprise here is that anyone is still falling for this sh#t.

    Stock market – TOTALLY CONTROLLED.

    Waste of time trying to figure it out… only a FOOL would invest (WASTE) any mammon in it.

    Get a clue, dude.

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